Cytotoxic Agents Flashcards
What is primary chemotherapy?
For advanced stages
Relieve tumour-related symptoms
Improve QoL
What is neoadjuvant chemotherapy?
Before or with surgery to reduce size of primary tumour
What is adjuvant chemotherapy?
After surgery/radiation to kill remaining cancer cells
Reduce incidence of local and systemic recurrence
CHT administered depends on what?
Cancer type and stage
Previous and existing medical history
Whether CHT was received previously
What does cell-cycle dependent mean?
Kills existing cells when not dividing
What does cell cycle dependent mean?
Cell needs to be dividing to treat it
Why do tumours need to be caught early?
As agents only kill a constant fraction of cells rather than a constant number
What is the Gompertzian tumour growth curve?
Growth fraction decreases exponentially with time
Growth slows due to lack of resources and drug can only kill a certain fraction
What do antimetabolites do?
Inhibit DNA synthesis
What do plant derivatives do?
Inhibit mitosis
What do alkylating agents do?
Induce DNA damage
What do antineoplastic antibiotics do?
Induce DNA damage
What is alkylation?
Transfer of an alkyl group from one molecule to another
What is the mechanism of action of alkylating agents?
Alters double helix shape of DNA - G to T base
Depurination - DNA strand breakage
ds rxn - crosslinking DNA
mismatching of DNA bases - miscoding
What are the mechanisms of acquired resistance?
Increase activity of DNA repair enzymes
Decrease transport of alkylating drug into cell
Increase activity of glutathione
What are side effects of alkylating agents?
Long term damage to rapidly growing tissues
Nausea and vomiting
Systemic toxicity
What are Platinum Analogues?
Alkyl like agent that kills cells in all stages of cell cycle eg. Cisplatin
What is Cisplatin’s mechanism of action?
Acts as an electrophile and forms two bonds to either N7 or N3
What do antimetabolites do?
Inhibit DNA or RNA synthesis eg. Fluorouracil
What are antimetabolites mechanism of action?
Act as a defective version of an enzyme that is used in DNA/RNA synthesis
What do plant derivatives do?
Inhibit mitosis - formation of daughter cells
Require actively replicating cells
What is the MoA of Vinca alkaloids and taxanes?
Microtubule inhibitors
Mitotic arrest in metaphase - leads to cell death
What are anti-neoplastic antibiotics?
DNA damaging agents eg. Anthracyclines
What is the MoA of anti-neoplastic antibiotics?
Block DNA/RNA synthesis
Causes DNA strand scission
Interfere with cell replication
What is the MoA of anthracyclines?
Inhibit topoisomerase II
Interchelate into DNA
Generate free radicals - target cell for apoptosis
Binds to cell membrane to alter fluidity and transport