Day 28 (Sacrum, Coccyx, Spondylosis, Spondylolysis, Spondylolisthesis) Flashcards
What forms the inferior boundary for the spinal canal?
the union of the superficial posterior and deep posterior sacrococcygeal ligaments
What ligament divides the sciatic foramen into the greater and lesser sciatic foramina?
sacrospinous ligament
Which ligament has a broad attachment along the lateral margin of sacrum and coccyx and then attaches to the ischial tuberosity?
sacrotuberous ligament
Which ligament is the strongest of the sacro-iliac ligaments and is penetrated by dorsal rami of the sacral spinal nerves?
interosseous sacro-iliac ligament
What is the number of coccygeal somites?
What is the typical number of segments which unite to form the adult coccyx?
4 segments
When is ossification of coccyx completed?
about age 30
What is the direction of fusion of coccygeal segments?
from caudal to cranial, the last segments to fuse together are Co1 and Co2
What is the direction of the coccygeal curve?
posterior (kyphotic)
What is the major motion and range of motion for coccyx?
flexion-extension, 5-20 degrees
How many coccygeal nerves are present in the fetus?
typically 5 pairs of coccygeal nerves are present
What forms the coccygeal nerve plexus?
S4, S5, and Co1 nerves
What is the ganglion impar?
a midline sympathetic ganglion
What is the coccygeal glomus or coccygeal body?
an enlarged encapsulated arteriovenous anastomosis located near the last segment of coccyx
What innervates the coccygeal glomus or coccygeal body?
both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers are identified
What joint classifications are present for coccyx?
cartilaginous (amphiarthrosis) symphysis and fibrous (amphiarthrosis) syndesmosis
What ligaments of the vertebral column will be attached to coccyx?
anterior sacrococcygeal ligament, superficial posterior sacrococcygeal ligament, deep posterior sacrococcygeal ligament, posterior sacrococcygeal ligament, intercornual ligament, anococcygeal ligament, sacrospinous ligament, sacrotuberous ligament, short posterior sacro-iliac ligament, long posterior sacro-iliac ligament and intervertebral disc
What is the homolog for the posterior longitudinal ligament at Co1?
deep posterior sacrococcygeal ligament
What is the homolog for the ligamentum flavum at Co1?
superficial posterior sacrococcygeal ligament
What forms the inferior boundary for the spinal canal?
the union of the superficial posterior and deep posterior and deep posterior sacrococcygeal ligaments
What is the definition of spondylosis?
a vertebral condition
What is the definition of spondylolysis?
a vertebral separation or vertebral cleavage
What is the definition of spondylolisthesis?
a vertebral slippage