Deck 1 Flashcards
Get That MONEY!!!
Pass and Advanced
- What are important aspects of automated information system (AIS) facility management?
Technical administration and support.
Pass and Advanced
- What are the titles of the people who perform I/O functions?
Control clerks, I/O control clerks, job-staging clerks, distribution clerks, or computer aids.
Pass and Advanced
- What are the traits of an efficient and effective I/O control clerk?
Able to work on their own with a minimum of supervision; work well with other people; display tact and diplomacy; be a good communicator; use sound judgment; be logical, methodical, and persuasive; and most of all be able to respond to users? requests.
Pass and Advanced
- When you are working as an I/O control clerk , a transmittal form should be looked over to be ensured what criteria is met before accepting a job for processing on the computer?
All the necessary entries are properly lilled in, that they are readable, and that any special instructions are understandable.
Pass and Advanced
- The lower portion of the AIS service request is reserved for what use only?
Pass and Advanced
- What should be done if, while viewing the user?s request, you happen to come across a discrepancy or find something that is incomplete or unclear?
Bring it to the user?s attention.
Pass and Advanced
- What should be your demeanor when bringing a discrepancy to the user of a request?
Tactful and diplomatic.
Pass and Advanced
- What will serve as a continuous point of reference?
Job control log.
Pass and Advanced
- What are the things a job control log point out?
When the job was submitted, the disposition of the input media, the location or the computer system to which the job was assigned, the progress (ntunber of steps) the job has already gone through, the type and amount of input submitted, and the person who accepted the job.
Pass and Advanced
- Where is the information needed to properly prepare the user?s job for processing located?
In a task folder, job folder, run folder, or nm procedure.
Pass and Advanced
- What information docs the runsheet contain?
The program name or names and the job or task number under which the job (or system) is to be executed or run and it indicates all of the inputs: magnetic tapes, disks, and diskettes required, depending upon the type of run or possible options the user selected.
Pass and Advanced
- What may need to be done to determine whether a job (or system) ran successfully (to a normal EOJ) and that all processing steps were properly perl`ormed?
Review the computer console printout.
Pass and Advanced
- What will provide you with the answers you are looking for when it comes to reconciling processing discrepancies in the majority of cases?
The computer console printout.
Pass and Advanced
- When checking reports what should you be looking for?
That they were run on the proper forms (size and type), that no pages are missing and the correct number of copies were printed, and that all print is legible and lined up properly.
Pass and Advanced
- What is done once the output is checked?
Package each completed copy of the report, along with any other output products and the original input, place it in the proper pickup area, and log the job out in the job control log.
Pass and Advanced
- What action should be taken if, during the course of checking over the user?s output, you happen to come across something unusual or you find an error?
Pull (reject) the job immediately, bring it to the attention of your superior, and notify the user of the delay.
Pass and Advanced
- What is the most common user support you will deal with?
Logistical support.
Pass and Advanced
- _ When the user calls to submits a trouble call, what is the required information you should get?
User?s name, type of trouble encountered, date and time, and job being done when the trouble started.
Pass and Advanced
- What personnel analyze job requirements (old and new) to determine the impact each job has onproduction resources?
Schedulers and production control coordinators.
Pass and Advanced
- Who is responsible for keeping the AIS facility?s assembly line running as smoothly and efficiently as possible?
The scheduler.
Pass and Advanced
- What are the important factors of a scheduler?s job?
People, places, and things.
Pass and Advanced
- How you go about scheduling work on the computer system will depend upon what two factors?
How the system is configured and the operating mode of the computer.
Pass and Advanced
- What will be one of your primary jobs, as a scheduler?
To keep production schedules up-to-date and as accurate and complete as possible.
Pass and Advanced
- What two factors must you, as a scheduler, be equally coneemed with in addition to making up production schedules for computer processing?
Precomputer processing and postcomputer processing. g
Pass and Advanced
- What is involved in precomputer processing? -
Ensuring all inputs are received on time according to prearranged schedules.
