Da 4A 2n22nov//24//aug12, Flashcards
unexpected/unforseen adj
unexected/unforseen noun
Meeting them (like for the first time) was an unforseen pleasure.
Conocerlos fue un placer imprevisto. Meeting them was an unforseen pleasure.
Previsto - foreseen predicted planned
The plot of the story was that the birthday boy and his novia lived happily ever after.
La trama de la historia era que el cumpleañero y su novia fueron felices y comieron perdices.
trama - plot
birthday person - cumpleañero
were happy and ate partridges - pears that talked
lived happily ever after. Y vivieron felices para siempre.
He reads self-help and detective books.
Lee libros de autoayuda y de detectives
Who wrote “The feast of the goat”? answer
¿Quién escribio “La fiesta del chivo”? Mario Vargas Llosa
Who wrote the book “Malinche”. answer
¿Quién escribio “Malinche”? Laura Esquival.
I am intrigued by so much mystery.
Estoy intrigada por tanto misterio.
intrigar - to intrigue
intrigarse - to be intrigued
Reading the writing of Gabriel Garcia Márquez is like following a labyrinth. His writing is exceedingly/extremely complex.
Leer la escritura de Gabriel García Márquez es como seguir un laberinto. Su escritura es sumamente compleja.
the reading and writing
lectura y escritura
How do you say “hopscotch” in Spanish and who wrote a novel called “hopscotch”? answer
¿Cómo se dice “rayuela” en español y quién escribió una novela llamada “Rayuela”? Julio Cortázar
ra -ue-la
hopscotch in spanish is called avión
Have you ever failed a test?
to fail a test
¿Alguna vez ha reprobado un examen?
reprobar also suspender-suspendido
aprobar - to pass, to approve
Unfortunately, it is a huge risk.
Desafortunadamente/por desgracia/desgraciadamente, es un riesgo grandote.
I grew-up like that.
Crecía así.
Are you a night or morning person?
¿Es usted una persona nocturna o matutina?
matutina -related to morning
Human beings are more similar than different.
Los seres humanos son más similares que diferentes.
Our loved ones are the most important people to us in the world.
Nuestros seres queridos son las personas más importantes para nosotros en el mundo.
Septic tanks are part of the sewer system.
Las fosas-los tanques sépticas forman parte del alcantarillado. la alcantarilla is only a part of the alcantarillado
septic tank - la fosa séptica/el tanque séptico - correct
sewer system - sistema séptico o alcantarillado. USE alcantarillado, not sistema séptico because the latter is NOT used