D1: Origin and domestication of different poultry species, micro-evolutionary consequences, importance of meat and egg production of different poultry species in human nutrition. Flashcards
origin of chicken?
monophyletic origin; REDjungle fowl
pylophyletic origin: some believe that the other 3 wild gallus species contributed to the domestic bird:
GREY junglefowl, CEYLON junglefowl, GREEN junglefowl.
india: 2500 BC
china: 5400 BC
origin of duck
origin species: mallard duck
asia: 2500 BC
origin of pigeon
rock doves
mediterranean, north africa region
origin of goose
greylag goose and swan neck goose
asia, egypt, europe
origin of turkey?
origin species: wild turkey
mexico: 1000BC
taxonomy of poultry species;
kingdom: animalia
phylum: chordata
class: aves
order: Galliformis, anseriformes, columbiformes
order: galliformis
suborder: galli
genus; gallus - chicken (galli gallus = chicken)
genus: meleagris - turkey
order: anseriformes
suborder: anseres
Tribe: Anserini (greylag goose and swan goose)
Tribe: Cairini (muskovy duck)
Tribe: Anatini (domestic duck)
order: columbiformes
suborder: columbae - pigeon
is biodiversity of domestic fowl high?
yes: layer, broiler, ornamental.
domestic forms of poultry species examples and chromosome numeber.
– chicken (Gallus gallus, 2n=78)
– turkey (Meleagris gallopavo, 2n=80)
– Western and Eastern greylag goose (Anser a. anser, spp. A. a. rubrirostris, 2n=80)
– swan goose (Anser cygnoides, 2n=80-82)
– duck (Anas platyrhyncos, 2n=80)
– muskovy duck (Cairina moschata, 2n=80)
– pigeon (Columba livia, 2n=80)
- Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica, 2n=78)
- Guinea fowl (Numida meleagris, 2n=78)
- Ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus, 2n=82).
- Ostrich (Struthio camelus, 2n=80)
cytogenic features of poultry species.
subsets of chromosomes.
chromosome numbers.
Cytogenetic features:
- two subsets of chromosomes;
macrochromosomes and microchromosomes
- sex: ZZ male; ZW female
- 2n number:
chicken, guinea fowl, Japanese quail: 78,
ducks, goose, pigeon and turkey: 80.
genomic features of poultry species:
interspecies hybrids
Interspecific hybrids:
– mulard duck: Muscovy duck (drake) × Peking duck (hen), sterile but used in meat and liver production.
– Other poultry interspecific hybrids are embryonic lethal.
genomic features of poultry species:
parthenogenetic development
Parthenogenetic development: inducible and successful in chickens and turkey; viable male strains of parthenotes were produced (Z, W→ZZ viable, WW lethal).
micro evolutionary consequence;
what was the effect of domestication on poultry speecies?
- Increase in size,
- Accumulation of coat colour variations, incl. leucism,
- Alteration in joint structure, limb length, and muscle attachment,
- Changes in skin covering, muscling.
- Lost flying ability, broodiness
*increased fat deposition: ducks and geese
*brain size
*fertility + prolificacy: increased egg production.
uses of domesticated poultry species
- Cultural:
- in religion and superstition (sacred)
- Egg production: specialized laying hens: 300
eggs per year.
– Laying breeds: White Leghorn and laying hybrids: crossing White Leghorn Lines → Shaver Starcross, White Leghorn × Rhode Island Red→ Tetra S.
– Breeding eggs are produced for incubation.
- Meat production (chickens as food): In
commercial intensive farming for six weeks before
– Meat fowl (broilers): White Cornish, duals purpose breeds (Rhode Island, Plymouth Rock, New Hampshire) and meat hybrids (White Cornish paternal lines × Plymouth Rock maternal lines → Broiler), for 6-8 weeks.
- Meat production (chickens as food): In
- Chickens as pets: companion animals, cocks can become aggressive.
- Ornamental purposes: In Asia, feather-footed
varieties, Silkie from China, long-tailed Phoenix from Japan. Poultry fanciers keep these ornamental birds for exhibition and practical value.
- Ornamental purposes: In Asia, feather-footed
- Zoos: to control insect populations.
what are species specific characteristics of the poultry species?
- Small body
- Short periods of time
- High prolificacy
- High growing-ability
- Good adaptability to industrialised
conditions - Corn-eater
- Efficient production
Importance of meat and egg production of different poultry species in human nutrition
-> Poultry has a major role to play in developing countries.
-> Produce is relatively inexpensive and widely available and chicken meat and eggs are the best source of quality protein, and are badly needed by the many millions of people who live in poverty.
-> Chicken meat and eggs provide not only high-quality protein, but also important vitamins and minerals.
is biodiversity of domestic fowl high?
yes: layer, broiler, ornamental.
where does the brown pigment in egg colour come form?
-> All eggs are initially white. Shell colour is the result of the pigments called porphyrins being deposited while the eggs are in the process of formation.
-?> The brown pigment protoporphyrin (Pr), derived from haemoglobin in the blood, is what gives the shell its light brown colour.
-> However, some breeds have a gene which can inhibit the expression of brown pigment, such as pr, a recessive sex-linked gene.