Decreased cardiac output Flashcards
Decreased cardiac output
Amount of blood being pumped by the heart is less than normal
Fatigue, oliguria, cyanosis, fluid accumulation, decreased peripheral pulses
Inflammation of pericardium
Causes of pericarditis
Viral infection
Thoracic trauma
Myocardial infarction
Autoimmune conditions
Pericardial effusion
Fluid accumulation in the pericardial cavity
Swollen tissue creates friction
Cardiac tamponade
Life threatening cardiac compression from fluid accumulation
Heart cannot fill or contract
Sudden, acute, or insidious
Beck’s Triad
Low BP/ JVD/ muffled heart sounds
Constrictive pericarditis
Loss of elasticity from chronic inflammation
Pericardial sack sticks to the heart
Manifestations of pericarditis
Pericardial friction rub
Grating sound heard when holding breath
Treatment of pericarditis
Needle through chest to pop pericardial effusion sack
Window is cut to prevent reoccuring pericarditis
Infective Endocarditis
Decreased cardiac output
Infection of endocardium and heart valves commonly caused by streptococcus and staphylococcus
Causes of infective endocarditis
Risk factors of infective endocarditis
IV drug use
Valvular disorder
Prosthetic heart valves or implanted devices
rheumatic heart disease
dental cleaning or poor dentition (antibiotic before)
Manifestations of Infective Endocarditis
Osler’s nodes: painful valve blockage caused by bacteria
Janeway Lesion: not painful lesion on palm of hand
Valvular disorders
Decreased cardiac output
Mitral or aortic valve
Disruption of blood flow through the heart
narrow valve
not opening properly
Leaky valve
not closing properly
bidirectional (leaks backwards and forwards)
Arterial stenosis
Narrow aortic valve (most common valvular abnormality)
Can be congenital or rheumatic fever
Leaks back up to LV
Aortic regurgitation
Leaky aortic valve vaused by infective endocarditis or aortic root disease
Blood leaks back into LV
Mitral stenosis
Narrow mitral valve caused by rheumatic fever
Blood leaks into LA
Mitral regurgitation
Leaky mitral valve caused by CAD
Leaks from LV to LA
Tricuspid Regugitation
Leaky tricuspid valve
Usually congenital
Leaks back from RV to RA
Decreased cardiac output
Acquired/ inherited conditions that weaken and enlarge myocardium