Day 1 Prep To Operate Flashcards
- 2 days old
- Trav stretcher
- Needs O2 including own POC
- Condition such reasonable doubt can complete flt without req med assistance
- Communicable disease
MEDA Notification Procedure
FA1 check TOD App
Gate agent or manager provide TTY telex
Or verbally or photo
FA1must check for TTY
DEPA - accompanied
DEPU - unaccompanied
- Should board 1st
- Must not retain own docs unless escort has them
- Unescorted - docs placed in flight satchel by ground staff,collected by ground staff on arrival
- Turn off seat chat
- No alcohol
- No metal cutlery
INAD and requirements for SIN
arrived and turned around due docs
For SIN passport and paperwork retained in blue bag
Pax and paperwork handed off to ground staff
Do you have to inform PIC of UM,DEPA,DEPU,INAD
PIC to FA1 Briefing
Crew complement
Crew training
Tech and cabin logs
Feuling including if not
Taxi time
Flight time
Special needs pax
Authorized F/D visits
F/D meal requirements
F/D security requirements
Any topical issues
FA1 to PIC Brief
Crew comp and last min changes
Crew training
Cabin log defects
Special’s including UMs
Any additional issues
Alternative arming/disarming procedure - Inop inter phone
Thumbs up (that side of a/c)
Duel air stair disembarkation
Which ports
APW - 2L & 4L
TBU - 2L & 4L
RAR - 2L & 4L
PPT 1L & 2L
Air stairs at AKL
Will receive ACARS
FA1 to ACARS back any ambulift requirements
Safety Demo - no PA or PRAM inop
Face to face 6 rows ar a time
F/D door procedure
Positive ID visual and audio
Est security of F/D door area
Use of Flight Attenant Monitoring system FAM
Access request via FA1/DSM except meal delivery
Only crew in vicinity
Closest inter phone
Open close asap
Confirm door locked
No person under 15
No alcohol
F/D access non crew
Person authorized by or on behalf Senior Person Air Operations must have a letter.
Advice sent to Flight Dispatch
Waste water levels for RAR APW TBU
Must be full and waste cannot be serviced in TBU
787 Door 3 slidraft
27/34 single lane
787 emergency lights
Min 10 mins
Opening armed door - lights on only at that exit
Guarded switch - all interior and exterior
Lights outside aft of door
Slide Taft in lane and base of slide
At door green above door and each side
Which toilets have 2 water shutoff valves
3L 3R Inboard
Base of toilet - just pull
Under sink - turn to off
Alcohol ABCS
A - appearance
B - behavior
C - coordination
S - speech
Sober Influenced Intoxicated
Levels of behavior
Level 1 - Disruptive
Level 2 - Threatening,Intimidating,Abusive
Level 3 - Physical,Significant safety threat to flight
Ask - Tell - Warn
Non Compliance
Law enforcement request
When restrained - complete witness report
After landing - identify pax
- provide witness report (top copy)
- answer yes to lay complaint
- conduct APPROACH
Complete Korusafe security report
Cabin log equipment used or damaged
Sector report
A - As soon as possible
P - Participation all crew
P - Purpose of debrief
R - Review known facts
O - Operational safety relevance
A - Ask any questions
C - Check understanding
H - Help - see if crew need extra help (med or counsel)
Visually Impaired Brief
Life jkt - 6 o’clock
O2 mask - 12 o’clock
Controls and call button
Brace position
Direction and number of rows to exit
Death Onboard FA1 must
Put in location of Passenger Identification for Inflight Death From!!!
Keep F/D informed
Monitor situation
Organize resources and people to assist crew
If mortality Kit used carry out precautions associated with it
Complete sector report to report treatment administered by a doctor,health professional or crew member
Complete the Passenger Identificationfor InflightDeath form - found in Pandemic Kit
Form - Time of death,cessation of cpr
- Lat and Long of death and cpr cessation
- Include contact details of any attending health professional
Aware signs pax or crew traumatized
Secured hand luggage and travel docs for ground staff
Death Inflight - PIC info for ground
- Name of deceased
- Approx age
- Time of death
- Names of those traveling with deceased
Death Inflight - Ground staff
- Notify A/P police
- notify coroner
- Immigration asked if they want to see deceased passport and trav docs
- Port Health Officer informed and will attend
- Pax bags collected and cleared by ANZ ground employee
- No person may disembark the a/c until clearance has been obtained from the Port Authority
Communicable Disease Procedure
1 Identify
2 Communicate
3 Protect yourself
4 Isolate
5 Treat and Monitor
6 Contain and Cleanup
7 After Landing
Final Warning Card Location and Documentation
Vital Action Cards folder
- Witness Report
- Sector Report
Bomb Threat - On Ground
A/C still at terminal - pax disembark via air bridge/stairs
- PA disembark quickly taking all hand luggage
A/C under push back - return to terminal
- PA disembark quickly taking all hand luggage
A/C engine running/taxi
1. Shut down engines as appropriate prior to evacuation
2. If practical - return to gate
- taxi to designated dispersal area
- request steps if available
3. Evac using slides
Via Steps PA “Disembark quickly taking all hand luggage. Move 200m upwind of ac or to assembly point” Via Slide PA “Disembark quickly leaving all hand luggage behind. Move at least 200m upwind or to assemble point “
Bomb Threat from a Passenger
Cabin crew Advised FA1
FA1 Advise Cpt or ground staff
Pax Offload immediately
Pax baggage and belongings Locate and isolate
Airport law enforcement Notify immediately
Bomb Threat Inflight
Declare emergency
Proceed to nearest airport
Maintain cabin altitude
Advise pax
If ac search nessary(bomb search procedure and checklist 9.7.1)
If found do not move
If advised to move - LRBL
Bomb Threat Prior to Landing
Ascertain dispersal area from ATC
Alert airport requirements
Brief pax evac procedures - steps slide assembly
Crew notified doors to be used
Refusal of Carrage
PIC Permission
Behaves in a manner which jeopardizes or may jeopardizes good order and discipline
Safe Hand
Crew Prohibited
Exception’s - ANZ approved property
- person current ID plus documentation from ANZ manager/official requesting carriage and item identification
- if sealed package security screened
- no third party articles
Special requirements to PIC minimum prior TOP
1 hr
Emergency light test switch duration
1 min