CVR🫁💓 Flashcards
What is Gastrulation?
Mass movement and invagination of the blastula to form three layers – ectoderm, mesoderm (middle layer) and endoderm
What forms from the ectoderm?
Skin, nervous system, neural crest (which contributes to cardiac outflow, coronary arteries)
What does the mesoderm form?
All types of muscle, most system, kidneys, blood, bone, cardiovascular system
What does the endoderm form?
Gastrointestinal tract (inc liver, pancreas, but not smooth muscle), endocrine organs
What are the two heart fields and what do they give rise to?
First heart field - gives rise to early structures
Second heart field - gives rise to more advanced things
FHF – future left ventricle
SHF – outflow tract,
future right ventricle,
List some cardiac transcription factors
Nkx2.5, GATA, Hand, Tbx, MEF2, Pitx2, Fog-1
What are the stages of cardiac formation?
1.Formation of the primitive heart tube
2.Cardiac looping
3.Cardiac septation
Describe formation of the primitive heart tube
In week 3, cells form horseshoe shape called the cardiogenic region. Day 19- 2 endocardial tubes form and fuse on day 21 to form a primitive heart tube.
What is the bulbis cordis?
Forms most of the right ventricle and parts of the outflow tracts for the aorta and pulmonary trunk
What does the primitive ventricle become?
Most of the left ventricle
What does the primitive atrium become?
The anterior parts of the right and left atria
What does the sinus venosus in the left and right horns become?
The superior vena cava and part of the right atrium
Describe cardiac looping
-Bulbis cordis moves inferiorly, anteriorly and to the embryo’s right
-The primitive ventricle moves to the embryo’s left side
-The primitive atrium and sinus venosus move superiorly and posteriorly
-The sinus venosus is now posterior to the primitive atrium
Describe cardiac septation
- The one atrium and ventricle are connected by the atrioventricular canal
-Blood exits through the truncus arteriosus
-Endocardial cushions grow from sides of AV canal to partition into 2 separate openings
-At the same time the AV canal is being repositioned to the right side of the heart
-Superior and inferior endocardial cushions fuse to form right and left AV canals - Now blood passes through both of them
How does the heart know to have a left orientated ventricle?
Cilliary motion at the node pushes the protein nodal towards the left. A cascade of transcription factors (e.g. Lefty, Pitx2, Fog-1) transduce looping
Describe arterial system
Conduits of blood; physical properties (elastic arteries) increase efficiency whilst regulatory control (muscular arteries) control distribution
What are Elastic arteries?
Major distribution vessels (aorta, brachiocephalic, carotids, subclavian, pulmonary)
What are muscular arteries?
Main distributing branches
What are arterioles?
Terminal branches (<300mm diameter)
Describe the capillaries
The functional part of the circulation
Blood flow regulated by precapillary sphincters
Between 3-40 microns in diameter
Three types of capillary; continuous (most common), fenestrated (kidney, small intestine, endocrine glands), discontinuous (liver sinusoids)
Describe the venous system
Return blood to the heart
System of valves allows “muscular pumping”
Some peristaltic movement
What is the innermost layer of the artery/veins?
Tunica intima ( endothelium basement membrane)
Second layer of arteries/veins
Tunica media (vascular smooth muscle cells)
Third layer of arteries/veins
Internal elastic lamina
Fourth layer of arteries/veins
Tunica adventitia (fibroblasts)
Outer layer of arteries/veins
External elastic lamina
What do you call capillaries that supply blood vessles?
Vasa vasorum
What are blood islands and when do they form?
Extraembryonic mesoderm
Core of hemoblasts surrounded by
Endothelial cells
Formed on day 17
When does vasculogenesis occur and what is it?
Day 18, formation of a central vessel in the latreral mesoderm
What is angiogenesis?
Driven by angiogenic growth factors and takes place via proliferation and sprouting
from day 18 onwards other mesodermal cells are recruited to form the structure
What drives embryonic vessel development?
