Day 5: Tasking Cycle Flashcards
How many stages are there in the Joint Air Tasking Cycle?
Who employs both deliberate and dynamic targeting?
Joint Force Air Component Commander (JFACC)
What is stage 1?
Joint Air Tasking Cycle
Objectives, Effects, and Guidance
What is stage 2?
Joint Air Tasking Cycle
Target Development
What is stage 3?
Joint Air Tasking Cycle
Weaponeering and Allocation
What is stage 4?
Joint Air Tasking Cycle
ATO Production and Dissemination
What is stage 5?
Joint Air Tasking Cycle
Executive Planning and Force Execution
What is stage 6?
Joint Air Tasking Cycle
For space operations, who produces plans and orders?
Combined Joint Force Space Component Commander (CJFSCC)
Operational planning cycle includes inputs into what?
the joint targeting cycle (JTC)
Tasks execution
Combined space tasking order (CSTO)
Provide amplifying guidance
the special instructions (SPINS)
Method used to dissemate tasks to components, subordinate units, and command and control agencies projected sorties, capabilities and/or forces to targets and specific missions
Air Tasking Order (ATO)
The Air Tasking Order (ATO) is based on what cycle?
72-hour cycle
What is the space version of the ATO called?
Joint Space Tasking Order (JSTO)