CVS centers Flashcards
nervous regulation of heart and bvs ?
autonomic nervous system
the cardiovascular centres found in ?
medulla and pons giving sym and parasymp fibers
the vital centres are ?
The respiratory and the cardiovascular centres
the cardiovascular centres receive from
1- the brain centres
2- the hypothalamus
3-differenrt sesnsory aresa in all over the body
حلقة الوصل لبين الاعصاب المخية القادمة من المستقبلات سواء بارو او كيميكال
وتصلها بالمراكز الدورية
Resistance exercise mena?
this type of exercsie where the muscle contract agnst resistance wiehgt ligiting and body buliding including isotonic and isometric contraction
they are useful for muscle strength and bone density
but they have shown induction in SP and DP causing a risk in people with cardiovasuclar disease !
the phase in which the blood pressure increase in resistance eexercixse ?
concentric phase
aerobic endurance of exercise ?
it is the exercise done in high ointensit for a long period of tine l,ike running and swimming it is useful for cardiovasuclar and respiratory
GR/heart rate increase in aerobic exercise ?
because psychic stimuli
vagal suppresion
sympathtaitc timulation
adrenaline release
high temperature
bainbridge reflex due to increased VR muscles are peripeheral pumps
propiocepritve impulse from exercising muscle from mechano receptors stimulare the vmc
increase cop during the aerobic exercise ?
1- + chronotropic effect \+ inotropic effect because suppresion of vagaus and stimuklation of sympathatic pshici stimuli decrease the after load !
aerobic exercise in bp
increaser sp
DP UNCHANGED due to vasodilaton of skeketal blood vessels
pusle pressure increase but map isligtly increase
cardiac conditionong mean ?
increased vagal tone during rest resulting in decresing HR
زيادة ضربات القلب عند الرياضيين عند الممارسة اقل من الخاملين الكسالي اللي هيقوموا بتمارين هيعلي دقاتهم اكتر
SV increases during rest due to increasted ventricular mass
athletes are less risk of hear fibrosis cell death and heart failure why ?
because of the physiological hypertrophy of the heart under the effect of sympathatic avtitivty and hormones and growh factores
GR/ Aerobic exercise can lead to the good coronary perfusion
that is becaus it improve the ability of the endothelium of coronary vessel o secret prostacylin
and nitric oxide
non pharmacological treatment of the hyperteniso n\
moderrat exercise
انخفاض ضغط الدم بعد التمرين يستمر ل 12 ساعة وده بسبب ركود الدم في الاوعية للعصلات الهيكلية والحشوية
عشان كده ينصح بتوزيع الرياضية علي فترات متقطعنةةةةة ةمن الويم