Angiogenic growth factors – vascular endothelial growth factor, angiopoietin 1 & 2
Repulsive signals – Plexin / semaphorin signalling, ephrin / Eph interactions
Attractive signals
What do 1st and 2nd aortic arches become?
Become minor head vessels
1st – small part of maxillary
2nd - artery to stapedius
What do the 3rd aortic arches become?
Portion between 3rd and 4th arch disappears
Become common carotid arteries, and proximal internal carotid arteries
Distal internal carotids come from extension of dorsal aortae
What do the right dorsal aorta and right 4th aortic arch become?
R dorsal aorta looses connections with midline aorta and 6th arch, remaining connected to R 4th arch
Acquires branch 7th cervical intersegmental artery, which grows into R upper limb
Right subclavian artery is derived from right 4th arch, right dorsal aorta, and right 7th intersegmental artery
What do the 6th aortic arches become?
Right arch may form part of pulmonary trunk
Left arch forms ductus arteriosus – communication between pulmonary artery and aorta
Describe an erythrocyte
-2-3 million produced and released from marrow/second
-Lifespan 120 days
-Anucleate biconcave discs
-Haemoglobin to carry oxygen
-Millions of antigens on surface (several hundred are blood group antigens)
What is different about the antigens on red blood cells?
They have antigens against the other blood groups even though they have never been in contact with them
What is the antigen that all red blood cells have?
H- antigen, this is the only one on blood group O but A and B have an extra sugar chain on it
Describe ABO antibodies
-Theorised they develop against environmental antigens
-Infants <3 months produce few if any antibodies (maternal prior to this)
-First true ABO antibodies > 3 months
-Maximal title 5-10 years
-Titre decreases with age
-Mix of IgG and IgM
-IgM mainly for group A and B
-Wide thermal range means they are reactive at 37C
What determines your blood group?
The antigens show the blood group that you are. The antibodies are the against the group(s) that you don’t have antigens for. E.g group A has A antigens and B antibodies
What are rhesus antigens
-> 45 different Rh antigens
-2 genes, Chromosome 1
-RHD – codes for Rh D
-RHCE – codes for Rh C and Rh E
-Highly immunogenic
Can cause haemolytic transfusion reactions and haemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN)
What is the most important rhesus antigen to look at?
Rhesus D
When do you have rhesus antibodies?
Only when you come into contact with the other rhesus D antigen
What is Haemolytic disease of the fetus/newborn (HDFN)?
-Rh D sensitization most common cause
-Develop anti-Rh antibodies
-Severe fetal anaemia
-Hydrops fetalis
How is HDFN prevented?
-Detect mothers at risk
-Maternal fetal free DNA
-Anti D prophylaxis
How to test for ABO and Rh D grouping?
Forward typing and reverse typing
Describe forward typing
-Mix patient’s red blood cells with a solution of either A of B antibodies
-If the blood cells agglutinate, or clump together, it means the sample has reacted with one of the antibodies and so is the opposite blood group
Describe reverse typing
-Mix plasma from patient with known red cells and see if they clump together
-Positive is a line at the top of the gel
What is cross matching blood?
Units of blood deemed suitable chosen from stocks available:
Either exact match (e.g. A+ for A+) OR
‘Compatible” blood (e.g. O- for A+)
Mix recipient serum with donor RBCS - indirect antiglobulin test
What does the indirect antiglobulin test test for?
Blood grouping for ABO and Rhesus D
Detects antibodies in patient’s serum
Describe direct antiglobulin test
Detects antibodies on patient’s red cells
? Autoimmune haemolysis
? Transfusion reaction
? Haemolysis due to fetal/maternal group incompatibility
Who can donate blood?
-17-65 years old
-Body weight 50-158kg
-Donors screened to highlight those at risk of infectious diseases
-Also screened for health, lifestyle, travel, medical history, medications
Temporary exclusion criteria to donate blood
Tattoos/Body piercings
Permanent exclusion criteria for donating blood
-Certain diseases
-Received blood products or organ/tissue transplant since 1980
-Notified at risk of vCJD
What can you donate?
