deck_1664614 Flashcards
Name three main risk factors for prostate cancer
• Age • Family history • Race
How is age a risk factor for prostate cancer?
• There is a correlation with increasing age • Uncommon in men younger than 50
How is family history a risk factor for prostate cancer?
• 4x increased risk • If one 1st degree relative is diagnosed with prostate cancer before age 60 • After 60 diagnosis probably age related
How is prostate cancer related to race?
• Incidence in asian
Give the usual presentation of prostate cancer
• Vast majory asymptomatic • Urinary symptoms ○ Benign enlargement of prostate ○ Bladder over activity ○ +/- CaP • Bone pain ○ Advanced metastatic
Give an unusual symptom of prostate cancer
Outline how prostate cancer is diagnosed
• A digital rectal examination • A serum PSA ○ Used to assess wether or not a biopsy in necessary • If it is, carried out via a TransRectal UltraSound guided biopsy of prostate • Lower urinary tract symptoms are treated with a TransUrethral Resection of Prostate
Give 5 factors influencing treatment decisions in prostate cancer
MADBP • Age • Digital Rectal Exam • PSA level • Biopsies • MRI scan and bone scan
What are the three different results you can get from a digital rectal exam?
• Localised (T1/2) • Locally advances (T3) • Advanced (T4)
What can biopsies tell us about the advancement of prostate cancer?
• Gleason grade
What is a Gleason grading?
• Pathologist adds together grading score of most common cell type and adds to highest graded prostate tissue
Give three treatments for established prostate cancer
• Surveillance ○ Watch cancer, tumor not severe enough to outweigh risks of treatment • Radical prostateectomy Radiotherapy - External beams or low dose brachytherapy
Give three treatments for developmental prostate cancers
• High intensity focused ultrasound • Primary cryotherapy - freeze the prostate • Brachytherapy - High dose (small rods implanted in prostate)
How can metastatic prostate cancer be treated?
• Hormones ○ Surgical castration, medical castration • PalliationSingle-dose radiotherapy, bisphosphonates, chemotherap
Give three ways to treat locally advanced prostate cancer
• Surveillance • Hormones • Hormones & radiotherapy
What is haematuria?
• Blood in urine • Classified as visible or non-visible
What does it mean if haematuria is visible?
• On investigation there is a 20% chance a malignancy is present