Data Analysis in Quant Research: Understanding Stats PART 2 Flashcards
Which type of analyses:
*one DV and one IV
EX: calculating prevalence OR calculating incidence
Which type of analyses:
*one DV and two IVs OR two DVs and 1 IV
Which type of analyses:
*one DV and multiple IV
EX: multiple regression analysis examines a number of IVs and their combined relationship to a single DV
Which type of analyses:
*multiple DVs
multiple outcomes
Between Group OR Within Group?
*Intervention group compared to control group
Between Group
AKA Between Subject OR Independent Samples
Between Group OR Within Group?
*One group, but looking at pre- and post-;
same group but at different times
Within Group
AKA Within Subject OR Correlated Samples
Nonparametric Statistics:
Select one: Chi-Square, Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, Friedman
* Compares actual number of frequency in each group with expected number; between group design, uses NOMINAL level data
EX: Research question: Is there a difference between 2 groups related gender?
Nonparametric Statistics:
Select one: Chi-Square, Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, Friedman
* Compares two groups; between group designs; uses ORDINAL level data
EX: Research question: Is there a difference in breast self-examination based on educational level?
Nonparametric Statistics:
Select one: Chi-Square, Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, Friedman
* Compare greater than two groups; between-group designs; uses ORDINAL level data
(EX: Research question: Is there a difference in the medians for change in the number of days of having cold symptoms among those who take placebo pill, those who take low doses of vitamin C, and those who take high doses of vitamin C?)
Nonparametric Statistics:
Select one: Chi-Square, Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, Friedman
* within-subject design; 1 group measured on 3 or more different occasions; uses ORDINAL level data
(EX: Research question: Is there a statistically significant difference in perceived sense of well-being survey scores for individuals with clinical depression more from city to rural areas (collected prior to move, 3 months after move, and 6 months after move?)
(EX: our TBI research review)
Parametric Statistics:
There are different forms of this test, used for different purposes. OT does not really use this type.
Parametric Statistics:
Select one: Unpaired t-test OR Paired t-test
* uses continuous level data; for examining the difference between 2 groups (e.g control/treatment); comparing the mean of one group against the mean of another group on one or more variables
Unpaired t-test
EX: Research question: Is there a difference between treatment and control group in relation to age?
Parametric Statistics:
Select one: Unpaired t-test OR Paired t-test
* also known as “t-test for independent samples” or “t-test for group means”
Unpaired t-test
Parametric Statistics:
Select one: Unpaired t-test OR Paired t-test
* uses continuous level data; generally used when measurements are taken from the SAME SUBJECT before and after some manipulation such as a therapeutic intervention
Paired t-test
(EX: Research question: Is there a difference in mean score of knowledge of breast examination from pre-test (mammogram) to post-test?)
Parametric Statistics:
Select one: Unpaired t-test OR Paired t-test
* also known as “dependent t-test” or “t-test for correlated samples”
Paired t-test
Parametric Statistics:
Select one: ANOVA, One-way ANOVA, or Two way ANOVA
* Examines the difference between group means; three or more groups when participants are being tested only once; there is 1 categorical IV with 3 or more levels or conditions (or 3 groups) and 1 continuous DV
(EX: Research question: What is the effect of therapist counseling, compared to nicotine patch and no treatment on number of cigarettes smoked daily? DV = number of cigarettes, IV = interventions/control group)
Parametric Statistics:
Select one: ANOVA, One-way ANOVA, or Two way ANOVA
* AKA Simple ANOVA
One-way ANOVA
Parametric Statistics:
Select one: ANOVA, One-way ANOVA, or Two way ANOVA
* used when comparing 3 or more group means (e.g. the average performance of 3 or more groups); statistic computed is F-ratio
ANOVA: Analysis of Variance
Parametric Statistics:
Select one: ANOVA, One-way ANOVA, or Two way ANOVA
* Examines the difference between two IV (2 or more levels) and one continuous DV; comparison of each IV with the DV; also allows for a test of the impact of the interaction between the 2 IVs on the DV (the “interaction”)
Two way ANOVA
Parametric Statistics:
Select one: ANOVA, One-way ANOVA, or Two way ANOVA
* AKA Factorial ANOVA or multifactorial ANOVA
Two way ANOVA
(EX: Research question: Are counseling, compared to nicotine patch and no treatment equally effective on number of cigarettes smoked daily for women and men?)
Parametric Statistics:
Select one: Repeated Measures ANOVA (within-subject), ANCOVA, MANOVA, or MANCOVA
* measurement taken at more than 2 time points; 3 or more measures for 1 DV; DV must be continuous
Repeated Measure ANOVA (within subject)
(EX: Research question: What is the difference in depression level of clients receiving mental health services by participating in group therapy sessions at pre-test, 6 months, and 1 year?)
Parametric Statistics:
Select one: Repeated Measure ANOVA, ANCOVA, MANOVA, or MANCOVA
* purpose is to equalize differences between groups by controlling for a potentially confounding variable (the covariate)
ANCOVA: Analysis of Co-variance
(EX: Research question: What is effect of training on the running speed of adolescents who do or do not work out regularly? IV = training; DV = running speed; covariate = gender; To compare response to training vs. no training, one may need to control for known differences between males and females; ANCOVA removes the gender factor, so differences between training and no training are not corrupted by it)
Parametric Statistics:
Select one: Repeated Measure ANOVA, ANCOVA, MANOVA, or MANCOVA
*used when two or more dependent variables (DV) that correlate with each other are compared to one or more independent variables
MANOVA: Multivariate Analysis of Variance
ex. examine effect of two methods of exercise on diastolic and systolic blood pressure
Parametric Statistics:
Select one: Repeated Measure ANOVA, ANCOVA, MANOVA, or MANCOVA
*used when two or more dependent variables (DV) that correlate with each other are compared to one or more independent variables EXCEPT also controls for confounding variables (covariates)
MANCOVA: Multivariate analysis of Co-variance
(Ex. Research question: what is the effect of different interventions (desensitization, relaxation training, wait-list control) on several types of anxiety (measured with 4 sub scales of anxiety measure) after controlling for age and marital status)
Statistical procedure to predict the outcome of a dependent variable based on modeling of an independent variable or variables
Creates a regression line (i.e. line of best fit) that is the best predictor of the relationship between the IV and the DV; one IV used to predict a DV
Simple linear regression
Statistical procedure designed to test the relationship or prediction between two or more IVs and one DV.
Multiple regression
Provides measure of overall fit that is the best predictor of the relationship between the IVs and the DV
Multiple linear regression
(*Research question: how well does # of smoking cigarettes a day, # exercise per week, and cholesterol predict mortality from CHD?)