Whole blood
What is Apheresis?
Blood removed and externally separated into Plasma, Platelets
Mandatory tests for blood from blood donors
Hep B Hep C Hep E
HIV Syphilis
HTLV Groups and antibodies
Describe separation and storage of the blood donated
-Whole blood donated into closed system bags
-Blood centrifuged to packed red cells, Buffy coat and plasma
-Plasma only kept from male donors
-Plasma frozen (FFP) or processed to cryoprecipitate
-Red cells passed through leucodepletion filter and suspended in additive
-Buffy coats pooled with matching ABO and D type and then leucodepleted to make platelets
What is a buffy coat and where is it found?
The buffy coat is the fraction of an anticoagulated blood sample that contains most of the white blood cells and platelets following centrifugation
Buffy coat is situated in between the plasma and erythrocytes.
What is done with red cells
Stored at 4degrees celsius, shelf life 35 days
Some units irradiated to eliminate risk of transfusion-associated graft vs host disease
Indications for needing a rbc transfusion
Severe anaemia (not purely iron deficiency)
What is the transfusion threshold?
Haemoglobin <70 g/L or <80 g/L + symptoms
Transfuse 1 unit and recheck FBC (unless massive transfusion needed)
Emergency stocks of O Rh D- available in certain hospital areas
Features of platelet donation
Most units pooled from 4 donations
Some single-donor apheresis units
Stored at 22oC with constant agitation, 7 day shelf life
Indications for giving platelets
Thrombocytopaenia and bleeding
Severe thrombocytopaenia < 10 due to marrow failure (150-450)
Transfusion threshold of platelets (NICE)
(all values x10 to the power 9)
<10 if asymptomatic and not bleeding
<30 if minor bleeding
<50 if significant bleeding
<100 if critical site bleeding (brain, eye)
Part of massive transfusion protocol
ABO type still important (units contain ABO antibodies
Describe fresh frozen plasma donation and transfusion protocal
From whole donations or apheresis
Patients born > 1996 can only receive plasma from low vCJD risk (not UK plasma)
Single donor packs have variable amounts of clotting factors. Pooled donations can be more standardized
Indications for plasma transfusion
Multiple clotting factor deficiencies and bleeding (DIC)
Some single clotting factor deficiencies where no concentrate available
Describe the process of cryoprecipitate transfusion
Made by thawing FFP to 4oC and skimming off fibrinogen rich layer
Used in DIC with bleeding, and in massive transfusion
Therapeutic dose: 2 packs (each pooled from 5 plasma donations)
What is immunoglobulin made from?
Made from large pools of donor plasma
Describe normal IVIg
Contains Ab to viruses common in population
Used to treat immune conditions e.g. ITP
Describe specific IVIg
From selected patients
Known high AB levels to particular infections/conditions
Anti D immunoglobulin used in pregnancy
VZV immunoglobulin in severe infection
When/why do you give granulocytes?
Used very rarely
Effectiveness controversial
Severely neutropaenic patients with life threatening bacterial infections
Must be irradiated (to kill T cells)
Describe single factor concentrates
Factor VIII for severe haemophilia A (recombinant version – no risk of viral or prion transmission)
Fibrinogen concentrate (Factor I)
Describe prothrombin complex concentrate (Beriplex/Octaplex)
Multiple factors
Rapid reversal of warfarin
Important things to remember for the safe delivery of blood
Patient identification
2 sample rule
Hand-written patient details
Blood selected and serologically cross matched
Common mistakes with blood transfusion
Patient identification errors are most common
Wrong blood in wrong tube
Lab errors are much less common
Blood transfusion delayed
Too much blood transfused
How to avoid blood transfusion?
Optimise patients with planned surgical procedures pre-op
Use of EPO-stimulating drugs
In renal failure
In patients with cancers
Intraoperative cell salvage
IV iron for severe iron deficiency
Some patients may tolerate lower haemoglobin concentrations and not require transfusion at all
How safe is blood transfusion?
