CASE STUDY - BWH Context & Causes Flashcards
When was the BWH?
What was Germany known as?
The Holy Roman Empire
What are the political factors associated with the BWH?
Attitude of leaders
The law
Legal proceedings
What are the social factors associated with the BWH?
Social attitudes
Confessions & accusations
What are the religious factors associated with the BWH?
CONTEXT - what was the political structure of the HRE?
Segmented with no central authority as each state had their own leader.
CONTEXT - how many states made up the HRE?
CONTEXT - what was happening to the power of the Emperor in the HRE?
Declining over time
CONTEXT - what kind of state was Bamberg considered to be?
‘Spiritual’ as it was ruled by a religious man (prince-bishop, employed by the Church).
CONTEXT - who had been always targeted in the HRE?
What had become normal?
Heretics and Jews
Targeting a group & executing many - people became passively supportive of witch hunts, even if they weren’t active in it.
CONTEXT - who are heretics?
People against the Catholic church
CONTEXT - what happened in 1524?
300,000 peasants were killed for revolting against a state leader.
CONTEXT - what happens as things start to go wrong?
People blame it on a group
CONTEXT - how many people are estimated to have died in the 16th/17th century in the HRE as a result of witch hunts?
How many were women?
CONTEXT - what can happen if the conditions are right?
Witch trials can become easily widespread.
RELIGIOUS CONTEXT - when was the Protestant Reformation?
How did it begin?
1517 in Wittenberg with Martin Luther’s 95 Thesis that he had pinned on a church door.
RELIGIOUS CONTEXT - what happened as a result of the Protestant Reformation?
The Counter Reformation
RELIGIOUS CONTEXT - what was the Counter Reformation?
Began in 1540 by the Catholic Church as a response to the Protestant Reformation.
The aim was to flood Europe with Catholic ideology.
RELIGIOUS CONTEXT - what happened in 1555 to end both reformations?
What did this allow?
The Peace of Augsburg
Allowed Catholicism & Protestantism to be officially recognised after a series of wars & disputes.
RELIGIOUS CONTEXT - how was it decided what religion states are?
Individual state leaders choose.
RELIGIOUS CONTEXT - what was Bamberg’s religion?
What happened?
Protestants living there faced punishment & there was an undercurrent of religious social tension.
RELIGIOUS CONTEXT - where did the hunts mainly take place? Why?
In Catholic territories - it wasn’t Catholics vs Protestants, but Catholics vs Satan & his followers.
GENDER CONTEXT - what was the impact of Malleus Maleficarum?
It was believed women are more easily tempted by Satan, as seen in the Bible with Adam & Eve.
GENDER CONTEXT - how were women viewed?
Sexually deviant
There were accounts of women injuring men’s sexual organs, sleeping with the Devil & partaking in beastiality.
Social perception of women = _______ & ________ of women portrayed them as ___________ and therefore worthy of _________.
Result = people didn’t _____ about women being ________ and viewed it as worthy ________.
a) images & woodcuts
b) ‘less than human’
c) maltreatment
d) care
e) targeted
f) punishment
THIRTY YEARS WAR - when was the war?
THIRTY YEARS WAR - how did the war begin?
Emperor Ferdinand tried to force everyone to become Roman Catholic despite the Peace of Augsburg in 1555.
THIRTY YEARS WAR - how did the war impact the HRE?
It became divided.
THIRTY YEARS WAR - who did the Western states (inc. Bamberg) side with?
What did this do?
Ferdinand (Catholic), reigniting religious tensions.
THIRTY YEARS WAR - what happened to men and young boys?
What did this result in?
They were conscripted for both sides of the war so were removed from society (loss of farmers etc).
THIRTY YEARS WAR - what did leaders in the East do?
Denounced Ferdinand as their Emperor.
THIRTY YEARS WAR - what happened to anyone who deviated from or criticised the church?
They were targeted and prosecuted for being different.
THIRTY YEARS WAR - what happened to food and supplies?
They were stolen for personal greed or given to soldiers during the war effort.
THIRTY YEARS WAR - what did soldiers do?
What did this lead to?
Came into areas and impregnated women, resulting in women as being seen as sexually deviant due to the lack of a father.
ECONOMIC CONTEXT - who was targeted?
Younger women and wealthy, upper-class families.
ECONOMIC CONTEXT - what was the impact of the Thirty Years War on the economy?
What did this lead to?
Increased debt of 800,000 florins.
Taxes increased, putting pressure on the economy.
ECONOMIC CONTEXT - what was the impact of the Little Ice Age on the economy?
Wine crops were damaged in 1629 by continuous heavy rainfall.
ECONOMIC CONTEXT - what did increase in inflation lead to?
Give evidence.
Buying things became harder.
The gold content of florins decreased from 79% to 77%.
ECONOMIC CONTEXT - what happened to the rich?
