Definitions "C" Flashcards
Capital Resources
Money or financing to charter new projects, purchase equipment, contract labor or other physical resources.
Cause and Effect Diagrams
Diagrams that are used for root cause analyses of what factors are creating the risks within the project. The goal is to identify and treat the root of the problem, not the symptom. Also called Ishikawa diagrams and fishbone diagrams.
Centralized Contracting
All contracts for all projects need to be approved through a central contacting unit within the performing organization.
The individual who defends the project, ensures resources for the project work, and has authority over the project resources. The champion works with the project manager, and project team to ensure that the project is successful in the environment. This person is often the project sponsor but could also be the project customer.
Change Control Board (CCB)
Determines the validity and need for project change request and approves or denies them.
Change Control System (CCS)
An internal process the project manager can user to block anyone, including management, from changing the deliverables of a project without proper justification. Change control requires the requestor to have an excellent reason to attempt a change, and then it evaluates the proposed changes impact on all facets of the project.
Change Impact Statement
A formal response from the project manager to the originator of a Project Change Request form. It is a summary of the project managers proposed plan to incorporate the changes. Usually this is a listing of the paths and trade-offs the project manager is willing to implement.
Change Log
A document that records all proposed changes in the project, the effect of each change, the change request status, and relevant information about each change request.
Chart of Accounts
A coding system used by the performing organizations accounting system to assign the cost for project work. This is a predefined table of costs for project or organization use for commonly completed activities. Ex: a programmers time is worth $150 per hour regardless of which programmer is assigned to the project.
A list of activities that workers check to ensure the work has been completed consistently. Checklists are used in quality control.
The period when a project or phase moves through formal acceptance to bring the project or phase to an orderly conclusion.
Cloud-based Solutions vs On-premises solutions
Cloud-based solutions are technical solutions that are provided via web technologies, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Google Cloud. On-premises solutions are also technical solutions but are provided via local hardware and solutions on the organizations private network.
Code of Accounts
A numbering system that shows the different levels of WBS components and identifies which components belong to which parts of the WBS.
Coercive Power
The type of power that comes with the authority to discipline the project team members. Also known as penalty power. It is generally used to describe the power structure when the team is afraid of the project manager.
Collective Bargaining Agreements
Contractual agreements initiated by employee groups, unions, or other labor organizations. They may act as a constraint on the project.
Communication Channel Formula
A formula to predict the number of communication channels within a project; the formula is N (N-1) / 2, where N represents the number of stakeholders.
Communications Management Plan
A plan that documents and organizes stakeholder needs for communication. This plan covers the communications system, its documentation, the flow of communication, modalities of communication, schedules for communications, information retrieval, and any other stakeholder requirements for communications. The plan may also address communications for virtual teams and consider time zone differences, language differences, and cultural norms in each location where the project exists.
A conflict resolution method that requires both parties to give up something. The decision ultimately made is a blend of both sides of the argument. Because neither party completely wins, it is considered a lose-lose solution.
Conferencing Platforms
Web conferencing software, such as Zoom, that allows organizations to collaborate online without the need to be co-located to have the meeting.
Configuration Management
Activities focusing on controlling the characteristics of a product or service. A documented process of controlling the features, attributes, and technical configuration of any product or service. It is sometimes considered a rigorous change control system.
Constrained Optimization Methods
Complex mathematical formulas and algorithms that are use to predict the success of projects, variables within projects and tendencies to move forward with selected project investments. Examples include linear programming, integer algorithms, and multi-objective programming.
Consultative Decision-Making Process
Occurs when the project team meets with the project manager, and together they may arrive at several viable solutions. The project manager can then take the proposed solutions and make a decision based on what they think is best for the project.
Contingency Plan
A predetermined decision that will be enacted should the project go awry.
Contingency Reserve
A time or dollar amount allotted as a response to risk events that may occur within a project.
Contingency/Fallback Plans
Plans often used in technical projects to fall back or roll back to the last known good status of the environment should something go awry when the solution is implemented into production.
Continuous Quality Improvement
The theory that all practices within an organization are processes and that processes can be infinitely improved.
A legal, binding agreement, preferably written, between a buyer and seller detailing the requirements and obligations of both parties. It must include an offer, an acceptance, and a consideration.
