Decline of magic - IMPACT Flashcards


What was the impact of the Boy of Burton Case (1597)

  1. Darrell’s reputation lent the case significance - a well-known exorcist was proved to have been committing fraudulent practices → scepticism of exorcism.
  2. The exposure of Darling’s lie was also evidence of the unreliability of witness testimonies → questions around using children as witnesses/ reliability of evidence
  3. The case did provoke change within the church - a canon was drawn up in 1604 forbidding the practice of exorcism without a licence - although not evidence of scepticism, it is more likely the Church was protecting its reputation.
  4. A Discovery of the Fraudulent Practises of John Darrel (1599) made knowledge of the case more widespread and led to the pamphlet war - a theological debate which centred around the power of the Devil and the reliability of exorcisms.

1.The Boy of Burton case did not lead to an overall disbelief in witchcraft, the case was viewed more as a one-off discovery of fraudulence
→ 1604 Act, which actually showed an increase in the legal severity of witchcraft.

2.The key debate over the case was more about the validity of exorcism, rather than of witchcraft - as can be seen in the pamphlet war

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