deck 6 Flashcards
Patient has EKG w/ the following:
- 2:1 AVB without PR-prolongation
What type of AV block should you code?
code for 2nd degree AVB, mobitz type II
2:1 AVB w/ evidence of His-Purkinje dz:
- mechanism is likely infranodal block
- Mobitz II should be coded
Describe the strain pattern of RVH. (2)
The following are usually present in V1-V3 in RVH strain:
- TWIs
- +/- downsloping ST segment
What is the incidence of progression to CHB in chronic bifascicular block?
10-15% (lifetime incidence)
Pt becomes acutely hyperkalemic in the EP lab. His 12 lead EKG is shown below. EP study shows:
- functional sinus node
- 1:1 AV conduction
Explain the above findings.
- intact sinus node with sinoventricular conduction via specialized fibers → 1:1 AV conduction is preserved
- loss of p wave occurs due to complete failure of atrial conduction
Young asthmatic with active wheezing has ischemic ST changes inferiorally. Biomarkers are negative.
think of hyperventilation-induced ST depressions
inferior ischemic ST in setting of respiratory distress:
- may occur in setting of hyperventilation
- does not always signify ischemia
45M p/w reflux symptoms after eating an entire large pizza by himself. EKG shows ischemic ST changes inferiorally. LHC: clean coronaries.
Likely explanation for ekg changes?
- inferior ischemic EKG changes are likely due to electrical activity in stomach in this case
- GI-induced pseudo-ischemia classically occurs after a large carbohydrate meal)
What are the 7 most common causes of artifact on an EKG?
- AC interference (20 ms) - rapid and sinusoidal
- Deep respirations - wandering baseline
- Muscle Fasciculations (due to electrical activity in muscle)
- Tremor - parkinson’s (300 ms), physiologic (500 ms),
- Rapid arm motion (e.g. brushing teeth) - can simulate VT
- cautery - pronounced baseline artifact
- IV infusion pump - looks like rapid p waves
*cycle length is in parentheses
What percentage of patients with the following potassium levels will have classic ST-U EKG changes?
- K = 3.0
- K < 2.7
- K = 3.0 → ~10% will have classic ST-U changes
- K < 2.7 → 80% will have classic ST-U changes