Pass and Advanced
- What is involved in postcomputer processing?
Ensuring output products are complete, accurate, and delivered to the user when promised.
Pass and Advanced
- What personnel act as liaison between the AIS facility and the user community?
Production control.
Pass and Advanced
- What personnel provide processing schedules to coordinate inputs and outputs between I/0 control, data entry, computer operations, and the magnetic media library?
Scheduling personnel.
Pass and Advanced
- What personnel handle all incoming work for AIS services along with all types of input media from the user?
I/O control personnel.
Pass and Advanced
- What personnel reviews all completed output products from data entry and computer operations to determine their accuracy and completeness before releasing them to I./0 control personnel for further processing and distribution?
_ Quality control personnel.
Pass and Advanced
- What personnel convert source documents into machine-readable form using some type of key-driven (terminal) device if this is not done by the user?
Data entry personnel.
Pass and Advanced
- What are the duties of the computer operations personnel?
Receive inputs and associated nm instructions from I/O control, update schedules as the work is completed, forward output products to quality control, and transfer magnetic media to the library for further handling and processing. `
Pass and Advanced
- When the users get together with the division chief, LPO, and yourself (as scheduler), to make their requests for AIS services known for the upcoming month(s), what is the initial scheduling phase known as?
The planning phase or forecasting phase. ‘
Pass and Advanced
- When given a new job where there are no previous production statistics, what should you ask the user’ for?
A rough time estimate of how long the job may run and if there will be input data, and if so, will it require data entry services.
Pass and Advanced
- What is one of the most apparent pieces of job-related information?
Every job has resource requirements.
Pass and Advanced
- What must you know to set aside a sufficient amount of time for processing?
How long a job will reside in memory.
Pass and Advanced
- Why is processing time normally estimated for a multi programming environment?
Because most computers today process programs/data in this fashion, and job mix alfects the overall processing time for a job.
Pass and Advanced
- What type of scheduling is often used in automated scheduling systems?
Priority scheduling.
Pass and Advanced
- What information must you know to prepare an effective schedule?
Your AIS facility?s resources: how work comes into, flows through, and leaves your facility; the capabilities and capacities of your system; and workload demands on the system.
Pass and Advanced
- Since your workload can exceed capacity, which has a direct effect on service, or, the capacity can exceed the workload, which leaves AIS resources underutilized, how do you reach a happy medium?
Ensuring that the workload demands put upon the AIS facility?s resources are balanced as much as possible and that the total resources available are kept as close to the maximum capacity as possible.
Pass and Advanced
- What has a lot to do with how you prepare a schedule?
The effective use of resources.
Pass and Advanced
- What information must you know to develop the monthly schedule?
The requirements of all the application systems/jobs to be run during tl1e month.
Pass and Advanced
- What must be done once you have developed the monthly schedule?
Ensure that the schedule is adequate and meets the requirements.
Pass and Advanced
- What are the things that might cause the monthly schedule to be changed? ‘
System/program errors, software testing, new/changed requirements, job conflicts, and input files not available.
Pass and Advanced
- Whose job is it to adjust the schedule to accommodate the changes required?
The production control coordinator?s job, with your approval.
Pass and Advanced
- If the job requires tapes or disk files as input, who will the I/0 control check with to see if these files are ready and available?
The media librarian.
Pass and Advanced
- Anytime the normal work schedule is changed, how may it affect the online users?
By slowing the system response time or causing the system to be unavailable to the users.
Pass and Advanced
- What are the common causes of production problems?
Application program processing errors and system downtime.
Pass and Advanced
- Who should be assisting online users with processing problems?
The subsystem coordinators. -
Pass and Advanced
- What are the two areas of concern to determine the causes of application program errors?
Hardware and software.
Pass and Advanced
- What are the most frequent hardware problems?
Head crash, tape drive damage to a tape, and tape read/write errors.
Pass and Advanced
- Who should be contacted if tape read/write errors cannot be corrected by cleaning the read/write heads?
