[Daf 2] Wedding day, o'ness for delays, and in tenai of get Flashcards
What are the two reasons for a betulah to get married on a Wednesday?
- Ta’anat betulim
- Shakdu
Ta’anat betulim b/c Beit Din sit on Thu (and Mon)
Ketubot 2a
From when is a husband obligated to provide food for his wife?
In normal circumstances
From the day of the wedding (=nissuin)
Ketubot 2a (implied)
If the husband delays the wedding (WITHOUT a good reason for it), does he have to provide food for his wife from the original day?
Ketubot 2a (quoting Mishna 57a: Higiya zman)
If the wedding got delayed for a GOOD reason (o’ness), does the husband have to provide food from the original date or the actual date of the wedding?
- R’ Achai: original date
- R’ Ashi: actual date
Ketubot 2b
Define “o’ness begittin”
It’s where the tenai (trigger) of a get is fulfilled, but only due to circumstanes beyond the person’s control (i.e. o’ness).
Ketubot 2b
What is the din: there IS or there is NOT o’ness be’gittin?
According to the gemara on 2b and 3a
The gemara presents both views in the name of Rava: EIN o’ness and YESH o’ness
Ketubot 2b-3a
What is the din: there IS or there is NOT o’ness be’gittin?
According to the Rambam (Mishne Torah)
EIN o’ness be’gittin
Hilchot Geirushin 9:8 (skip to Halacha 8)
What is the logic behind EIN o’ness be’gittin?
It’s Rava’s own sevara: because of tznu’ot and prutzot
Ketubot 2b-3a
Two explanations in the rishonim for YESH o’ness be’gittin are…
Per the Kovetz Shiurim
- Ran: umdanah, as though he added to his tenai that “didn’t come back be’ratzon”
- Ra’ah: Be’oness makes it like the kiyum hatenai was not done by HIM, so therefore tenai is battel
Kovetz Shiurim, Keubot 1-5
Which passuk does Rashi bring to explain YESH o’ness?
“Ve’lanarah lo ta’aseh davar”
Ketubot 3a
On what day does a betulah get married?
Ketubot 2a (Mishna)
On what day does an almanah get married?
Ketubot 2a (Mishna)
How does the Rambam define chuppa/nissuin?
Mention 3 components
- Brings her into his house
- Yichud
- Separates her for himself
Acc. to Rashi, what is the purpose of the man making the ta’anat betulim (Mishna 2a)?
- Man going to Beit Din will generate a kol
- And eidim may come, and testify about her adultery
Ketubot 2a; see Rashi on the Mishna
Acc. to Tosefot, what is the purpose of the man making the ta’anat betulim (Mishna 2a)?
- In a case of one safek, she will be assur to him (eshet kohen, and pechuta mi’bat gimmel)
- Other cases included b/c of Lo Plug
Acc. to Rabbeinu Tam
Ketubot 2a; see Tosefot on the Mishna
Why are we concerned in the Mishna (Ketubot 2a) about adultery, when usually we assume it is uncommon - “lo shkiach” (per Gittin 17a)?
Two answers from Tosefot
- Adultery itself is NOT uncommon; it’s only uncommon to be done with eidim + warning
- It IS uncommon, but even so, in the mishna we are trying to avoid a couple living together their whole lives in a state of issur.
Tosefot She’im haya lo, Ketubot 2a
Believing the man’s ta’anat betulim, acc. to Tosefot, is based on which principle?
4 word phrase
Shavya anafshei chaticha de’issura
See Rashi 9a (dh Ne’eman le’osrah alav) for quotation of the phrase