Deck 1 Flashcards
Sanctity of Life in Jewish Ethics
Jewish law places immense value on human life, influencing medical ethics, end-of-life care, and abortion debates.
Jewish Views on the Afterlife
Diverse perspectives within Judaism on concepts of the afterlife, including Gan Eden (Paradise), Gehinnom (Purgatory), and the World to Come.
Shmita and Jubilee Years
Shmita (Sabbatical year) focuses on agricultural rest and debt relief every seventh year; Jubilee (Yovel) occurs every 50th year, emphasizing freedom and land restoration.
The Ethical Treatment of Animals (Tza’ar Ba’alei Chayim)
Jewish laws and values advocating for the humane treatment of animals, influencing dietary laws and animal welfare.
Lashon Hara (Evil Speech)
The prohibition against speaking negatively about others, even if true, underscoring the importance of ethical speech.
The Principle of Lifnei Iver
The prohibition against placing a stumbling block before the blind, extended metaphorically to causing another to sin or make harmful decisions.
Jewish Meditation and Mindfulness Practices
Incorporates traditional and contemporary practices to enhance spiritual connection, focus, and inner peace.
Biblical Criticism and Jewish Scholarship
The academic study and critical examination of biblical texts, incorporating historical, literary, and archaeological perspectives.
Niddah and Taharat Hamishpacha (Family Purity)
Laws concerning menstruation and family purity, including the use of the mikveh (ritual bath).
Conversion to Judaism: Gerut
The complex process of becoming a Jew, involving study, circumcision (for males), mikveh, and commitment to Jewish life.
Jewish Renewal Movement
A movement aiming to reinvigorate modern Judaism with mystical, musical, and meditative practices drawn from Hasidic and Kabbalistic traditions.
Sefirot in Kabbalah
The ten attributes/emanations through which the Infinite reveals itself and continuously creates both the physical realm and the chain of higher metaphysical realms.
The Role of the Messiah in Judaism
Varying interpretations of the Messiah and Messianic Age, ranging from a future spiritual leader to an era of peace and divine presence.
Jewish Law and Modern Technology
Addressing contemporary challenges and ethical questions arising from advances in technology, including genetics, AI, and digital privacy.
The Eruv
A symbolic boundary that allows observant Jews to carry objects within its perimeters on the Sabbath, addressing prohibitions against carrying in public domains.
Chavruta (Study Partnership)
A traditional rabbinic approach to Talmudic study involving pairs of students analyzing, questioning, and debating texts.
The Three Weeks and Nine Days
A period of mourning commemorating the destruction of the First and Second Temples, marked by increasingly intense observances.
Jewish Contributions to Philosophy
Jewish thinkers, from medieval philosophers like Maimonides to modern figures, have contributed significantly to ethical, religious, and political philosophy.
The Challenge of Assimilation
Navigating the balance between integrating into broader society and preserving Jewish identity, traditions, and community.
Oral Torah and Written Torah
The relationship and interplay between the Written Torah (Pentateuch) and the Oral Torah (Mishnah, Talmud), highlighting the dynamic nature of Jewish law and tradition.