DB 19-14 - Managing Conflicts in the Work Environment Flashcards
The following policies provide direction on maintaining a work environment that is free from discrimination, harassment, hostile environment, retaliation, and hazing:
-Los Angeles City Policy
-Discrimination Prevention Policy Handbook (DPPH)
-Rules and Regulations (Code of Conduct)
The Fire Chief’s expectation is that all members govern their behavior through abiding by all City polities, including:
-Department’s Core Values
-Code of Conduct
-Discrimination Prevention Policy Handbook (DPPH)
-embracing our Mission Statement.
When conflicts and/or disagreements occur at the workplace that lead to DISRUPTIONS in the work environment, immediate supervisors shall do the following:
A. Direct employees to immediately cease in the engaged activity.
b. Attempt to resolve the issue and provide clear expectations.
c. Make immediate notification to their respective supervisor.
d. Document the incident by utilizing the Complaint Tracking System (CTS).
e. All members shall be given immediate review and understanding of the Department’s zero tolerance policy toward discrimination, harassment, and retaliation as noted in the Department’s DPPH.
f. Document and journalize the dates and times of when the above recommendations have been directed or completed by the immediate supervisor.
g. Consider if the Department’s Mediation program can be of assistance.
What is the goal of a Workplace Assessment (WPA) and who conducts the assessment?
-Goal of a WPA is to evaluate individual situations/circumstances to identify workplace violence concerns and to DETERMINE the appropriate level of INTERVENTION.
-Medical Services Division (MSD) CONDUCTS the WPA. (Assessments are non-punitive and non-medical)
When conflicts or disagreements within a work environment PERSIST, Station/Unit Commanders shall generate an F-_____ request through channels to their respective ______ Commander.
F-225 WPA (Workplace Assessment request) to Bureau Commander
(Bureau Commander will consult with Risk Management Section BC for need of WPA who will then consult with Medical Services Division)
The F-225 WPA request will require specific information and multiple attempts by the immediate supervisor to address the problem at hand. All Workplace Assessment (WPA) requests should contain the following information:
a. Name and rank of all members/employees involved.
b. Date, time, and location, and what behaviors of concern were observed.
c. Action taken by immediate supervisor.
d. Outcome of the action taken by the immediate supervisor.
When conflicts and/or disagreements occur at the workplace that lead to disruptions in the work environment, Next Level Supervisors (BATTALION CHIEF/Section Commander) shall do the following:
a. Direct Station/Unit Commanders to review and understand City policy and the Department’s DPPH which outlines Officer’s (Supervisors) responsibilities for maintaining a work environment free of discrimination, harassment, hostile work environment, retaliation, and hazing.
b. Direct Station/Unit Commanders to review and understand Appendix A, Supervisory Guide, Strategies for Preventing Discrimination and Harassment located in the Department’s DPPH.
c. Report the incident to respective Bureau Commander or next level Supervisor.
d. ENSURE the incident is documented and placed into CTS.
e. Monitor the work environment.
f. Make recommendation for a Workplace Assessment (WPA) for unresolved conflicts.
With good LEADERSHIP conflict resolution begins before the struggle occurs.
When a serious problem arises, supervisors should ______________.
Attempt to have all parties involved meet to DISCUSS THE ISSUES from all perspectives.
(Collaboration and compromise that meets the majority of the needs of all parties can help avoid the conflict all together.)