Deck 2 Flashcards
Masorti Judaism (Conservative Judaism outside the USA)
Balances tradition and change, emphasizing the authority of Halacha with a willingness to adapt Jewish law in response to modern life.
Mechitzah in Conservative Synagogues
The partition separating genders during prayer; varies in presence and form, reflecting diverse approaches to gender equality.
Bat Kol
“Daughter of Voice”; a heavenly voice or divine echo, mentioned in rabbinic literature, symbolizing ongoing divine communication.
Teshuvah Process
The process of repentance and return to God, especially emphasized during the High Holy Days, involving acknowledgment of wrongdoing, restitution, and resolution to change.
An additional service added on Shabbat, festivals, and Rosh Chodesh, reflecting the additional sacrifices offered in the Temple era.
Keruv (Outreach)
Efforts within Conservative and Reform communities to welcome and integrate interfaith families, unaffiliated Jews, and converts.
Halakhic Egalitarianism
The approach in some Conservative communities to achieve gender equality within the framework of Jewish law, allowing women to participate fully in religious duties.
Patrilineal Descent
A Reform Judaism policy recognizing Jewish identity in children of mixed heritage if either parent is Jewish and the child is raised Jewish.
Kashrut in Reform Judaism
While traditional dietary laws are maintained variably among individuals, there’s an emphasis on ethical eating and informed choice.
Mikveh in Contemporary Practice
Ritual baths used traditionally for conversion and purity now also symbolize spiritual journeys or significant life transitions in both Conservative and Reform contexts.
Hechsher Tzedek
A certification ensuring kosher products are also produced ethically, respecting workers’ rights and environmental standards, supported by the Conservative movement.
Shalom Bayit
“Peace in the home”; emphasizes the importance of domestic harmony and is a guiding principle in family and community relations.
Birkat Hamazon in Different Streams
The grace after meals, highlighting variations in text and practice between Conservative and Reform traditions.
Sidurim and Machzorim Adaptations
Prayer books for daily, Sabbath, and holiday use, with adaptations in Conservative and Reform liturgies to include inclusive language and contemporary readings.
Giyur le
Humra - “Conversion out of stringency”; sometimes performed for those whose Jewish status is questioned due to patrilineal descent or conversion under less stringent conditions.
Torah Study (Limud Torah)
Central to all streams of Judaism, with Conservative and Reform movements offering various platforms for engagement, including online classes and study groups.
Pesikta d’Rav Kahana
A collection of midrashic discourses for special Sabbaths and festival days, studied across Jewish denominations for its deep insights into Jewish ethics and law.
Minhag America
The concept that American Judaism can develop its own customs and traditions, particularly within the Reform movement, to adapt to contemporary American culture.
Judaism - The integration of Jewish environmental ethics into practice, with initiatives in both Conservative and Reform communities focusing on sustainability and stewardship of the Earth.
Prayer for the Welfare of the State of Israel
Included in the liturgy of both Conservative and Reform synagogues, reflecting the diverse approaches to Zionism and support for Israel within these movements.