DB 18-04 - Workplace Violence Awareness Flashcards
Workplace violence is violence or the THREAT of violence against workers.
This includes any type of behavior or incident in which an individual is:
-physically or verbally harassed
Workplace violence can occur at or OUTSIDE the workplace and is one of the leading causes of job-related ______.
Any form of violence or threat of violence whether actual or reasonably perceived involving a City employee or occurring in the workplace must be reported to either:
-A Supervisor
- A Manager
-The Department’s Personnel office.
(workplace violence shall not include LAWFUL acts of self-defense or defense of others)
Any form of violence or threat of violence must be reported whether it is committed by:
City employee
LAFD employee
Any member of the public
The LAFD Workplace Violence Prevention Program (WVPP) is based on California Code of _______, Title 8, Section 3342.
There are ____ workplace violence types as defined by California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 3342.
Workplace violence types as defined by California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 3342:
- Type 1 Violence - Workplace violence committed by a person who has no legitimate business at the work site, and includes violent acts by anyone who enters the workplace with the intent to commit a crime.
- Type 2 Violence - Workplace violence directed at employees by customers, clients, patients, students, inmates, or visitors or other individuals accompanying a patient.
- Type 3 Violence - Workplace violence against an employee by a present or former employee, supervisor, or manager.
- Type 4 Violence - Workplace violence committed in the workplace by someone who does not work there, but has or is known to have had a personal relationship with an employee.
Contributing Factors to Workplace Violence:
-Personal Events
-Physical Life
-Organizational Events
The most prevalent early warning indicator of workplace violence is:
oral threats and other types of verbal harassment (Verbal Signs)
Warning Signs:
Being aware of performance and/or conduct problems which may be warning signs of potential trouble is a good workplace violence prevention strategy.
Examples of performance indicators/warning signs:
-Verbal signs (BEST early WARNING INDICATOR)
-attendance problems
-adverse impact on supervisor’s time
-decreased productivity
-inconsistent work patterns
-concentration problems
-safety issues
-poor health and hygiene
-unusual/changed behavior
-evidence of drug or alcohol abuse
-unshakeable depression
Types of Violence among Co-Workers:
a. Concealing or using a weapon.
b. Physical assault upon oneself or another person.
c. Bullying, intimidating, or frightening others.
d. Harassing, stalking, or showing undue focus on another person.
e. Physically aggressive acts, such as shaking fist at another person, kicking, pounding on desks, punching a wall, angrily jumping up and down, and screaming at others.
f. Verbal abuse including offensive, profane, and vulgar language.
g. Threats (direct or indirect), whether made in person or through letters, phone calls, or electronic mail.
Forms of Violence by Patients, Bystanders, or Civilians:
The potential of exposure to danger or injury to an employee can be minimized with the utilization of _________.
standard operating guidelines
SOG when encountering a patient/civilian exhibiting aggressive behavior:
If person is simply argumentative or making verbal threats against members or bystanders, place a “__________” call to MFC and stand by for LAPD.
Members should stay back and monitor the person from a safe, reasonable distance.
Back up the Fire Department
SOG when encountering a patient/civilian exhibiting aggressive behavior:
If Patient is having a seizure or reacting in an uncontrolled manner that poses a potential immediate threat to their own safety:
Members should move or shield patients from ______ objects with soft items until the patient stops seizing. After the patient has stopped seizing, members can start or continue with the appropriate care.
hard objects
SOG when encountering a patient/civilian exhibiting aggressive behavior:
The person may be overwhelmed by the number of emergency responders present or be upset with one member in particular. If the person responds well to one member, have that member ______ until LAPD arrives. All members should maintain a safe distance.
communicate with the person until LAPD arrives
SOG when encountering a patient/civilian exhibiting aggressive behavior and law enforcement is on scene:
If a patient is demonstrating aggressive behavior, explain to LAPD how you want the patient _______ and have them accompany the employee with the patient to the hospital. They are equipped and trained to handle these individuals.
SOG when encountering a patient/civilian that is armed:
Place a “__________” call to MFC and maintain a safe distance. Attempt to evacuate bystanders and secure a perimeter. Advice incoming units of the situation, the presence and types of weapons observed, and have them stage at a safe location.
Fire Department needs Help
The only time LAFD sworn employees should become actively involved in restraining a person or patient with aggressive behavior is when?
Person/Patient is unarmed and pose an immediate danger to themselves or others.
When shall an employee report violence or threats of violence to a supervisor that is workplace related?
Case studies of workplace violence have found repeatedly that ______ usually see the problem developing before management does.
staff and co-workers
If a non-employee is threatening an employee:
Notification should be made to the LAPD, through the respective ______ Commander (telephonically), and to the _____ Section, Through Channels
-Bureau Commander by telephone
-Arson Section
Immediate officers and supervisors are accountable for recognizing a potentially threatening situation.
Before a potential or actual violent incident occurs, officers and supervisors shall:
a. Foster a supportive, harmonious work environment. MUTUAL RESPECT can help reduce harassment and hostility in the workplace.
b. Communicate openly and give employees support and recognition.
c. Train employees on how to resolve conflicts.
d. Develop skills in effective communications, team building, and resolving disputes.
e. In the field, keep the building free of potential hiding places and maintain clear views of lobbies and work places.
f. Know the available community resources, building ingress and egress, and geographical layout of the building.
Any supervisor, who observes or becomes aware of behavior or early warning signs of potential workplace violence, shall attempt to diffuse the situation and immediately notify their commanding officer.
Companies shall be placed ______ through MFC as needed. LAPD should be notified and a report should be obtained. Supervisors shall provide immediate medical care to all employees who have been injured in the incident.
Workplace violence notifications:
During business hours the immediate supervisor shall telephonically notify the ____________. (LAFD’s Workplace Violence Prevention Program Coordinator)
Risk Management Section Battalion Chief
If a workplace violence issue arises after hours, contact the ________ through MFC.
on-call Risk Management Section Officer
Workplace violence documentation:
The immediate supervisor shall document and complete the circumstances of the workplace violence incident on the ________ and ________. These documents are located on the Information Portal.
Once the forms are completed, email to: LAFDRiskManagement@lacity.org.
-Workplace Violence Intake Form
-Post Incident Assessment Form
-Prince and Phelps is a consultant firm contracted by LA to conduct workplace assessments and provide a recommendations
Who is responsible for contacting Prince and Phelps, and the City’s Threat Assessment Team for workplace violence issues?
BC assigned to the Risk Management Section (LAFD’s Workplace Violence Coordinator)
What are the different Threat Assessment Teams?
-LAFD Threat Assessment Team
-City of LA Threat Assessment Team
-LAPD Threat Management Unit
The LAPD has a Threat Management Unit that can determine if an employee is a danger to themselves or others and has the ability to institute a _____-hour hold.
If the employee has committed a crime, the Unit can make an arrest when necessary.
72 hour hold
Supervisors Responsibility Flowchart:
Employees must use caution when dealing with upset individuals. Some techniques that can be utilized to calm a hostile person include:
a. Listen actively.
b. Avoid arguing or defensive conversations.
c. Don’t patronize.
d. Use empathy.
e. Stay calm.
f. Maintain consideration of personal space.
g. Create an atmosphere of respect.
h. Utilize problem solving.
i. Team approach.
j. Avoid counter threats.
k. Take physical safety precautions, security measures, and leave area if possible.
l. If necessary, have the individual removed from the workplace.
m. Contact the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
n. If hostile behavior escalates, have individual arrested by local law enforcement.