chapter 13 Flashcards
social cognitive approaches to personality
emphasize influence of person’s internal and external things (thoughts , feelings, and observation of others behavior) both determine personality
child’s intense sexual inetrest in his or her opposite sex parent
oedipal conflict
defense mechanism
- ego pushes unacceptable or unpelasant thoughts and impulses out of consciousness but stays in unconscious
asking ppl questions baout their own behavior and traits
self - report measures
freud 5 psychosexual stages
oral anal phallic latency genital
humanistic approaches to personality
emphasize ppl innate goodness adn desire to achieve higher levels of functioning
collective unconscious
- jung
- inherited set of ideas, feelings, images, symbols shared w all humans bc of our common ancestral past. contains archetypes
genital stage
- puberty until death
- mature sexual behavior
3 groups of traits
according to allport
- cardinal, central, secondary
assume that personality is primarily unconscious and motivated by inner forces and conflicts about which ppl have little awareness
psychodynamic approaches to personality
conflicts or concerns that persist beyond the developmental period in which they first occur
test in which a person is shown an ambigous stimulus and asked to describe it or tell a story about it
- rorseschach test
projective personality test
- jung
- universal symbolic represenattions of particular types of people, objects, ideas, expereicnes
trait theory
model of personality that seeks to identify the basic traits necessary to describe personality
traits that affect behavior in fewer situations and are less influential
ex. reluctance to eat meat
secondary traits
single charactersitic that directs most of a person’s activities
cardinal traits
anal stage
12 - 18 months - 3 years of age
- child’s pleasure is centered on anus
phallic stage
age 3
- child pleasure focus on genitals
big 5 personality traits
- openness to experience
- conscientiousness
- extraversion
- agreeableness
- neuroticism
biological and evolutionary approaches to personality
important components of personality are inherited
latency period
- age 5 and 6
- child sexual concerns are temporarily put aside
freud’s superego
part of personality that harshly judges the morality of our behavior. includes conscience, makes behavior less selfish.
freud’s ID
unorganized part of personality. purpose to reduce tension created by primitive drives related to hunger, sex, aggression. immediately reduce tension
skinner behaviorist approach to personality
- personality is a collection of learned behavior patterns
oral stage
- birth to age 12/18 months
- center of pelasure is in mouth
an individual’s major characteristics
- such as honesty and sociability
central traits
freud’s ego
part of personality, attempts to balance desires of id and realities of objective outside world
- makes decisions, allows higher thinking
- negotiate demands of superego and demands of id