Death Flashcards
study of death and dying
o Thanatology
personal, patient- and family-centered, compassionate care for the terminally ill
o Hospice Care
includes relief of pain and suffering, controlling of symptoms, alleviation of stress, and attempts to maintain a satisfactory quality of life
o Palliative Care
specifically to a widely observed decline in cognitive abilities shortly before death
o Terminal Drop or Terminal Decline
often involving a sense of being out of the body or sucked into a tunnel and visions of bright lights or mystical encounters
o Near-Death Experience
Linked to stimulation or damage of various brain areas, most notably in bilateral frontal and occipital areas
Generally experienced as positive as a result of the release of endorphins
o Five Stages of Death
- Denial
- Anger
- Bargain
- Depression
- Acceptance
emotional response that generally follows closely on the heels of death
o Grief
– response to the loss of some whom a person feels close
o Bereavement
working out of psychological issues connected with grief often takes the following path:
o Grief Work
1. Shock and Disbelief
2. Preoccupation with the memory of the dead person
3. Resolution
– mourner goes high to low distress
o Recovery Pattern
moderate or elevated initial grief, and symptoms worsen over time
moderate or elevated initial grief, and symptoms worsen over time
o Delayed Grief
distressed for a long time
o Chronic Grief
the mourner shows a low and gradually diminishing level of grief in response to the death of a loved one
o Resilience
– human’s unique understanding of death, in concert with self-preservation needs and capacity for fear, results in common emotional and psychological responses when mortality, or thoughts of death are made salient
o Terror Management Theory
neurological condition which states the person is brain dead when all electrical activity of the brain has ceased for a specific period of time
o Brain Death
Higher portions of the brains dies sooner than lower parts which facilitates breathing and heartbeat
That is why your brain could be dead but you still have heartbeat for the mean time
good death, intended to end suffering or to allow terminally ill person to die with dignity
o Euthanasia
involves withholding or discontinuing treatment that might extend the life of a terminally ill patient such as life support
Passive Euthasia
– “mercy killing” involves action taken directly or deliberate to shorten life
contains instructions for when and how to discontinue futile medical care
o Advance Directive
Living will or a more formal legal document called a durable power of attorney
appoints another person if the maker of the document becomes incompetent to do so
Durable Power of Attorney
– physician or someone else helps a person bring about a self-inflicted death
– physician or someone else helps a person bring about a self-inflicted death
a process of reminisce that enables a person to see the significance of his or her life
o Life Review