[Daf 4] Chupat O’nen, niddah Flashcards
In what situation - linked to aveilut - can a wedding be moved earlier (e.g. from Wednesday to Monday)?
If all the wedding preps have been done, and the father of the chatan or mother of the kalah dies
Ketubot 3b-4a
Why is the first biah called “be’ilat mitzvah” according to Tosefot?
3 parts to the answer
Through this initial encounter…
1. Woman makes a “covenant” with the man
2. They stick together
3. Ultimately leads to Peru U’revu
Ketubot 4a dh Be’ilat mitzvah
What qualification did R’ Chisda add to chuppat aveilim?
It’s only when water has been placed on the meat
Ketubot 4a
When does R’ Chisda’s qualificaiton of chuppat aveilim apply? Give an example
In a place that’s neither a town nor a village. E.g., Matta Mechasya
Ketubot 4a
Does any aveilut apply during a mo’ed?
Yes, for matters in private (tzinah)
Statement of R’ Yochanan
Ketubot 4a
What is the leniency of chuppat aveilim?
Delaying of the burial until after the chuppa, which - as a knock-on effect - delays the shiva until after the seven days of celebration
Ketubot 4b
Is there ever an issur yichud between a married couple when she’s a niddah?
Yes, where she became a niddah at the chuppa (and they have not yet consummated), there is an issur yichud until she purifies
Ketubot 4a
According to the beraitas of daf 4, do couples treat aveilut or niddah more carefully (for the issur tashmish)?
It’s a mixed picture!
Ketubot 4a-b
From what moment does aveilut start?
Two opinions:
1. From when the body leaves the house (R’ Eliezer)
2. Closing of the coffin (R’ Yehoshua)
Ketubot 4b
Can the bride wear jewellery during the shloshim?
Rashi: to not be “titganeh” on the husband
Ketubot 4a
According to the maskana (R’ Ashi) do couples treat niddah or aveilut more carefully re. issur tashmish?
- Aveilut, generally, treated more carefully than niddah
- In case of chuppat aveilim, niddah is treated more carefully
Ketubot 4b