They were targeted and had their property taken. Their money goes into the state, which helps to solve problems.
von AUSCHHAUSEN - when was he the leader of Bamberg?
von AUSCHHAUSEN - how would you describe his religious views?
Very strict Catholic
von AUSCHHAUSEN - what did he aim to do?
How did he do this?
Increase the presence of the Catholic Church by setting up Catholic churches and punishing those deemed not Catholic.
Set up ‘priest vaults’ where bad priests were locked away.
von AUSCHHAUSEN - what did he believe about Protestantism?
There was a connection between Protestantism and witchcraft in Bamberg.
von AUSCHHAUSEN - what did he do in 1610 to illustrate his views on Protestantism?
What did this come after?
What was the result?
Published an Ordinance announcing an investigation where Friedrich Forner will investigate and punish those using magic.
Came after a Protestant uprising in nearby Bohemia.
Found there was the most magical practice where Protestants were harboured.
von AUSCHHAUSEN - when did he publish the Ordinance announcing an investigation into magic?
von AUSCHHAUSEN - what did the investigation into witchcraft reinforce for Auschhausen?
What did this result in?
The idea that Protestantism and witchcraft are directly related
A small witch hunt.
von AUSCHHAUSEN - breifly outline the witch hunt that took place as a result of Auschhausen’s investigation into magic.
300 witches executed, 81% being women.
Ended at the beginning of the Thirty Years War as peoples focus shifted.
von DORNHEIM - when was he the leader of Bamberg?
Who did he replace?
von DORNHEIM - what did he do when he replaced Auschhausen?
Told people to ignore the war and prioritise tackling witchcraft.
This should happen violently and forcefully as Satan gets stronger and they must respond with just as much power.
von DORNHEIM - what was Dornheim nicknamed?
‘Hexenbischof’ due to his belief in tackling witchcraft
von DORNHEIM - what does Dornheim particularly believe about witchcraft?
There’s a connection between disobedience and witchcraft as people disobey God by worshipping the Devil.
If you worship the Devil, you have made a Diabolical Pact and are guilty of practicing witchcraft.
FRIEDRICH FORNER - who was he?
What was he responsible for?
Served as the Vicor General of Bamberg under both Auschhausen and Dornheim.
The administration of Bamberg, justifying why things take place.
FRIEDRICH FORNER - what did he claim about the Thirty Years War?
It’s a major concern for the Catholic Church as they must fight against the evil Protestant Church.
FRIEDRICH FORNER - how did he share his opinions regarding the Protestant Church?
In his book Panoplia Armaturae (‘the armour of God’).
FRIEDRICH FORNER - when was his book ‘Panoplia Armaturae’ published?
FRIEDRICH FORNER - what did he claim in his book ‘Panoplia Armaturae’ 1626?
Protestantism comes from the Devil, comparing them to ‘mouse turds’.
Calvinists are dangerous ‘vermin’ as they fail to recognise the practices of the Catholic Church.
The Catholic Church should carry witch trials to carry out the word of God.
FRIEDRICH FORNER - he is very __________ for __________ and _________.
FRIEDRICH FORNER - when did he die?
What followed this 2 years later?
Hunts end and there’s challenges to Dornheim with people bringing in the involvement of the Emporer and Pope.
What did the political and religious structure of Bamberg create?
An environment where witch hysteria can become widespread, causing witch hunts and no central accountability.
THIRTY YEARS WAR - who took the side of Emperor Ferdinand?
The Western states (inc Bamberg)
The Western states (inc Bamberg)
Conscription on both sides was possible, impacting the social make-up of the state.
ECONOMIC CONTEXT - people didn’t understand _______ and ________ ______ so they blamed it on _________.
a) inflation
b) currency value
c) witchcraft
ECONOMIC CONTEXT - what did Prince Bishops believe about the weather?
Removing witches may stabilise the weather.
ECONOMIC CONTEXT - what did targeting wealthy members of society mean?
Confiscating their property could be used to pay off debt.
PRINCE BISHOP von AUSCHHAUSEN - what was established under Auschhausen?
What did this do?
The culture, processes and want for witch trials.
He arguably laid the foundations for Dornheim to escalate them in a context of fear and anxiety of war/economy.
What are the causes of the Bamberg Witch Hunt?
Individuals Thirty Years War Carolina Law Code Economic Context Political & Religious structure Hereditary Guilt
How did the Counter Reformation influence the witch-trials?
Created an atmosphere were Catholics viewed Protestants as the Devil, and vice versa.
What happened under von Aschhausen’s rule?
He increased Catholic influence in Bamberg by having Catholic schools built, initial witch trials took place
Why were wealthy members of society targeted?
Their property could be confiscated and then used to pay for debts caused by the Thirty Years War
Which mayor faced extensive torture under the Carolina Law Code?
John Junius