Blood transfusion now very safe
Heavily regulated and monitored (SHOT, MHRA)
Potential risk of viral transmission now extremely low
Hep B < 1:1,200,000
Hep C < 1:7,000,000
HIV < 1:28,000,000
Transfusion-related GvHD
Risk reduced by leucodepletion and irradiation
Problems more likely after blood leaves the lab
What happens with ABO incompatability?
Rapid intravascular haemolysis
Cytokine release
Acute renal failure and shock
Can be rapidly fatal
Treatment for haemolytic reactions
STOP transfusion immediately
Fluid resuscitate
Send to the lab
Must be reported to SHOT
Describe bacterial contamination of blood products
Most commonly with platelets (still v. rare)
Symptoms very soon after transfusion starts
Fever and rigors
Inspection of unit may show abnormal colouration/cloudiness
What is Transfusion related lung injury?
Ab in donor blood reacts with recipient’s pulmonary epithelium/neutrophils
Inflammation causes plasma to leak into alveoli
Symptoms of TRALI
Cough with frothy sputum
What is Transfusion related circulatory overload (TACO)?
-Acute/worsening pulmonary oedema within 6 hours of transfusion
-Older patients more at risk
Symptoms of TACO
Respiratory distress
Evidence of positive fluid balance
Raised blood pressure
How many big squares on an ECG is equal to 1mV?
2 big squares
How do you calculate rate from an ECG?
Rate (bpm) = 300/no. of large squares between cardiac cycles
Rate (bpm) = 300/no. of large squares between cardiac cycles
What does positive deflection mean?
Line on ECG goes up
Shows net current flow towards the leas
What is the Baseline (isoelectric point)?
No net current flow in direction towards the lead
What is negative deflection?
Line on ECG goes down
Net current flow away from the lead
What is the P wave?
Depolarisation of the Atria
What is the QRS complex?
Ventricular depolarisation
What is the T wave?
The repolarisation of the ventricles
What is atrial fibrillation?
Random atrial activity
Random ventricular capture
Irregularly irregular rhythm
What is atrial flutter?
Organised atrial activity ~300/min
Ventricular capture at ratio to atrial rate (usually 2:1 so 150 bpm)
Usually regular
Can be irregular if ratio varies
What is the normal PR interval length?
120-200ms ( 3-5 small squares)
What does an elongated PR interval show?
Delayed AV conduction
Heart block
What does a short PR interval show?
What does a longer QRS complex show?
QRS>120 ms
Bundle branch block most common cause
What is a QT interval?
Measure of time to ventricular repolarization
Time from onset of QRS to end of T
What are the normal values of the QT interval?
Men 350-440 ms
Women 350-460 ms
What is an ECG electrode?
Physical connection to patient in order to measure potential at that point
10 electrodes to record a 12 lead ECG
What is an ECG lead?
Graphical representation of electrical activity in a particular ‘vector’
Calculated by the machine from electrode signals
12 leads for a 12 lead ECG (I-III, aVL, aVF, aVR, V1-6)
What are bipolar leads?
Measures the potential difference (voltage) between two electrodes
One electrode designated positive, the other negative
What are Unipolar leads?
Measures the potential difference (voltage) between two electrodes
One electrode designated positive, the other negative
What does the right leg electrode do?
Neutral electrode
- Reduces artefact – not directly involved in ECG measurement
Describe Lead I
Bipolar lead
Designated so that the positive electrode is the left arm and the negative electrode is the right arm
So if current is flowing from right to left then there will be positive deflection
If the other way around then it will be negative deflection
Tells us what is happening in that direction
Describe lead II
Right arm is negative electrode and left leg is positive electrode
If current flows towards the left leg then there will be positive deflection
If opposite way around then negative deflection
Describe Lead II
Left leg is the positive electrode and the left arm is the negative electrode
If the current flows from the arm to the leg then it is positive deflection, if the other way around then it is negative deflection
What degrees are all of the leads represented as?
