[Daf 5b-6a] Davar she'eino mitkaven Flashcards
What are the two potential melachot involved in biah rishona on Shabbat?
- Boneh
- Chabura
See Rashi Ketubot 5b
What are the opinions of the Tannaim re. Davar she’eino mitkaven?
- R’ Shimon: Muttar
- R’ Yehuda: Assur
Ketubot 5b
What is the svara behind R’ Shimon’s “Davar she’eino mitkaven muttar”, acc. to the Chazon Ish?
It’s not HIS action, it’s like it was done “on its own”
ובחזון איש (או”ח סימן נ’ אות א’) כתב “העדר הכונה מבטל את המעשה ואף אם יעשה חריץ אין זו מלאכה דידיה אלא כנעשה מאליו”.
What is a מְסוֹכַרְיָא דְּנַזְיָיתָא?
Cloth stopper of a barrel [nazyata]
Ketubot 6a
Acc. to Rambam what is the main motivation of the man cutting off the chicken’s head?
To amuse a child with it
Hilchot Shabbat 1:6
What is the halacha re. Psik reisha de’lo nicha ley, acc. to the big Tosefot on Ketubot 6a
- Aruch/Rabbeinu Tam: Muttar
- R”i: Assur
Tosefot Ketubot 6a dh Hai mesuchrayta
Acc. to Rabbeinu Chananel, what is the reason for Psik reisha = assur?
In case of Psik reisha, we say…
איערומי קא מערים
(i.e. he says his kavanah is not for melacha, but we think he’s being deceitful and it is his kavanah)
R’ Chananel (Sukkah 33b)
The laws of Shabbat are large, with only a few pesukim. They are, in the phrase of the mishna, like ha—— ha—— ba——.
הֲרֵי הֵם כַּהֲרָרִים הַתְּלוּיִין בְּשַׂעֲרָה
Mishna Chagiga 1:8
Which case, relating to the mikdash, proves that Davar she’eino mitkaven applies to ALL Torah (not just Shabbat)?
Sprinkling wine (as part of korban) on the flames of the mizbeach, thereby transgressing “lo tichbe”; as it’s **not intended ** it is muttar acc. to R’ Shimon.
Zevachim 91b (quoted in Tos. Ketubot dh Hai me’suchrayta)
What are the 3 potential melachot involved with the מְסוֹכַרְיָא דְּנַזְיָיתָא?
As discussed by the big Tosefot on 6a
- Libbun
- Mefarek (toldah of threshing)
- Making a k’li
Tos. Ketubot 6a dh Hai me’suchrayta
Who’s the most famous headless chicken in history?
Mike the Headless Chicken (April 20, 1945 – March 17, 1947) was a male Wyandotte chicken that lived for 18 months after his head had been cut off.