Day 1 Flashcards
New water quality guidelines and effluent standards
Old Water Quality Guidelines
DAO 34
General Effluent Standards
DAO 35
salinity of freshwater
< 500 ppm
salinity of marine waters
< 30 ppt
chemicals that cause fishy smell
chemicals that cause decayed fish
chemicals that cause rotten egg smell
hydrogen sulfide
chemicals that cause skunk smell
chemicals that smell rotten cabbage
organic skatoles
chemicals that smell like fecal matter
instrument that measures odor of water
measurement of turbidity
JTU - Jackson Turbidity Unit
equivalent of JTU
1 mg/L silica in water
turbidity of clear lake
25 JTU
turbidity of muddy water
100 JTU
instrument that measures turbidity
Secchi Disk
conditions for BOD
5 days, 20 C, pH 7
graph that shows the amount of DO in water
DO Sag Curve
What causes Itai-Itai disease
What causes Minimata disease
Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal
Basel Convention
rate at which temperature changes with altitude
lapse rate
protocol on the control of greenhouse gases
Kyoto Protocol
phasing out of CFCs
Montreal Protocol #13
follow up to the Kyoto Protocol
Copenhagen Accord
meeting where persistent organic pollutants were phased out
Stockholm Convention
who coined the term “isomers”
Jans Jacob Berzelius
Reacted carbon disulfide (inorganic) to produce acetic acid (organic)
Adolph Wilhelm Hermann Kolbe
discovered the structure of benzene
August Kekule
Octet rule and Lewis structures
Gilbert Lewis
postulated that reaction behavior is due to the movement of electrons
Robert Robinson
structures focused on the delocalization of electrons, e- are shared across nuclei
Resonance structures
electrons are localized in covalent bonds
Lewis structures
what does iso- mean
all except one carbon form a continuous chain
what does sec- mean
the substituent is attached to a secondary carbon
what does tert- mean
attached to a tertiary carbon
what does neo mean
all but two carbons form a continuous chain
Who produced the Wholer synthesis? using ammonium cyanate to form urea
Friedrich Wohler
Who suggested the concept of resonance?
Linus Pauling
Constitutional isomers
elements are not bonded similarly
different orientation
mirror images that are not superimposable
stereoisomers that are not mirror images of one another
who discovered the chair conformation of cyclohexane
Odd Hassel
what does gauche mean
60 deg dihedral angle
what does anti mean
180 degree dihedral angle
what does the biggest constituent in cyclohexane prefer
ALA omega-3 fatty acid
Alpha-Linolenic Acid
Eicosapentanoic acid
Docosahexanoic acid
What types of alcohols prefer SN1
secondary/tertiary alcohols
What types of alcohols prefer SN2
Describe the inductive effect
(+) carbon draws electrons from the sigma bonds around it
Describe hyperconjugation
electron delocalization due to overlap between beta methyl group and carbocation
rank the following by priority: alkene, alcohol, halide
alcohol > alkene > alkyl halide
describe a vinyl group
double bonded cabon
describe an allyl bond
three carbons with one double bond that can move when transformed into a carbocation
Zusammen, ‘magkaZama’
Entgegen, ‘magkaEba’
degree of unsaturation
(2C + 2 + N - H - X)/2
arrange the following in priority for determining alkene stability
- C atoms
- branching of double bond
- trans/E
determination of where atoms attach
solid catalysts for hydrogenation of alkenes
Pt, Pd, Ni, Rh
when does carbocation rearrangement occur
from 2o to 3o carbocation
discovered free radical addition of HBr to alkenes
Morris Kharasch
free radical addition of HBr to alkenes with peroxides
free radical addition of HBr to alkenes without peroxide
who discovered hydroboration-oxidation reaction?
Herbert Brown
describe the product of vicinal dihalide formation
anti-addition, F reaction is too reactive, I is not possible
where does the water attach during vicinal halohydrin formation
water attaches to highly substituted carbon
catalyst for dehydration of alcohols
H2SO4 and H3PO4 catalyst
describe Zaitsev’s rule
production of more substituted alkene
what do you call the product of ozonolysis
ozomide, - O - R - O - O - R -
who discovered the VSEPR theory
Ronald Nyholm
who described electron group geometries
Ryutaro Tsuchida
suspension placed between plates to obtain a good spectrum
Nujol Mull
meso compounds
achiral compounds that have chirality centers. when the halves are equal
zero degree polarized light means
there are equal amounts of the two enantiomers
optical purity equation
% enantiomer 1 - % enantiomer 2
describe the S orientation
high to low in CCw
describe the R orientation
high to low in CW
can molecules with 2 or more chiral centers be achiral?
describe a stereogenic center
a center where exchanging two substituent will produce a different atom
who invented C-14 dating
Williard Libby
redox reaction of bleach
ClO- + 2I- + 2H+ –> Cl- + I2 + H2O
Sugar which appear to be negative against Fehling’s Test
Non-reducing sugar
Reducing sugars
Maltose, Cellobiose, Lactose
Nonreducing sugar
Most abundant molecules in living cells
Type of bacteria that are considered to be ancient organism such as methanogens, halobacteria and thermoacidophiles
Bacteria which convert alcoholic solution to vinegar
Biological decomposition of organic matter accompanied by the production of foul smelling products in an anaerobic condition
A waste treatment process by which biologically active growths are continuously circulated with incoming biodegradable waste in the presence of oxygen is
Activated sludge process
Temperature at which a microorganism is killed within a period of 10 minutes
thermal death point (TDP)
A visible concentrated growth of algae or other aquatic life/plants is called
Enzyme in the stomach
Organism produced by sporulation
Time to kill all bacterial in a particular culture at a specific temperature
Bacteria that grow over the temp range 30-40 C are called
Hydrolysis of sucrose gives
1 glucose and 1 fructose
Microorganism utilized in production of pickles
lactic acid bacteria
Disaccharide formed by a beta-glycosidic bond
Defined as the quantity of enzymes needed to transform 1.0 micromole of substrate to product per minute at 30 C and optimal pH
International Unit
Measure of unsaturation of a fatty acid
Iodine number (the number of grams of iodine absorbed by 100 g of fat)