ChE 1 Flashcards
conditions ideal for gas absorption
low T, high P
packed columns are best used for?
corrosive liquids, foaming materials
high flowrates, cost efficiency
effect of higher P in a gas absorber
higher P = more stages required
effect of lower T in the number of stages
lower T = more stages needed
describe the reaction of the inversion of cane sugar
pseudo-first order, second order reaction
what kind of reaction is cracking of crude oil
heterogenous catalytic
Who introduced the first standard screw thread
Joseph Whitworth
What is the most widely used screw thread standard
Impure product obtained by partial purification of potash from wood ashes
Pearl ash/potassium carbonate
Residue from wine vats, also called potassium tartrate
Byproduct of the sugar/ethanol industry
nucleation upon contact with a cold/freezing object
contact nucleation
nucleation due to presence of foreign substance
heteregeneous nucleation
nucleation due to existing crystals
secondary nucleation
what are the 4 stages of selection process for choosing the best design
Possible designs (credible): within the external constraints.
Plausible designs (feasible): within the internal constraints.
Probable designs: likely candidates.
Best design (optimum): judged the best solution to the problem.
method of water softening that uses zeolites
who suggested the use of permutit for water softening
Robert Gans
equation for schedule number?
1000 Pw / Ps
Refers to waste or scrap glass, usually ground (CPI)
A gas turbine cycle consisting of two adiabatic steps and two isobaric steps
For any closed system formed initially from given masses of prescribed chemical species, by any two properties of the system, provided that these two properties are independently variable at the equilibrium state.
Duhem’s Theory
A device substantially without movingp arts, in which a fuel, such as H2, natgas, mathanol, propane, can be converted firectly into twice the quantity of electrical energy that would result from the usual boiler-turbine power generation
Fuel Cell
1 ton of refrigeration capacity =
200 BTU/min
At the exit of nozzle
A: P is high, v is low
B: both P and v are high
C: P is low, v is high
D: both P and v are low
At the exit of nozzle
A: P is high, v is low
B: both P and v are high
C: P is low, v is high
D: both P and v are low
The Buckingham Pi-theorem is applied to
Dimensional analysis
The temperature at which the moisture in humid air exerts a partial pressure equal to its vapor pressure is the
Dew point
The achievement of a temperature below that of the intermediate surroundings is
Throttling process is
isenthalpic or constant enthalpy process
The union of the nonvolatile inorganic oxides resulting from the decomposition and fusion of alkali and alkaline eart compounds, sand, and otehr constituents, ending in a product with random atomic structure. It is a rigid, undercooled
Industrial process for production of H2SO4. Based on ocidation of S to SO3 on a vanadium oxide catlyst followed by rection with water in fuming H2SO4
Contact process
Principal type of gas-solids separator employing centrifugal force
It is amount of energy in excess of the average energy level which the reactants must have in order for the reaction to proceed
Activation energy
It is measure of profitability defined as the annual profit before taxes, divided by the FCI
Return on investment
It is measure of profitability defined as the annual profit before taxes, divided by the FCI
Return on investment
gross income less gross expense before deducting provision for income tax is
gross profit
Equal to the gross annual sales divided by the fixed-capital investment
Turnover ratio
When the thermodynamics system undergoes a cyclic process, its internal energy change is
Critically damped system means that damping coefficient is (topic: IPC)
Heating of an ore to bring about reaction with the furnace atmosphere
Device used for classification of particles with size ranges below 10 micrometers
Which media can trap particles of size 0.005 micrometer
H2S is removed from H2O by contacting the solution with warm air. The operation is
Sulfur is undesirable is petroleum
It causes engine knocking (may tendency daw masira, ‘yung tunog na garalgal daw)
Third aspect in plant design luh
Lowest temperature at which the material will ignite from an open flame
Flash point
Lanolin is widely used in cosmetics, derived from
Sheep’s wool
To increase the life of an incandescent lamp, it is
Filled with argon gas
Wet and dry bulb temp become identical at
100% saturation curve
Wet and dry bulb temp become identical at
100% saturation curve
Measure of rate of grinding of materials in a particular mill
Graetz number is concerned with
heat transfer in laminar flow
Natural convection is characterized by __ number
The terms sweet and sour in natgas are used to denote the absence or presence of
Parameter which completely describees the behavior of the response to a disturbance of a 2nd order system is the
damping coefficient
neoprene is a
synthetic rubber
Water insoluble cell binders of wood
Rancidity of oil can be reduced by
plasticizers are added to paint to
make it corrosion resistant
Varnish does not contain
Suitable evaporator for concentration of foaming liquid is
Long tube evaporator
In the Philippines, S for H2SO4 manufacturing is sourced from what industry
Identification of pipelines carrying different liquids and gases is done by
Brass is an alloy of copper and
Formation of smallest aggregate of molecules in a supersaturated solution capable of growing into a large precipitate particle is called
SOlid whose particles have no orderly structure
He coined the term polymer to denote molecular substances of high molecular mass formed by polymerization
Jons Jakob Berzellus
Dimensionless qty, which for fluid flowing inside tubes, regarded as ratio of shear stress (at tube wall) to kinetic energy
Fanning friction factor
An early method for production of sodium carbonate from NaCl, calcium carbonate, and H2SO4
Leblanc process
RA 9297
Chemical Engineering Law of 2004
Potential members of the ChE Regulatory Board are nominated by this body
PIChE (finalized by President?)
What govt agency supervises Bureau of Patents, Trademarks, and Technology Transfer?
RA 8293
Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines
Info on pumps
Page 10-26
Bear pump
Bear reciprocating pump (positive displacement)
Mass transfer in a flowing fluid may be correlated by
Sherwood, Reynolds, and Schmidt numbers
Amount of radiation emitted in all directions… fourth power of temp
Stefan-Boltzman Law
Perfect emitter
black body
Tyler std screen scale series (Page 17-25), when mesh number increases
Aperture decreases
Critical speed of a ball mill depends on
radius of mill (D) and ball (d)