deck_6241985 Flashcards
subfield of psych that looks at simliarties and differences in psychological functioning in and across various cultures and ethnic groups
cross- cultural psychology
reticular formation
central core
passes thru midbrain into forebrain. changes in the level of arousal of the body
brain scanning method that aims magnetic field at brain while subject performs a task
subfield of psych that focuses on assesing large scale programs to determine whether they are effective in meeting their goals
program evaluation
part of neuron that receives messages from other neuron
glial cells
hold neurons in place, provide nourishemnt , support them
type of research where existing data are examined to test a hypothesis
archival research
subfield of psych that focuses on consistency in ppl’s behavior over time and traits that differentiate one person from another
personality psychology
neurotransmitter - sleeping, mood, eating, depression
chemical info that prevents or decreases likelihood that receiving neuron will fire
inhibitory messages
uncovering fundamental mental components of perception, consciousness, thinking, mental activities
psych perspective that believes behavior is motivated by inner unconscious forces over which person has little control
psychodynamic perspective
informed consent
TARP Dparticipants sign document affirming that they have been told basic outlines of studyaware participation will involve, risks of experiment, participation purely voluntarydebriefing after experiment
the group that receives treatment in experiement
experimental group
central nervous system
brain and spinal cord
central core
in forebrain, relays info about the senses
when investigator observes naturally occurring behavior and doesnt make a change in situation- inability to control any factors of interest - ppl might know they’re being watched
naturalistic observation
peripheral nervous system contains
- everything except brain and sprinal cord
- somatic division and autonomic division
subfield of psych that is devoted to consoundling children in school
school psychology
neurotransmitter - pain reduction, appetites
sensory (affarent neounrs)
transmit info from body to CNS/brain
psych perspective that focuses on observable behavior
behavioral perspective
psych perspective that says ppl can control their behavior and they anturally try to reach their full potential
humanistic perspective
end of axon that sends messages to other neurons
terminal buttons
emphasizes how perception is organized, how people consider individual elements together as units or wholes- our perception of objects is more meaningful than individual elements that make up our perceptions
gestalt psychology
neurotransmitter - eating, aggression, sleeping
motor (efferent neurons)
sends info from brain to muscles/galnds
space between 2 neurons where axon of sending neuron communicates with dendrites of receiving neuron
wilhelm wundt
- first psych lab in 1879 in germany-structuralism and introspection
neurons that fire not only when a person enacts a particular behavior but also when a person simply observes another individual carrying out same behavior
mirror neurons
confederate in experiment
someone unknown to other participants that they work for experimenter
an electric nerve impulse taht travels trough neuron’s axon when set off by trigger changing charge from negative to positive
action potential
pituitary gland
part of endocrine system. regulated by hypothalamus, controls funtioning fo rest of ES. secretes hormones taht control growth
- used by structuralists - present ppl w stimulus ask them to describe with as much detail what they were experiencing
subfield of psych that studies the priocesses of sensing, perceiving, learning, thinking about world
experimental psychology
right side of brain
nonverbal areas, spatial relationships, patterns, music, emotions
subfield of psych that considers relationship between ppl and their phsyical environment
environmental psychology
dependent vari
variable measured in study. expected to change as a result of manipulation of independent vari
subfield of psych that examines the biological basis of behavior
behavioral neuronscience
psych perspective that examines how ppl understand and think about the world
cognitive perspective
term that describes participants assigned to different experimental groups on base of chance alone- each group will have same proportion of males, females, smart, extroverted ppl
random assignment to condition
chemical messages that make it more likely that a reciving neuron will fire and AP will travel down axon
excitatory messages
subfield of psych that concerned w the psychology of the work place
industrial / organizational psychology
positive correlation
as value of 1 vari increases, other vari value will also increase
subfield of psych that focuses on issues such as discrimniation against women and causes of violence
psychology of women
subfield of psych that examines how ppl grow and change throughout life
developmental psychology
brain scanning method that makes a virtual lesion to observe effect on brain functioning. shuts down parts of brain temporarily
subfield of psych that focuses on legal issues
forensic psychology
sympathetic and parasympatehtic
part of autonomic division. PNS. sympa - prepare body in stressful situation
parasym - calm body down
part of neuron that carries messages receved by dendrites to other neurons. opposite side of dendrites
protective coating of fat and protein that insulates neurons
myelin sheath
somatic division
part of PNS. voluntary movements
subfield of psych that studies how peoples thoughts, feelings, actions affected by others
social psych
the subfield of psychology that studies the inheritance of traits related to behavior
behavioral genetics
subfield of psych that focuses on study of higher mental processes
cognitive psychology
subfield of psych that explores relationship between psyhologcial factors and ailments or disease
health psychology
brain scanning method that records electrical activity in the brain
neurotransmitter - movement control, pleasure and reward
brain scanning method that shows biochemical activity in the brain
william james
functionalist- american
system that sends messages throughout body thru bloodstream, secretes hormones
endocrine system
neurotransmitter - memory. excitatory
transmitter of motor info, coordinating muscles, regulating sleep
central core
- what mind does a- what role behavior palys in allowing ppl to adapt to enviornments- how ppl satisfy needs thry behavior- how SOC permits adapt to environment
neurotransmitter - muscle movement, cognitive functioning
double blind
person who administers drug shouldn’t know whether it is real or placebo to overcome possibility of experimenter expections
in depth intensive investigation of single individual or group
case study
4 lobes of the brain
term that describes that findings are statistically meaningful, confirmed hypotheses
significant outcome
part of brain taht contrains the medulla, pons, and cerebellum
subfield of psych that focuses on educational, social, and career adjusment problems
counseling psychology
subfield of psych that focuses on relationship between biological factors and psychological disorders
clinical neuropsychology
chemicals that carry messages across synapse to a dendrite of receiving neuron
autonomic division
part of PNS. involuntary. has sympathetic and parasympathetic
system that contains amygdala and hippocampus. borders top of central core
limbic system
subfield of psych that concered w teaching and learning processes like relationship between motivation and school performance
educational psychology
central core
maintains steady internal environment for body. regulates behavior that is critical to survival of species (eating, sex)
sample of ppl chosen to represent larger group of interest asked series of questions about behvior, thoughts, attitudes- is pop actually representative?
