Defense Mech, Vertrees Flashcards
Defense Mechanism definitions
unconscious protection from emotional pain
keeps conflict out of conscious mind
dec anxiety
maintain sense safety and self esteem
refuses to acknowledge truth
normal in children
in adults could indicate severe pathology
attributing own personally unacceptable feelings to others
clinical syndromes with projection
paranoid delusions and hallucinations
acting out
avoiding painful feelings by behaving in attention getting socially innappropriate manner
turning an unacceptable feeling or impulse into physical Sx
HA before work because anxious
what is splitting
believing peiple or events are either all bad or all good because of intolerance of ambiguity
what is undoing
adopting acts which symbolically cancel or reverse previous unwanted act
handwashing compulsion after child develops pneumonia
abnormal: compulsive or obsessional thoughts
what are narcissistic defense mechanisms
what are immature defense mechanisms
acting out
what is displacement
unconscious transfer emotions from unacceptable to acceptable person
cant yell at boss, yell at spouse
separation function of mental illnesses, mentally separating part of consciousness from reality (forgetting events have occurred)
clinical manifestaion of dissociation
dissociative disorders
using minds higher functions to avoid experiencing uncomfortable emotions
isolation of affect
separating feelings assoc with significant uncomfortable event