Deck 7 Indicare 2 Flashcards
He was known to everyone as the captain.
Veniva indicato da tutti come il capitano.
His name was Robert but, he was known as Bob.
Il suo nome era Robert ma, veniva indicato come Bob
This is what is known as his blue period
Questo è quanto viene indicato come il suo periodo blu.
He was listed as the company treasurer.
Era indicato come tesoriere della società.
The expression refers to the duty to make do with what you are offered .
L’espressione indica il dovere accontentarsi di quanto offerto.
I don’t know how he was referred to by his friends.
Non so come lui fosse indicato dagli amici.
He was always referred to as the “little dyer”.
Era sempre indicato con il soprannome il Tintoretto.
Ever since, the building has been called by the nickname “spy nest”.
Da allora l’edificio è indicato con il soprannome “nido di spie”.
A red cross indicates that no rooms are available.
Una croce rossa indica che non ci sono camere disponibili.
I don’t want to be referred to by a nickname like that.
Non voglio essere indicato con un soprannome del genere.