Day 5: Joint Planning Process Flashcards
An orderly, analytical set of logical steps to frame a problem; examine a mission; develop, analyze, and compare alternative Course of Actions (COAs); select the best COA; and produce a plan or order
Joint Planning Process (JPP)
Step 1
Joint Planning Process (JPP)
Planning Initiation
Step 2
Joint Planning Process (JPP)
Mission Analysis
Step 3
Joint Planning Process (JPP)
COA Development
Step 4
Joint Planning Process (JPP)
COA Analysis and Wargaming
Step 5
Joint Planning Process (JPP)
COA Comparison
Step 6
Joint Planning Process (JPP)
COA Approval
Step 7
Joint Planning Process (JPP)
Plan or Order Development
What is the purpose of mission analysis?
- Understand requirements and resources
- Develop mission understanding/identify risks and opportunities
- Clear mission objective and plan
What are the 5 qualities of a valid Course of Action (COA)?
- Suitable
- Complete
- Acceptable
- Feasible
- Distinguishable
What are the five types of Military Plans and Orders?
Concept of Operations (CONOPS) focuses on which paragraph of the five (5) paragraph OPORD concept?
Concept of Operations (CONOPS) expresses details of how the execution will accomplish what?
the commander’s intent