cycle 6 Flashcards
population genetics
involve many individuals, no controlled crosses, don’t show Mendelian ratios
no selection in a population
frequency of all genotypes stay constant, allele frequencies also stay the same
selection against the dominant phenotype
frequency of genotypes that include dominant allele go to 0, recessive goes to 100
what happens when allele frequencies change?
evolution occurs
change in allele frequencies that occurs from one generation to the next within a population
speciation, the evolution of a new species
hardy-weinberg principle
if a population experiences no selection, mutation, immigration/emigration, genetic drift, and is randomly mating then it is in HWE
HWE allele vs genotype frequencies
observed allele frequencies:
-dominant (p), recessive (q)
expected genotype frequencies:
-homozygous dominant (p^2), heterozygous (2pq), homozygous recessive (q^2)
P + Q = 1
how to tell if a population is in HWE by frequencies?
a population is in HWE if expected genotype frequencies match observed genotype frequencies
why determine if a population is in HWE?
used to predict genotype frequencies, helps to indicate if a population might be evolving or if individuals are not mating randomly
absolute fitness (W)
a measurable quantity, sometimes a proxy for # of offspring
relative fitness (w)
absolute fitness divided by the absolute fitness of the most successful genotype (w=W/Wmax)
-most successful genotype has w=1
selection against the dominant phenotype relative fitness
selection against the recessive phenotype relative fitness
heterozygote advantage relative fitness
heterozygote disadvantage relative fitness
allele frequencies in selection against the dominant phenotype
frequency of dominant allele goes to 0, frequency of recessive allele goes to 100% (fixation)
allele frequencies in selection against the recessive phenotype
frequency of the recessive allele never goes to 0 (because of heterozygotes)
- because selection acts on phenotypes not genotypes
- impossible to eliminate recessive alleles
heterozygote advantage and malaria
heterozygous for disease, mild anaemia but also resistance to malaria
heterozygote advantage
maintains genetic variation, balancing selection, rare alleles increase in frequency and common alleles decrease (for 2 allele system, each allele will reach 0.5 frequency)
heterozygote disadvantage
results in less genetic variation, common alleles have the advantage and rare alleles decrease in frequency (can disappear)
heterozygote advantage and disadvantage
occurs if heterozygotes have a different phenotype than homozygotes (incomplete dominance/codominance)
directional selection
one of the extremes are favoured
stabilizing selection
mean is favoured