Lead I- 0
Lead II- +60
Lead III- +120
What is a normal axis?
Positive towards leads 1 and 2
In the axis range of -30 to +90
What are AVL, AVF and AVR?
Unipolar leads
What axis are the aVL, aVF and aVR leads at?
aVL-> -30
aVF-> +90
aVR-> -150
Is the QRS deflection negative or positive for aVR?
What does lead I positive and lead II negative mean?
Left axis deviation
What does lead I negative and lead II positive mean?
Right axis deviation
What does the right coronary artery supply?
Inferior LV wall
What does the left circumflex artery supply?
Lateral LV wall
What does the left anterior descending artery supply?
Anterior LV wall
In which leads does a problem with the inferior wall show?
Lead II, lead III and aVF
What leads are used to see electrical activity in the transverse plane?
Chest leads (which are unipolar)
What area of the heart do leads V1 and V2 show electrical activity for?
Septal wall
What area of the heart do leads V3 and V4 show electrical activity for?
Anterior wall
What area of the heart do leads V5 and V6 supply?
Lateral wall
What does ST elevation show?
Blocked major coronary artery
Describe the membrane of the heart muscle
Normally only permeable to K+
Potential determined only by ions that can cross membrane
Describe negative membrane potential
K+ ions diffuse outwards (high to low concentration)
Anions cannot follow
Excess of anions inside the cell
Generates negative potential inside the cell
What are the ion concentrations in the extracellular fluid (mmol/L)?
Na+ -> 145
K+ -> 4
Ca2+ -> 2
Cl- -> 120
What are the ion concentrations in the intracellular fluid?
Na+ -> 14
K+ -> 135
Ca2+ -> 0.0001
Cl- -> 4
Describe Myocyte membrane pumps
K+ pumped IN to cells
Na+ and Ca2+ pumped OUT of cells
Against their electrical and concentration gradients
Therefore requires active transport (Na+-K+ pump)
Requires ATP for energy
Describe phase 4 (resting phase)
Sodium forced out by Na/K ATPases. Generates a concentration gradient and therefore a voltage
The setup is now complete, everything from here on relies on passive movement of ions down their gradients.
Describe phase 0 (depolarisation)
Large number of Na+ ions enter the cell, causing the charge to increase from -90mv to +20mV = (more) DEPOLARISATION
Describe phase 1 (initial repolarisation)
Transient outward current of K+ ions leaving the cell causing a small repolarization
Describe phase 2 (plateau)
Calcium channels open, causing calcium to enter the cell and MAINTAIN depolarized state
Describe phase 3 (repolarisation)
Outward K+ current causes repolarization back to resting potential
Describe action potential propagation
Local depolarization activates nearby Na+ channels
Action potential spreads across membrane
Gap junctions allow cell-to-cell conduction and propagation of action potential through whole myocardium
What does electrical stimulation stimulate the release of to allow for muscle contraction?
Contraction of the heart muscle requires (appropriately-timed) delivery of Ca2+ ions to the cytoplasm
Also known as “Excitation-contraction coupling”
Describe step 1 of Excitation-Contraction coupling
Step 1: Calcium influx through surface ion channels
Describe step 2 of Excitation-Contraction coupling
Step 2: Amplification of [Ca2+]i with NaCa
Intracellular Calcium concentration
Na Ca = Sodium calcium counter transporter
3 sodium, 1 calcium
Describe step 3 of Excitation-Contraction coupling
Step 3: Calcium-induced Calcium Release
SR = calcium store
Various pumps on surface of the SR maintain this concentration
RyR on surface of SR.
Activated by calcium, causes sustained calcium release
Describe the Troponin-Tropomyosin-Actin-Complex
Calcium binds to troponin
Conformational change in tropomyosin reveals myosin binding sites
Myosin head cross-links with actin
Myosin head pivots causing muscle contraction
What are the specialist conduction tissues?
