D10: Goose breeding (breeding goal, use, breeds, traits, breeding methods and hybrids) Flashcards
kingdom: animalia
phylum: chordata
class: aves
order: Galliformis, anseriformes, columbiformes
order: galliformis
suborder: galli
genus; gallus - chicken (galli gallus = chicken)
genus: meleagris - turkey
order: anseriformes
suborder: anseres
Tribe: Anserini (greylag goose and swan goose)
Tribe: Cairini (muskovy duck)
Tribe: Anatini (domestic duck)
order: columbiformes
suborder: columbae - pigeon
when did domestication occur?
effects of domesticaiton?
multiple domestications: approx 2500-3000BC or 5000 BC in japan or china.
biphyletic origin: both from greyleg goose and swan goose.
- only a Few changes due to domestication:
- fatty deposition,
- plumage colour,
- egg production.
- Genetic pollution between domestic & wild breeds is common.
what are the uses / breeding goals of geese?
- Used for their meat,
- liver (fois grois),
- fat
- eggs (tasty and edible, but not economical for human consumption – 40-50 eggs per laying period).
- Goose feathers are good quality products for pillows and covers
- Goose faeces is an excellent soil fertilizer.
- Weeder geese are used with great success to control and eradicate troublesome grass and certain weeds in a variety of crops and plantings.
- Used as alarming animals.
what are the reproduciton traits of geese?
- Egg laying and breeding maturity:
–> maturity: 35-38 weeks,
–> reproduction and egg production is weak (30-50 eggs). - Egg weight: 160-240 g
- Duration of laying period: 4-5 months, after stopping laying eggs, laying geese always moults.
- Incubation time: 30-32 days
- Sex ratio: 1 male for 5-6 females
What are production traits of geese?
- Growth up to 8 weeks is excellent
- Dressing percentage: 65-70%, more subcutaneous and abdominal fat amount.
- Valuable parts: breast muscles and thighs.
- Liver production: 600-1100 g (species specific) .
- Feather production and quality: better than in ducks. 500 g by 4x harvesting. For the recovery and full growth of new plumage they need about 45 days.
- Viability: geese are the best among poultry species with a lifespan that may exceed 50 years!
What are the breeding and mating systems used iwth geese?
–> Similar to chicken breeding.
–> Artificial insemination is used. Broiler and liver production is frequent goal by two-, or three-way crossings.
- Purebreeding (breed maintenance, improvement, gene preservation):
–> mass selection (own performance) and family
selection (performance of co-laterals), progeny test (of less importance) - Hybridization – breed crossing, hybridization programs for liver and broiler hybrids.
- Breeding goose: broilers and liver hybrids.
- Crossing method – 2-way-crossing: A×B = AB, 3-way-crossing: A×B = AB (prolific maternal
line)×C (paternal line for meat and liver production) = ABC
what are the typical sizes of geese?
– Light (4-6 kg)
– Medium (5,5-7,5 kg)
– Heavy (7-10 kg)
what is involved in the breeder geese keeping system?
sex ratio
light program
genetic lines
- Low egg production
- Short laying period: 3 months
- Parents are bred for 3-5 years
– increasing egg production in 2nd and 3rd year!
Sex ratio: 1:3 gander:layer (in older herds it can be 1:4). harem-like mating.
Gender marking: punching holes in the foot web.
Placement: lower stocking density (1.5 animals/m2). 100, 1000s kept together.
Light program: it does not exist in traditional stock goose farming. different in different production cycles.
* incomplete domestication.
* closed housing: during the production period.
* open keeping: going on the pasture during the rest period.
* watering nipples and/or open water drinker
* lower- (for young geese) or upper-track
feeding system.
Genetic lines:
* Lippitsch (German)
* Golden Goose (Tranzit-Ker ZRT)
what does the incubation of eggs involve?
Washing and disinfection of eggs
* With water jet, gasification
* In a refrigerator, for a few days (16-18°C and
65-85% humidity).
* 708 hours of incubation, temperature,
humidity, rotation, „artificial egg
Egg candling
* Candling is a method used to observe the growth + development of an embryo inside an egg
* candling lamps: lights with a concentrated beam
* LEDs are now preferred
- once or twice during hatching:
- on 12-14. day
- on 7-8. and 28. days
– non-viable
– infertile
what does the goose fattening production system involve?
Fattening periods: 9, 13/16,16/22 weeks
* Extensive, semi-extensive: rearing of goslings, free range fattening on pasture, eventual stuffing.
* Intensive systems and farming: floor housing, large units.
Early broiler goose production:
* duration: 8/9 weeks
* weight: 4.0-4.5 kg
* sex differences low: 8-10%
Young broiler goose production:
* duration: 13-16 weeks
* up to 8-9 kg
Fatty goose production
* duration: 22 weeks
First phase:
* 3-4 weeks
* well-insulated buildings with wire mesh floor
* density: 16-20 geese/m2
* both genders mixed (approx. 50-50%)
* initially 10 dkg weight gain per day
* 2.5-3 kg body weight
Second phase:
* 4-5 weeks, extensive keeping, intensive feeding
* on water or dry land: pasture+water+forage
* min. 8-10°C-os outside temperature
* large automatic feeders or feed trough
* both genders mixed
* 5.5-6 kg body weight
what is stuffing?
- to produce fatty liver (foie gras)
- maize and cereals
- at any age above 8-9 weeks
- for 2-3 weeks
- liver weight: 600-1200 g
suitable layer goose breeds?
o Italian goose
o Bohemian (Czech) goose
o Rhenish goose
o Swan neck goose
suitable meat goose breeds?
o Emden
o Grey Pomeranian
o Pilgrim
o Diepholz goose
suitable liver (fatty liver) goose breeds?
o Toulouse
o Grey goose (Landes)
o Easter cygnoides (knobbed) breeds
name a hungarian goose breed
hungarian improved goose
weight 4.5 - 7kg
name some hybrid goose breeds
o Lippetisch (Leipzig)
o Gourmand