survey research
negative correlation
as value of 1 vari increases, value of other decreases
correlational research
2 sets of vari examined to determine whether they are associated or correlated
subfield of psych that deals with study, diagnosis, treatment of psycological disorders
clinical psychology
controls breathing and heartbeat
central core
involved in fear and aggresion
subfield of psych that considers how behavior is influenced by genetic inheritance
envolutionary psychology
cerebral cortex
contains 4 lobes. responsible for most sophisticated processes in brain.
has sensory area and motor area and association areas.
contains SAM
association areas
make up large portion of cerebral cortex. site of higher mental processes (thinking, language)
group that recieves no treatment in expierment
control group
controls balance
central core
psych perspective that views behavior from perspective of biological functioning
neuroscience perspective
“old brain” controls basic functions such as eating and sleeping.
central core
left side of the brain
verbal competnce, speaking, reading, thinking
subfield of psych that applies psych to athletic activity and exercise
sport psychology
independennt vari
condition being manipulated by experimenter
all or none law
neurons are either on or off. when there is enough force to be on, neuron fires
he study of the relationship between the physical aspects of stimuli and our psychological experience of them
absolute threshold
smallest intensity of a stim that must be present for it to be detected
difference threshold
smallest level of added or reduced stimulation required to sense a change in stim
law that says that a just noticeable difference is a constant proportion of the intensity of an initial stimulus
weber’s law
range of wavelengths human eye can detect
visual spectrum
where light first hits. bends of refracts light as it passes thru
dark hole in center of iris (colored part). size depends on amount of light in envionment
part of eye that converts electromagnetic energy of light to electrical impulses. image reaches upside down. contains rods and cones
thin receptor cells that are highly sensitive to light. vision in dimly lit situations, insensitive to color and details. key role in peripheral vsiion, night vision
cone shaped, light sensitive receptor cells t hat are responsible for hsarp focus and color perception. focused in fovea. brightly lit situations
cells that receive info from rods and cones and communicate info to ganglion cells
bipolar cells
what do ganglion cells do
collect adn summarize visual info which is moved to back of eyeball and sent to brain thru optic nerve
trichromatic theory of color vision
suggests that there are 3 kinds of cones in retina, each responds to primarily specific range of wavelengths
opponent - process theory of color vision
theory that receptor cells for color are linked in pairs, working in opposition to each other
optic chiasm
point where optic nerve splits
middle ear
contains hammer, anvil, stirrup. acts as tiny mechanical amplifier . increase vibration strength
inner ear
chanegs sound vibrations into a form they can be transmitted to brain
basilar membrane
inside cochlea. divides cochlea into upper and lower chamber. has hair cells
hair cells
inside BM. bent by vibrations, send neural message to brain
number of wave cycles that occur in a second
characterstic that makes sound seem high or low
place theory of hearing
different areas of the basilar membrane respond to different frequencies
frequency theory of hearing
entire basilar membrane acts like a micraphone. vibrating as whole
vestibular system
responds to pull of gravity and allows us to maintain balance
crystals in semicircular canals in vestibular system that sense pull, backward, gravity
skin senses
touch,pressure,tenperature, pain
particular nerve receptors in the spinal cord lead to specific areas of brain related to pain
gate control theory
top down processing
perception guided by higher level knowledge, experience, expectations, and motivations
bottom up processing
progression of recognizing and processing info from individual components of stimuli and moving to the perception of the whole