CVS🫀ℹ️ Flashcards
The right side of the heart receives ..
oxygen-poor blood from body tissues
The right side of the heart pumps the blood to ?
to the lungs to pick up oxygen and dispel carbon dioxide.
The blood vessels that carry blood to and from the lungs form the
pulmonary circuit
The blood vessels that carry blood to and from all body tissues form the ..
systemic circuit.
The left side of the heart ..
receives the oxygenated blood returning from the lungs
The left side of the heart pumps the blood ..
throughout the body to supply oxygen and nutrients to body tissues.
The mass of the heart ..
heart has a mass of 250 to 350 grams
The heart is enclosed within the mediastinum. What is the mediastinum ?
the medial cavity of the thorax
the heart extends obliquely for ..
12 to 14 cm, from the second rib to the fifth intercostal space.
the heart is _______ to DIAPHRAGM.
the heart is _______ to vertebral column.
the heart is _______ to STERNUM.
How wide is the heart ?
is about 9 cm
apical impulse is ?
your beating heart’s apex
double-walled sac that encloses The heart _______
Fibrous pericardium
The loosely fitting superficial part of this sac
tough, dense connective tissue layer of the Pericardium is ?
Fibrous pericardium
The function of the fibrous pericardium is ?
(1) protects the heart
(2) anchors it to surrounding structures
(3) prevents overfilling of the heart with blood
What is serous pericardium ?
thin, slippery, two-layer serous membrane that forms a closed sac around the heart ..
What are the two layers of the serous pericardium?
- Parietal pericardium
- visceral pericardium
parietal layer
lines the internal surface of the fibrous pericardium.
Provide a description of parietal layer of serous pericardium ..
superior margin of the heart, the parietal layer attaches to the large arteries exiting the heart,
and then turns inferiorly and continues over the external heart surface
Visceral layer of the serous pericardium ..
called the epicardium, which is an integral part of the heart wall.
Between the parietal and visceral layers is ?
pericardial cavity, which contains a film of serous fluid
The serous membranes, lubricated by the fluid, have the ability to ..
glide smoothly past one another, allowing the mobile heart to work in a relatively friction-free environment.
The heart wall, richly supplied with blood vessels, is composed of three layers ..
is the visceral layer of the serous pericardium infiltrated with fat.
Is the middle layer, composed of cardiac muscles, and preform the contractions.
cardiac skeleton
The network of collagen and elastic fibers that are thicker in some spots than others providing the reinforcement to the myocardium by attaching its fibers together.
Located on the inner surface of the myocardium, covers the heart’s chambers and the skeleton of the valves, with its remarkable continuity with the endothelial tissue of the vessels that enters and exits the heart ..
What will happen if there is no cardiac skeleton ?
The valves and vessels will stretch because of the continuous flow of blood
The electrical impulses will spread to other specific pathways ( due to its ability of not being excited electrically )
interventricular septum
Separates the ventricles
interatrial septum
Separates the atria
What forms forms the heart apex ?
The left ventricle
coronary sulcus
Also called atrioventricular groove, encircles the junction between the atria and the ventricles like a crown
Anterior Interventricular sulcus
Cradling the Anterior interventricular artery and marks the Anterior of the septum between the left and right ventricles.
Posterior interventricular sculcus
Continuing the anterior interventricular sulcus and provides the landmark of the Posteroinferior of the heart.
The function of the auricles
Increase the volume of the atria
Description of the right atrium
Posterior part formed of smooth wall
Anterior part formed of pectinate muscles which are bundles the form some ridges on the anterior wall
The posterior and anterior regions of the right atrium are separated by a ..
C-Shaped ridge called the crista terminalis
Description for the left atrium
Most of it composed of smooth walls, pectinate are only present in the auricle.
Blood enters the right atrium via three veins
Superior vena cava: from upper parts of the diaphragm
Posterior vena cava: from lower parts of the diaphragm
Coronary sinus: from the myocardium
Four ___________ enter the left atrium
pulmonary veins
The right ventricle pumps blood into the ______
Pulmonary trunk
The left ventricle ejects blood into the _________
Aorta, the largest artery in the body
trabeculae carneae
Muscular ridges marks the internal walls of the ventricles
papillary muscles
Play a role within the valve function, projects into the ventricular cavity
atrioventricular (AV) valves location and function:
Atrioventricular junctions, prevention of the backflow of blood after the ventricular contractions.
What are The two atrioventricular (AV) valves ?
Mitral valve: also called bicuspid valve, has 2 cuspids, located at the left
Tricuspid valve: located at the right, has 3 cuspids
chordae tendineae are ..
Collagen cords attach the cusps to the papillary muscles
Semilunar (SL) Valves are ..
aortic and pulmonary (semilunar, SL) valves.
The Function of the SL valves ?
guard the bases of the large arteries prevent backflow into the associated ventricles.
How the SL valves look like ? And how they function ?
Each SL valve shaped roughly like a crescent moon Like the AV valves, the SL valves open and close in response to differences in pressure
left side of the heart is the ________ circuit pump
right side of the heart is the _________ circuit pump
veins carry relatively ..
oxygen-poor blood to the heart
arteries transport ..
oxygen-rich blood from the heart.
Pulmonary arteries transport ..
oxygen-poor blood from the right side of your heart to your lungs.
Pulmonary veins carry relatively ..
from the lungs to the left atria of the heart.
the two ventricles have very unequal workloads.
The pulmonary circuit, served by the right ventricle, is a ..
short, low-pressure circulation
the two ventricles have very unequal workloads.
the systemic circuit, associated with the left ventricle characterized by ..
takes a long pathway through the entire body
encounters about five times as much resistance to blood flow.
The walls of the left ventricle are three times thinner than those of the right ventricle.
False, thicker
How, then, does the heart get nourishment?
It does so through the coronary circulation
coronary circulation
the functional blood supply of the heart, and the shortest circulation in the body.
The left and right coronary arteries both arise from ..
the base of the aorta
The left and right coronary arteries both encircle the heart in the ..
coronary sulcus
left coronary artery runs toward the left side of the heart and then divides into two major branches:
anterior interventricular artery
circumflex artery
anterior interventricular artery (also known clinically as the left anterior descending artery) ..
follows the anterior interventricular sulcus and supplies blood to the interventricular septum
and anterior walls of both ventricles.
The circumflex artery ..
supplies the left atrium and the posterior walls of the left ventricle.
The right coronary artery courses to the right side of the heart, where it also gives rise to two branches:
right marginal artery
posterior interventricular artery
right marginal artery
serves the myocardium of the lateral right side of the heart.
posterior interventricular artery
runs to the heart apex and supplies the posterior ventricular walls.
Near the apex of the heart, this artery merges (anastomoses) with the anterior interventricular artery.
The cardial vessels and their main branches lie in the ..
The cardial vessels deliver blood when the heart is relaxed.
True, They are fairly ineffective when the ventricles are contracting because they are compressed by the contracting myocardium