why some people may go faintaing while shaving ?
That is because carotid sinus syndrome!
the carotid sinus is hyper senstive to any pressure
and this leads to inhibitoin of VMC stimulation OF sympathatic vasodilator system lower BP – FAINTING BECAUSE OF BRAIN ISCHEMIA !
Describe the Cadiopulmonary high pressure type A baroreceptor
it is stimulated as resonse to -atrial systole -ventricular systole -pulmonary hypertension and affects cic and vmc like baroreceptors -Reflex VD -bradycardia -decreased contractility
What is Bainbridge reflex ?
it is a reflex out of low pressure atrial type B baroreceptor causing reflex tachycardia
may be due to direct stimulation of SAN
Increased blood volume venous returem
GR/ low pressure barorecptors type b act an intermediate term regulation of abp
that is because their reflex VD in response to the increase in blood volume and venous return and thus causing increasing the capillary filtration pressure
GR/low pressure receptors has a mixed type regulation ?
Long term regulation because of the VD of the afferent arterioles glomerular
intermediate term regulation because of VD of arterioles causing increased capillary filtartion rate
The attempts of low pressure type B baroreceptors in lowering blood volume ?
Bainbridge reflex casusing tachycardia by direct stimuation of SAN
Intemediate regulation by VD of vessels increasing blood capillary filtration to tissue
long term regulation causing VD of afferent glomerulat aretrioles
decrasing ADH كده يزود ادرار البول
Increaseing ANP يخرج الصوديوم لوحده؟. لا أبدا !
اشرح مختصرا عن المستقبلات الكيميائية الطرفية
Peripheral cheomreceptor
Carotid bodies and aortic bodies
the are stimulated by hypoxia hypercapnea and acidosis
when the MAP fall down below 80mm Hg it is stimulated in respone to hypoxia becasue of decrease of the physically dissolved o2 not chmically bounded
this leads to stimulation of of of ! Vasomotor center !
increasing VR HR TPR and adrenal gland sympathathic outflow causing incresing of the MAP
Peripheral chemoreceptores afferent and centres ?
afferent - buffer nerves
centres medulary cardiovascular centers
Illustrate Bezold-jarisch reflex .
it is reflex depending on the chemoreceptor found in the coronary vessels and stimulated by the pharamacological injection of some drugs like : veratidine and serotoinine and also
Mycardial ischemic heart the dead tissue secretes substances causing its stimulations
and thus causing —- severe hypotension and bradycardia
MAP decrasing to 50 or below refers to ?
brain enters a severe state of ischemia
CNS ischemic reflex describe ?
when map decrases to 50 or below this causes decrasring of blood flow tho the brain and especially the vmc
this cause hypoxia hypercapneia and acidosis and these factors are strong in stimulation VMC causing VC of blood vessels for 5-7 minutes incresaing ABP
Cushing reflex mean ?
this is a reflex to the increase in the Intra cranial pressure causing pressure on the vessels and decrasing blood flow to brain and vasomotor center casuing hypoxia hypercapnia and acidosis this leads to stimulation of the VMC and vc of blood vessels and increase ABP and bradycardia due to baroreceptor stimulation or cic stim
brain has no Vasoconstriction
no autononic supply to its vessel they are almost entirely controlled by local mechanisms
Short term regulation hormonal effect ?
Neurohormonal reg
أدبر الليل
Adrenalmedullary hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine
Posteior putiutary – ADH Vasopressin
Renin Angiotensin system within 20 minutes