ABP Flashcards
Mention what is and what is the Function of arterial blood pressure ?
lateral pressure exerted by blood on the walls of BVS
Opening of the vessel \
driving force of blood to tissue
2 filtration filtration of blood to tissue at capillaries
filtration at the kideny
the blood pressure depend on ?
The Volume ?
NO Volume in relation to the diamtere ( compliance or distenability)
when bp constant ?
if amount of blood entering = leaving
this is not the case!
why bp is not constant in sys and dia
because only 1/3 of the blood of sv entering the vessel during systole leaves it to reach aretrioles
what is the resulut of that the the enrty is not equal what is leaving
SP =120 mm Hg 90-140
DP=80 mm Hg 60-90
المقصود اختلاف ضغط الدم خلال دورة القلب اثناء الانقباض والانبساط
اثناء الانقباض ودخول الدم للشرايين يكون الدم في اعلي ضعط له يوصل لمتوسط 120 بينما اثناء الانبساط يكون الدم مش بيدخل للشرايين ويعتمد تحرك الدم علي elastic recoil فهو هنا هيعدي لبقية vessel اثناء راحة القلب
MAP=DP + 1/3PP=93 MM HG
90-100 NORMAL
The MAP is regulated by
blood pressure reflexes neither systole nor diastole
Why the arterial tree pressure is more or less the same ?
that is beacuse the small resistance in arterires compared to the arterioles and this lead to what ? leads to minimal or negligble amount of pressure lost so raidal art - unlar approximately
pulse pressure
SD-DP =40 MEAN !
30-50 NORMAL
Why is the pressure in femoral more than the brachial artey
it is because the effect of gravity !
increasing Bp below heart level than that of above it by 0.77 mm Hg for each 1cm
GR/ the SP IN abdominal aorta is higher than the ascending ?
that is because as you go peripherally the elasticity of the vessel decrease so the windkessel effect decrase and the systolic bp incrasse and diastoclic decrease
the windkessel pheomenon reprsents the storage of presser in the blood vessel in the shape of dilatation of the vessel this decrsases SP and it can be released during diastole by what is called elastic recoil and the increases the DP
why females during menopause have lower BP?
Why children have less BP
because the vasmotor centre is not well developed so
increasing age – incresae the development of vasomotor tone and it sympathatic acitivty in vc of blood vessel incresaes the resistance and bp
Why is the bp changable during the intervals of the day
because during the morning you are still under parasymp eff after waking up
and during the afternoon the symp activitg take the upper hand !
during inspiration decrease the BP
during insp the intrathoracic pressure decrases and the vessels are dilated so the bp decresase