Deck 17 Flashcards
What central theme is addressed in “Nitzavim” (ניצבים)?
The covenant renewal, emphasizing personal and communal responsibility towards the covenant with God.
How does “Vayelech” (וילך) depict leadership transition?
Moses preparing Joshua for leadership and instructing the Israelites about the future reading of the Torah, focusing on continuity and transition.
What is explored in “Haazinu” (האזינו) through its poetic form?
A song by Moses predicting the future of Israel, warning against forgetfulness of God, and emphasizing divine justice and mercy.
How does “V’Zot HaBerachah” (וזאת הברכה) conclude the Torah?
Moses’ final blessings to the tribes of Israel and his death, underscoring the themes of leadership, blessing, and the promise of the land.
What does “Parashat Shekalim” (פרשת שקלים) symbolize in communal contribution?
The annual half-shekel tax for the Temple services, emphasizing communal responsibility and equality.
How is “Parashat Zachor” (פרשת זכור) significant for memory and action?
The commandment to remember and obliterate Amalek, highlighting the importance of memory in action against evil.
What theme is highlighted in “Parashat Parah” (פרשת פרה)?
The ritual of the red heifer and purification from impurity, focusing on themes of purity, impurity, and preparation for Passover.
How does “Parashat HaChodesh” (פרשת החודש) prepare for Passover?
The commandment to sanctify the new month of Nissan and the Passover laws, emphasizing renewal and liberation.
What is the focus of “Parashat BeHa’alotcha” (פרשת בהעלותך) regarding leadership and community?
The challenges in leadership faced by Moses, the people’s complaints, and the establishment of the Levites’ service, exploring leadership dynamics and divine guidance.
How does “Parashat Balak” (פרשת בלק) explore the power of blessing and curse?
Balak’s hiring of Balaam to curse Israel, only to result in blessings, underscoring the power of divine protection and the futility of curses against God’s will.
What does “Parashat Chukat” (פרשת חוקת) teach about faith and rituals?
The law of the red heifer and the mysterious nature of some commandments, emphasizing faith in following divine decrees beyond human understanding.
How is “Parashat Korach” (פרשת קורח) a study in leadership and rebellion?
Korach’s challenge to Moses and Aaron’s leadership, exploring themes of authority, rebellion, and divine choice.
What lessons are drawn from “Parashat Lech Lecha” (פרשת לך לך) regarding faith and covenant?
Abraham’s journey, the covenant of circumcision, and the promises made by God, highlighting themes of faith, obedience, and the establishment of a people.
How does “Parashat Metzora” (פרשת מצורע) address issues of purity and community?
Laws concerning tzara’at (a skin affliction) and the process of purification, focusing on social integrity and rehabilitation into the community.
What is explored in “Parashat Miketz” (פרשת מקץ) about dreams and leadership?
Joseph’s rise to power in Egypt through the interpretation of Pharaoh’s dreams, emphasizing divine providence and wisdom in governance.
How is “Parashat Nasso” (פרשת נשא) significant for blessings and dedication?
The priestly blessing, the laws of the Nazirite, and the offerings of the tribal leaders for the Tabernacle, underscoring themes of consecration and blessing.
What themes of justice and warfare are addressed in “Parashat Shoftim” (פרשת שופטים)?
The establishment of a judicial system and laws of warfare, emphasizing the pursuit of justice and ethical conduct in conflict.
How does “Parashat Tazria” (פרשת תזריע) complement “Parashat Metzora” in understanding purity?
The laws concerning childbirth and the initial laws of tzara’at, exploring themes of life, purity, and community health.
What is the focus of “Parashat Terumah” (פרשת תרומה) in relation to sacred space?
The instructions for building the Tabernacle, highlighting the themes of divine presence and the importance of creating a holy space.
How does “Parashat Toldot” (פרשת תולדות) explore themes of family and destiny?
The birth of Esau and Jacob, their rivalry, and Isaac’s blessing, focusing on family dynamics, destiny, and the consequences of actions.
What does “Parashat Vayeishev” (פרשת וישב) teach about character and providence?
Joseph’s sale into slavery by his brothers and his rise in Egypt, highlighting integrity, resilience, and divine orchestration.
How is “Parashat Vayakhel” (פרשת ויקהל) significant for community and cooperation?
The communal efforts to construct the Tabernacle, emphasizing unity, generosity, and collective service to God.
What lessons in leadership and humility are drawn from “Parashat Vayelech” (פרשת וילך)?
Moses preparing Israel for his departure, emphasizing the importance of courage and the continuation of leadership with Joshua. This portion highlights the value of humility in leadership, as Moses, despite his pivotal role in Israel’s history, passes on the mantle of leadership to ensure the people’s future success. It teaches the lesson that true leaders prepare their successors and prioritize the welfare of their community over personal legacy.