dash through AK Flashcards
A whistle-stop tour of the Animal Kingdom Basic phylogeny Definitions of: Eumetazoa Bilateria Deuterostomia Protostomia Ecdysozoa Spiralia Lophotrochozoa
see desktop for major divisions to remember
- Hypothetical last common ancestor of all animals
- First multicellular animal
- Eukaryote multicellular
- Flagellate
- Marine
- Two cell layers
- No symmetry
- c. 600 million years ago
Eumetazoa (non-bilateral animals)
6 points
- Porifera
- Sponges
- Two layers of cells
- No tissues or organs
- No nervous, digestive, or circulatory systems
- No symmetry
Eumetazoa (non-bilateral animals)
2 points
- Possibly close to the “ur-metazoan”
2. Two layers of cells
Eumetazoa (non-bilateral animals)
Former term for Cnidaria + Ctenophora
Now recognised as paraphyletic
Eumetazoa (non-bilateral animals)
5 points
- “comb jellies”
- Radial symmetry
- Two layers of cells
- Unique colloblast cells
Sticky, used in prey capture - Swim using cilia
Eumetazoa (non-bilateral animals)
- Sea anemones, corals, sea pens, “jellyfish”
- Stinging cells for prey capture
- Radial symmetry
- Two layers of cells
- Single orifice and body cavity
cell layers
Ectoderm (epidermis and nerves)
Endoderm (digestive tract)
Mesoderm (muscle, connective tissue)
anterior and posterior
front and back
Dorsal and ventral
left and right
2 divisions
complete digestive tracts - separate mouth and anus
- Protostomia: “mouth first”
Blastopore becomes the mouth
Anus develops secondarily - Deuterostomia: “mouth second”
Blastopore becomes the anus
Mouth develops secondarily
Deuterostomes - Chordata
5 points
- Notochord (rigid structure for muscle attachment)
- Hollow dorsal nerve cord
- Pharyngeal slits (filter feeding organs)
- Endostyle (assists in filter feeding in basal chordates)
- Post anal tail (body after anus
Deuterostomes - echinodermata
5 points
- Sea lilies, sea cucumbers, brittle stars, sea urchins, starfish
- Bilateral as larvae, radially symmetry as adults (in some classes)
- Calcareous plates in skin
- Water vascular system
- Suspension feeders, herbivores, carnivores
Deuterostomes - hemichordata
3 points
- Enteropneusta (acorn worms)
Pterobranchia - Filter feeders
- Three-part body
protostomes - ecdysozoa
5 points
- Grow by ecdysis (i.e. moulting their exoskeleton)
- Lack locomotory cilia
- Amoeboid sperm (crawl)
- “teeth” within the foregut (basal)
- Ring of spines around the mouth (basal)
Ecdysozoa - priapulida
2 points
- Penis worms
2. Unsegmented worms
Ecdysozoa - kinorhyncha
2 points
- “mud dragons”
2. Segmented, limbless, < 1mm
Ecdysozoa - Nematoda
3 points
- Round worms
- Unsegmented
- Free living and parasitic
Ecdysozoa - Nematomorpha
2 points
- Horsehair worms
2. Larval parasites of arthropods
Ecdysozoa - arthropoda
5 points
- Exoskeleton with jointed legs
- Chelicerata: spiders, scorpions
- Myriapoda: centipedes, millipedes
- Crustacea: crabs, prawns, woodlice
- Hexapoda: mayflies, wasps, true bugs
- Named after spiral cleavage of the embryo
- Otherwise defined as lacking the attributes of the Ecdysozoa
- Validity as a group confirmed with genetic studies
5 points
- “Jaw-bearers”
- Chaetognatha
Arrow worms
Predatory, dart-shaped - Rotifera
Wheel animals
Free living and sessile species
Corona of cilia used in filter feeding and locomotion - Acanthocephala
Thorny-headed worms
Parasitic involving at least 2 hosts - Gnathostomulida
Jaw worms
Platyhelminthes and Gastrotricha
6 points
- Flatworms
- No body cavity
- No circulatory or respiratory organs
- Blind-ended digestive system
- Free living
- Parasitic (tapeworms, flukes)
- Clade established on molecular evidence
2. Trochophore (“wheel-carrying”) larvae
4 points
- Segmented worms
- Repetition of internal organs (in each segment)
- Chitinous setae (bristles on body
- Polychaeta – bristle worms
Clitellata – earthworms and leeches
Echiura – spoon worms
Sipuncula – peanut worms
4 points
- Muscular foot
- Mantle that secretes a shell
- Toothed radula
- Gastropoda: snails, limpets, slugs
Bivalvia: clams, oysters, scallops
Cephalopoda: octopus, squid
Polyplacophora: chitons
Scaphopoda: tusk shells
3 points
- Lamp shells
- Dorsal and ventral valves (unlike left-right valves of Mollusca)
- Filter feeders
2 points
- Horseshoe worms
2. Filter feeders
Entoprocta and Ectoprocta
3 points
- Entoprocta
No body cavity - Ectoprocta
Moss animals or Bryozoa
Zooids have different functions – not truly independent animals
Some have exoskeletons - Superficially similar
Filter feeders using a ‘crown’ of tentacles
4 points
- Ribbon worms
- Circulatory system
- Free living, carnivorous
Eversible proboscis used for food capture, toxic secretions - Move via external cilia
4 points
- Ribbon worms
- Circulatory system
- Free living, carnivorous
Eversible proboscis used for food capture, toxic secretions
- Move via external cilia