His / Purkinje system
Describe the ventricle voltage/time graph for the SAN
Upsloping Phase 4
Less rapid phase 0
No discernable phase 1 / 2
Upsloping Phase 4
Less rapid phase 0
No discernable phase 1 / 2
Describe the drift of the ventricle voltage/time graph for the SAN
Sinus node potential drifts towards threshold
The steeper the drift, the faster the pacemaker
What is the phase 4 slope affected by?
Autonomic tone
What does sympathetic stimulation do?
Increases heart rate (positively chronotropic)
Increases force of contraction (positively inotropic)
Increases cardiac output
What does parasympathetic stimulation do?
Decreases heart rate (negatively chronotropic)
Decreases force of contraction (negatively inotropic)
Decreases cardiac output
Describe sympathetic control of heart rate
Adrenaline and noradrenaline + type 1 beta adrenoreceptors
Increases adenylyl cyclase increases cAMP
What happens to the heart with increased sympathetic stimulation?
Increases heart rate (up to 180-250 bpm)
Increases force of contraction
Large increase in cardiac output (by up to 200%)
What happens to the heart with decreased sympathetic stimulation?
Decreases heart rate and force of contraction
Decreases cardiac output (by up to 30%)
What is parasympathetic stimulation of the heartrate controlled by?
M2 receptors – inhibit adenyl cyclase reduced cAMP
What happens to the heart with increased parasympathetic stimulation?
Decreased heart rate (temporary pause or as low as 30-40 bpm)
Decreased force of contraction
Decreased cardiac output (by up to 50%)
What happens to the heart with decreased parasympathetic stimulation?
Increased heart rate
What does the AV node do?
Transmits cardiac impulse between atria and ventricles
Delays impulse
Allows atria to empty blood into ventricles
Fewer gap junctions
AV fibres are smaller than atrial fibres
Limits dangerous tachycardias
Describe the conduction of the heart
Velocity of conduction
Faster in specialised fibres
Atrial and ventricular muscle fibres: 0.3 to 0.5 m/s
Purkinje Fibers: 4m/s
Describe the His-Purkinje system
AV node -> ventricles
Rapid conduction
To allow coordinated ventricular contraction
Very large fibres
High permeability at gap junctions
What is automaticity?
Spontaneous discharge rate of heart muscle cells decreases down the heart
SAN (usually) fastest
Ventricular myocardium slowest
Describe the refractory period
Resting state= closed -> open via depolarisation
Open -> closed and inactivatable via automatic
Closed and inactivatable -> resting state via repolarisation
Describe the normal refractory period
Normal refractory period of ventricle approx 0.25s
Less for atria than for ventricles
Describe the heart muscle during the refractory period
Refractory to further stimulation during the action potential
Fast Na+ +/- slow Ca2+ channels closed (inactivating gates)
What does the refractory period do?
Prevents excessively frequent contraction
Allows adequate time for heart to fill
What happens after an absolute refractory period?
After absolute refractory period
Some Na+ channels still inactivated
K+ channels still open
Only strong stimuli can cause action potentials
Affected by heart rate
What is the importance of platelets in disease?
- Formation of clot (thrombus) inside blood vessel
- Platelets have a central role in arterial thrombosis
Heart attack (myocardial infarction)
Sudden death
Antiplatelet medications can be life-saving
What is atherogenesis and atherothrombosis?
Atherogenesis- Formation of fatty deposits in the arteries
These fatty deposits then form fibrous plaque and atherosclerotic plaque
Atherothrombosis- the rupture of the fatty deposits and plaque causing a blockage of the artery
Why do we need blood flow control?
Maintain blood flow
Maintain arterial pressure
Distribute blood flow
Function normally
Prevent catastrophe!
(maladapt in disease)
What are platelets?
Fragments of megakaryocytes in bone marrow
Describe platelet shape change
Activation -> Shape change
Smooth discoid -> spiculated + pseudopodia
Increases surface area
Increases possibility of cell-cell interactions
What is on the surface of the platelets?
Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa (GPIIb/IIIa) receptor (aka integrin aIIbb3)
50,000 to 100,000 copies on resting platelet
Describe platelet activation in terms of the Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa (GPIIb/IIIa) receptor
Increases number of receptors
Increases affinity of receptor for fibrinogen
Fibrinogen links receptors, binding platelets together (platelet aggregation)
What happens after atherosclerotic plaque rupture?
Platelets adhere to damaged vessel wall
Collagen receptors bind to subendothelial collagen which is exposed by endothelial damage
GPIIb/IIIa also binds to von Willebrand factor (VWF) which is attached to collagen
Soluble agonists are also released and activate platelets
What is shear flow?
Blood flow across vessel walls causes shear force
What is Von Willebrand factor?
It is a blood glycoprotein that promotes hemostasis (process to prevent bleeding), specifically, platelet adhesion. Initially adheres to endothelial cell, then is rolled until it forms stable adhesion activation
How do platelets get activated?
Many different agonists can cause platelet activation incl- collagen, thrombin, thromboxane, ADP
This leads to:
Shape change
Cross-linking of GPIIb/IIIa
Platelet aggregation
What does aspirin do?
It inhibits an amplification pathway
Low dose aspirin inhibits COX-1 and high dose aspirin inhibits both COX-1 and COX-2
What does arachidonic acid do?
Converted into prostaglandins by COX
What does Cyclooxygenase 1 (COX-1) do?
Mediates GI mucosal integrity
Thromboxane A2-mediated platelet aggregation
What does Cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) do?
Mediates inflammation
Involved in prostacyclin production, which inhibits platelet aggregation and affects renal function
What does ADP do in platelets
Platelet purinergic receptors
Platelet P2Y Receptors- P2Y1 and P2Y12
Different G proteins link to different signalling pathways
What does P2Y1 do?
Activates phospholipase C
which produces protein kinase C and Ca2+
Initiation of aggregation
Shape change
Causes platelet activation
Results in GPIIb/IIIa fibrinogen cross-linking and aggregation
What does P2Y12 do?
Produces P13 kinase and adenylate cyclase
Adenylate cyclase then produces cAMP
Amplification of platelet activation, aggregation and granule release
Sustains platelet activation and aggregation
How is the platelet activation amplified?
ADP causes platelet activation via P2Y receptors
Dense granules release ADP, which causes further activation
Activation of GPIIb/IIIa also amplifies platelet activation
How does thrombin affect platelet activation?
Thrombin activates protease-activated receptors (PAR) on platelets
This leads to platelet activation and release of ADP, which amplifies this activation
Platelet procoagulant activity mediated by changes to membrane lipid bilayer
Platelet activation occurs e.g thrombin activating PAR1
This leads to Ca2+ being released from intracellular stores
This inhibits translocase and activates scramblase which leads to the expression of aminophospholipids on the outer platelet membrane, which allows assembly of prothrombinase complex and generation of thrombin
Describe the mechanisms of platelet activation?
Platelet procoagulant activity: activated platelets catalyse thrombin generation, creating an amplification loop that also links with coagulation (the production of fibrin)
Describe a platelet-fibrin clot
Fibrin strands that surround red blood cells and platelets
What is the Fibrinolytic system?
A dynamic interaction between fibrinolytic and anti-fibrinolytic factors is designed to maintain homeostasis i.e. haemostasis without thrombosis
Mechanism of the fibrinolytic system
Endothelium releases tPA which cleaves plasminogen to plasmin - regulated by PAI-1 to form tPA/PAI
Plasmin cleaves fibrin to fibrin degradation products- regulated by antiplasmin to form plasmin: antiplasmin complex
Platelet alpha granules
Mediate expression of surface P-selectin and release of inflammatory mediators
Platelets and inflammation
Platelets have pro-inflammatory and prothrombotic interactions with leukocytes and release inflammatory mediators from alpha granules
How do monocytes interact with platelets in inflammation?