A maintenance teclmician.
Pass and Advanced
- What are the most common external environmental problems?
Loss of power, voltage spikes, and loss of air conditioning.
Pass and Advanced
- How may the operator be able to recover a job completely when there was a hardware problem?
Reboot or restart the job. -
Pass and Advanced
- What are the common software problems?
Wrong tile specilied, program entered a loop, and tile not available.
Pass and Advanced
- To correct software-related problems, what must the operator refer to for the corrective action to take?
The job nm folder and the program operator manual.
Pass and Advanced
- What are the two topics the system downtime and non-availability can be categorized under?
Scheduled and unscheduled.
Pass and Advanced
- To develop help-desk procedures, what are the several steps to keep in mind?
Logging the problem, researching the problem, fixing the problem, and analyzing the problem for possible changes to training and/or documentation.
Pass and Advanced
- What is the reason the operator logs a problem?
To document its occurrence and to provide the information needed to solve the problem.
Pass and Advanced
- In researching the problem, what code will you need to determine the cause?
The abort code.
Pass and Advanced
- What action may have to be taken by the operator to solve the problem? _
Reboot the computer, reload a disk file, contact the programmer, or have the users restart processing.
Pass and Advanced
- What are the two major categories output reports can be broken into?
Management and customer/user reports.
Pass and Advanced
- What reports are usually a consolidation of information prepared for presentations and briefings?
Management reports.
Pass and Advanced
- What is a problem common to many performance reporting schemes?
The amount of information you report should not exceed upper-management?s requirements.
Pass and Advanced
- What are the two main items of information to include in the application software performance reports?
Average length of time any particular job remains in the system; and how long a priority job (priority 1, 2, and 3) waits to be run.
Pass and Advanced
- What type of information should you include in the Hardware Utilization Reports?
The amount of system idle time, the amount of system setup time, the amount of system production time, and the amount of downtime, not only for the whole’ system but also for each particular piece of equipment.
Pass and Advanced
- What reports are primarily used for the AIS facility?s research?
Operating system software reports.
Pass and Advanced
- How can hardware under-utilization be measured?
By excessive idle time, which can be caused by no jobs to be run or no users logged on.
Pass and Advanced
- What are the most common problems that result in application software aborts?
Wrong file specified, job rim out of sequence, file corrupted, file not available, and out of free disk space.
Pass and Advanced
- What type of information will the equipment inventory contain?
Manufacturer, type of equipment, model number, serial number, minor property number, location, and custodian.
Pass and Advanced
- What are the three possible hardware choices?
Increase computer memory, reduce tile fragmentation, and add or change a disk drive.
Pass and Advanced
- What can be done to increase a computer system?s memory?
Add memory chips or memory boards.
Pass and Advanced
- What is cache memory?
A random-access memory (RAM) is a buffer that provides high-speed storage capabilities from main memory and makes this data available to the central processor with a private central processor/cache interface.
Pass and Advanced
- When does tile fragmentation occur?
When you delete a file, leaving, basically, a hole in tlte information on the hard disk, or when you add information to an existing file when there is no contiguous space left next to the tile.
Pass and Advanced
- What can be done to correct fragmentation?
Make a backup, reformat the hard disk, and restore your files; also run a software program referred to as a defragrnenter to reorganize the files so the data in each file is contiguous.
Pass and Advanced
- What can be done to reduce the problems you may have with disk space?
Add a new disk drive or replace a disk drive with a larger drive.
Pass and Advanced
- What are the operating system changes you can make?
Reconfrgure the system, change buffer sizes, and change memory addresses.
Pass and Advanced
- What can you do to help reduce the chances that the system will lock up?
Change the buffer sizes.
Pass and Advanced
- What can you do that results in freeing memory for the execution of production jobs?
Change memory addresses.
Pass and Advanced
- What does the Critical priority in Item number’ 3 of the Trouble Report/Change Proposal mean?
That you cannot work around the problem to continue operating.