deck 4 Flashcards
How does AC electrical interference usually appear on EKG (frequency and morphology)?
- very high frequency background noise → cycle length of 16 ms (60 cycles per second)
- morphology is ~sine wave
Which type of ATach may appear similar to sinus tachycardia?
crista terminalis Atach
- crista terminalis AT may look like sinus tach because it has same p wave axis
P wave axis for coronary sinus AT? (2)
IVC is relatively right-sided & low → P axis is:
- Superior (negative in II, III, aVF)
- leftward/posterior (negative in V1)
P wave characteristics for SVC AT?
same axis as for SR but w/ p-pulmonale morphology
P wave morphology for pulmonary vein AT? (2)
PVs are left-sided and posterior → P axis is:
- rightward (negative or biphasic in lead I)
- anterior (positive in V1)
Appropriate anatomic location for posterior EKG leads?
All 3 leads should be placed 5th intercostal space posteriorally:
- V7 - left posterior axillary line
- V8 - left midscapular line
- V9 - just left of spine
EKG shows the following:
- inferior wall injury pattern
- 1-2 mm ST depression in V1-V3
- normal R wave progression
What can you do next to further characterize extent of injury?
place posterior leads
- DDx of ST depressions in V1-V3: ISCHEMIA, POSTERIOR INJURY, or RECIPROCAL CHANGES from inferior injury
- posterior leads will help diagnose posterior injury in pt w/ Rt precordial ST depressions
Pt with SSCP has EKG w/ following properties:
- normal 12 lead EKG
- Q waves in leads V7 and V8 on posterior EKG
Name 3 non-angiographic findings that are associated with this presentation.
presentation = “silent MI” w/ posterior infarct → is a/w:
- elevated biomarkers
- inferolateral hypokinesis on echo
- ischemic MR on echo
Which drug is most commonly associated with MAT?
2 potential cardiac effects of atropine?
- sinus tachycardia
- paradoxical sinus bradycardia (only with low-doses)
Name 4 causes of AIVR.
All the following causes of AIVR involve increased extracellular K+:
- dig toxicity
- hyperkalemia
- reperfusion injury
- ischemia
Best way to approach unknown rhythm on EKG board exam?
four step process for determining unknown rhythm:
- determine ventricular rate & morphology
- determine atrial rate & morphology
- AV dissociation present?
- determine the pacemaker cell location based on above
Which 2 things should you look for when assessing ventricular morphology of unknown rhythm?
- width of QRS: narrow-complex vs. wide complex
- bundle branch block patterns: right bundle vs. left bundle