DECLINE CAUSES - Scientific Knowledge Flashcards
Who was Copernicus? P
A Polish scientist
What did Copernicus find that contradicted Aristotle?
Aristotle said everything revolves around the earth, but Copernicus found the earth moves around the sun in a perfect circle.
What is it is argued that Copernicus did?
Started the scientific revolution
What book did Copernicus write?
“On the Revolution of Heavenly Spheres” - 1542
What did Johannes Kepler find?
The earth moves around the sun at different speeds in an elliptical shape.
Planets are pushed around the sun.
Who found that the earth moves in a perfect circle around the sun?
Who found that the earth moves around the sun at different speeds in an elliptical shape and planets are pushed around the sun?
Johannes Kepler
What book did Johannes Kepler write?
“Astronomia Nova” - 1609
What did Galileo aim to prove?
Why couldn’t he do this?
The sun is at the centre.
He couldn’t mathematically prove it, leaving some questions unanswered.
What book did Galileo write? When?
What came as a result of Galileo’s book?
“Dialogue Concerning Two Chief World Systems” - 1632
It was widely published which changed many people’s way of thinking - he revolutionised our understanding of the solar system.
What happened to Galileo as a result of his work?
He was kicked out of the church.
What did Isaac Newton find/do?
Gravity pulls earth towards the sun using centrifugal force.
Confirmed the structure & workings of the universe, solidifying ideas of Galileo & Kepler etc.
Scientific knowledge impacted a decline in witchcraft belief by ________ ideas that created _____ about the ______ of ___________.
It ________ people’s _____ and _________ in ____________.
a) cemented, doubt, reality, spectral evidence
b) weakened, faith, understanding, biblical justification
Copernicus ‘The Revolution of Heavenly Spheres’ (1543) - it impacted witchcraft belief:
________ with ______ thinkers like ______, who _____ on his ideas.
New, ________ ideas as were supported by the __________ & placed the earth at the ______ of the ________.
________ impact - slowly _________ magic & witchcraft as _________ beliefs of the _____.
a) resonated, future, Kepler, built
b) accepted, Catholic Church, centre, universe
c) long-term, undermined, dominant, elite
Copernicus ‘The Revolution of Heavenly Spheres’ (1543) - DIDN’T change witchcraft belief:
Limited _______ - went against ______ & wrote at a time of ___________.
________ - limited _________ meant it was _________ to _____ his ideas.
a) influence, religion, Catholic power
b) restrictions, technology, impossible, prove
Kepler ‘Astronomia Nova’ (1609) - how did it change witchcraft belief?
What is the significance of this impact?
Different, new ideas - used science & maths to solve problems & explain mechanics of the physical world.
Changed people’s way of thinking - encouraged them to find natural causes & observe events they can’t understand (eg Galileo).
Kepler ‘Astronomia Nova’ (1609) - it DIDN’T change witchcraft belief:
Attempted to _________ ________ of _________ to prove a _____.
Didn’t ______ with _______ _____ enough as _____ were _____ to act on findings of ________.
a) demonstrate importance, observation, theory
b) resonate, enough, fast, elite, slow, scientists
Galileo ‘Dialogue Concerning Two Chief World Systems’ (1632) - CHANGED witchcraft belief:
_______ ideas - caused _______ in ______ for challenging the ______.
Clear _____ - _________ was ______ until 17__.
Reveals ______ of ideas - _____ felt _________ by his ideas towards ________.
Changed ways of _______ - _____ split from _______, something needed for _____ to find people _________.
a) different, discontent, church, Bible
b) impact, publication, banned, 1718
c) strength, church, threatened, religion
d) thinking, church, science, elite, not guilty
Galileo ‘Dialogue Concerning Two Chief World Systems’ (1632) - how DIDN’T it change witchcraft belief?
What is the significance of this impact?
Publication of his book was banned until 1718.
Limited immediate impact - it was not accessible.
Isaac Newton ‘Principia Mathematica’ (1687) - how did it change witchcraft belief?
(universe, accessible)
What is the significance of this impact?
(break, reach)
Remarkable - gave evidence for how the universe worked.
Made widely accessible - translated to other languages.
Never done before - represents break from Middle Ages.
Extended reach - in theory makes Newton highly significant.
Isaac Newton ‘Principia Mathematica’ (1687) - how DIDN’T it change witchcraft belief?
What is the significance of this impact?
Limited direct impact - took a number of decades for witchcraft legislation to be repealed & Salem hunt happened in this period.
Reveals strength of an idea - beliefs of witchcraft & magic were deeply rooted & needed direct actions of elite to force change.