Cytokines e.g. chemotactic molecules
Proteolytic Enzymes
Pro-thrombotic molecules : Tissue factor
Adhesion Molecules e.g. PSGL-1
How do platelets interact with monocytes in inflammation?
Inflammatory mediators
Adhesion Molecules e.g. P-Selectin
Coagulation Factors
What drugs are anticoagulants?
What is aortal-mitro continuity
means that endocarditis can spread
Main components of the myocardium
Contractile tissue, Connective tissue, fibrous frame, specialised conduction system
What does the pumping action of the heart depend on?
The pumping action of the heart depends on interactions between the contractile proteins in its muscular walls.
What does the Cardiac Myocyte do?
-The pumping action of the heart depends on interactions between the contractile proteins in its muscular walls.
-The interactions transform the chemical energy derived from ATP into the mechanical work that moves blood under pressure from the great veins into the pulmonary artery, and from the pulmonary veins into the aorta.
-The contractile proteins are activated by a signalling process called excitation-contraction coupling.
When does the excitation-contraction coupling begin and end?
Excitation-contraction coupling begins when the action potential depolarizes the cell and ends when ionized calcium (Ca2+) that appears within the cytosol binds to the Ca2+ receptor of the contractile apparatus.
Is movement of Ca2+ passive or active?
Movement of Ca2+ into the cytosol is a passive (downhill) process mediated by Ca2+ channels.
When does the heart relax?
The heart relaxes when ion exchangers and pumps transport Ca2+ uphill, out of the cytosol.
All or nothing phenomenon
Either the heart muscle contracts fully or doesn’t contract at all there is no in between
Key features of the myocyte cell
-Filled with cross-striated myofibrils.
-Plasma membrane regulates excitation-contraction coupling and relaxation.
-Plasma membrane separates the cytosol from extra-cellular space and sarcoplasmic reticulum.
-Mitochondria: ATP, aerobic metabolism and oxidative phosphorylation.
Does the relaxation process of the myocardium expend energy?
Relaxation process of the heart expends energy just like contraction
What does the heart rely on during aerobic metabolism?
Free fatty acids
What does the myocardium rely on for energy during hypoxia?
There is no FFA metabolism, thus anaerobic metabolism ensues. This relied on metabolising glucose (anaerobically) producing energy sufficient to maintain the survival of the affected muscle without contraction.
How are contractile proteins arranged?
In a regular array of thick and thin filaments (The so called Myofibrils).
What is the A-band?
The region of the sarcomere occupied by the thick filaments
What is the I-band?
It is occupied only by thin filaments that extend toward the centre of the sarcomere from the Z-lines. It also contains tropomyosin and the troponins.
Where are the Z lines?
Z lines bisect each I-band.
Describe the sarcomere
-The functional unit of the contractile apparatus,
-The sarcomere is defined as the region between a pair of Z-lines,
-The sarcomere contains two half I-bands and one A-band.
Describe the sarcoplasmic reticulum
A membrane network that surrounds the contractile proteins,
The sarcoplasmic reticulum consists of the sarcotubular network at the centre of the sarcomere and the subsarcolemmal cisternae (which abut the T-tubules and the sarcolemma).
What is the transverse tubular system (T-tubule)?
Is lined by a membrane that is continuous with the sarcolemma, so that the lumen of the T-tubules carries the extracellular space toward the centre of the myocardial cell.
Describe contraction of the myocardium
Sliding of actin over myosin by ATP hydrolysis through the action of ATPase in the head of the myosin molecule.
These heads form the crossbridges that interact with actin, after linkage between calcium and TnC, and deactivation of tropomyosin and TnI.
Describe the features of myosin
2 heavy chains, also responsible for the dual heads.
4 light chains.
The heads are perpendicular on the thick filament at rest, and bend towards the centre of the sarcomere during contraction (row.)
alpha myosin and beta myosin.
Describe the features of actin
Globular protein.
Double-stranded macromolecular helix (G).
Both form the F actin.