Contract Administation
The process of ensuring that the buyer and the seller both perform to the specifications within the contract.
Contract Change Control System
System that defines the procedures for how contacts may be changed. Includes the paperwork, tracking, conditions, dispute resolution procedures, and the procedures for getting the changes approved within the performing organization.
Contract Closeout
A process for confirming that the obligations of the contract have been met as expected. The project manger, customer , key stakeholder, and, in some instances, seller complete the product verification together to confirm the contract has been completed.
Contract File
A complete indexed set of records of the procurement process incorporated into the administrative closure process. These records include financial information as well as information on the performance and acceptance of the procured work.
Control Account Plans
A control tool within the project that represents the integration of the project scope, project schedule, and budget. It allows management to measure the progress of a project.
Control Charts
Charts that illustrate the performance of a project over time. They map the results of inspections against a chart. Control charts are typically used in projects or operations that have repetitive activities such as manufacturing, test series, or help desk functions. Upper and lower control limits indicate whether values are within control or out of control.
The project is controlled and managed. The project manager controls the project scope and changes, and monitors changes to the project budget, schedule, and scope by comparing plans to actual results and taking corrective action as necessary.
Cost Baseline
Shows what the project is expected to spend. It’s usually shown in an S-curve and allows the project manger and management to predict when the project will be spending monies and over what duration. The purpose of the cost baseline is to measure and predict project performance.
Cost Budgeting
A process of aggregating the assigned cost to arrive at a budget for the entire project. This process shows costs over the execution of the project. The cost budget results in an S-curve that becomes the cost baseline for the project.
Cost Change Control
Part of the integrated change control system that documents the procedures to request, approve, and incorporate changes to project costs.
Cost Control
An active process to control causes of cost change, document cost changes, and monitor cost fluctuations within the project. When approved changes occur, the cost baseline must be updated. Unapproved changes are usually seen as a variance from the cost baseline.
Cost Estimating
The process of calculating the costs, by category, of the identified resources to complete the project work.
Cost Management Plan
A plan that details how changes to cost within the project will be estimated, planned, and controlled and what procedure will be used to report and document cost changes.
Cost of Conformance
The cost of completing the project work to satisfy the project scope and the expected level of quality. Examples include training, safety measures, and quality management activities.
Cost of Nonconformance
The cost of completing the project work without meeting the quality standards. The biggest issue here is the money lost by having to redo the project work; it’s always more cost effective to do the work right the first time. Other nonconformance costs are loss of sales, loss of customers, downtime, and corrective actions to fix problems cause by the incorrect work.
Cost Performance Index (CPI)
A ratio of the amount of actual cumulative dollars spent on a projects work and how closely that value is to the predicted budgeted amount. The CPI formula is earned value/actual costs.
Cost Variance
The difference in the amount of budgeted expense and actual expense. A negative variance means that more money was spent on the service or goods than was budgeted for it. The cost variance formula is earned value - actual costs.
Cost-benefit analysis
The ratio of the number of costs (not just financial) and the number of benefits to help an organization decide on the value of an implementation or solution. These are sometimes called cost-benefit ratios (CBR).
Cost -plus Contract
A contract that represents a set fee for the procured work plus a fee for the actual cost of the work. Some unscrupulous vendors try to use a cost plus a percentage of costs contract where they expect the project manager to pay for the cost of the materials plus a percentage fee for the materials. Cost-plus contacts are risky for buyers, as the vendor can drive the price up by actually wasting materials. There are some cost-plus contacts that include incentives and penalties if the vendor finishes early or late - though the project manger can add these terms to a fixed-fee contract.
The addition of more resources to activities on the critical path in order to complete the project earlier. Crashing results in higher project costs.
Critical Path
Shows the latest finish and the early finish for the project activities. The critical path will reveal the project duration. The critical path is represented in a project network diagram as one or more paths that equate to the longest duration of sequenced activities to reach the completion of all activities in the project.
Critical Path Method (CPM)
The most common approach to calculating when a project may finish. It uses “forward” and “backward” paths to reveal which activities are considered critical and which contain float. If activities on the critical path are delayed, the project end date will be delayed.
Customers and End-User Stakeholders
These stakeholders could be internal to the organization or quite literally customers that purchase the deliverable the project creates.