CVCAD - CVCAD Flashcards
This drug stimulates cGMP activates guanylate cyclase, which INC intracellar cGMP that dephosporlates myosin. Myosin leaves the cell, Musle relaxes?
Nitrates on smooth muscle
What vessel do Nitroglycerin work on?
Do nitrates affect preload or afterload?
preload, dec. vein capacitance, dec. filling pressue, dec CO, dec O2 demand
Which forms of nitrate are short acting. 3-60min during w/ 1-3mn onset?
Nitroglycerin-IV, sublingual, transligual spray
Which long acting dosage are long term in nitrates?
Oral,SR,ointment, transdermal, Isosorbride monontiredd. ORAL- onset 20-60min, 2-24hr
What is differnce btwn short and long nitrates?
Abort-anginal episodes. Long term- prevent STABLE angina
If Angina persist, what to do?
Take NTG sublingual, if not better w/in 5min. Take another dose and call 911. Take every 5min for 15min
What is major SE of NTG?
Orthostatic hypertension, take sitting. Rebound tach, Headache
What is most important with administration of NTG?
Have 12-14hr breaks d/t tolerance. Don’t inhale. Keep dry
What is dose for Isosorbide monitrate?
Oral SR, 30-60mg QD
Which drugs are deadly interaction with Nitrates?
PDE5 inbitors, sildenafil, and ETOH. Sever hypotension
What binds to L-type calcium channel in cardiac and smooth msk, to dec calcium binding which, relaxes, reduces contractiliyt in heart, DEC sinus node, AV vode conduction?
Calcium Channel blockers
Which CCB agents have most affect on cardia msk, arrhythmias?
Diltazem, Verapimil-NON DIHYDROPYRIDINES-very vanila, red stripes
Which Dihydropyridine has smooth msk affect in migraine HA and Raynads?
Which CCB affect cerebral arterial status. CVA, SAH?
Nicardipine, Verapamil
What is the most concerning with CCB ADR?
Reflex tachycardia. Other, yellow vision, peripheral edema-D, hypotension, constipation
Which CCB agents have dose around 2.5g-20mg QD
MC uses amlodipine, Felodipine
Which CCB agents have dose around 120-360 QD
Diltizem, Verapamil
Which CCB has DI with grapefruit juice?
Felodipine elevated.Aslo, erythromycin and cimetidine
This agent will be INC if used with melatonin?
When compbined with ETOH this agent prolongs CNS Etoh induced side effects?
NO drinking with Verapamil. NO drinking and driving.
These agents should be avoided with CCB non-dihyrdo?
Beta Blockers-INC hypotension, HMG Coa INC rhabdo. INCs DIGOXIN
These agents inhibit Beta1 receptors in heart to lower BP, dec contractily, and dec HR- causing reduced CO?
Beta blockers
What should be avoid in pt with asthma, COPD?
Beta blocker, will block SABagonist, cause contraction
What other organ do BB work?
Lung, Eye- Dec IOP via dec. aqueous humor production
Why is BB avoided in DM w/ inuslin or sulfureas?
Impairs recovery form hypoglycemia. SNS induce signs of hypoglycemia. w/o SNS will not know
Why are lipids inc w/ BB?
Inhibit SNS stimulation of lipolysis
What are BB main affect on treating angina?
DEC workload of heart, less O2 demand, improves filling of coronary aa, some survival
Which med is most effective at dec angina episodes, nitrates, CCB, or BB?
BB! Gernerally 1st, No EVM, prevent silent ischemia. Dec mortiality for HTN, CHF, MI
What BB are best for angina?
NPAM, nad, propan, aten, metopr.-olol,
Which shold not be used for HTN?
Sot, Esm-olo
If your pt has a migraine what my be a proplylaxis?
Propran- tim- PT
What are ideal BB post MI?
The ideal for HF?
What psycholocigal condtion can dec sysmptosm with BB?
Parkinsos, akathsia, GAD
Which two agents have alpha effects where hydrostatic tension is a problem?
Carve and Lab- Labetaol both beta an alpha
M.A. metop and aten-olol
These drugs have high lipid solulbity which may affect depression, due to crossing of blood brain barrier?
Propranol and Carvediol.(Policical Correct Mood syndrome)
Worsening bradycardia and agina w/ d/c, mask hypoclycemia, MDD, and DEC exercise tolerane are ADR of what Drug?
BB! Gernerally 1st
What should be done to manage affect of clonidine if pt on BB?
Monitor BP. Discontine both gradually. BB 1st. NSAIDs dec BB. Avoid cocaine, ergot, sympatomimetics. NO BB and CCB together
What is the dose for metopronol?
50-300 BID, high due to HIGH 1st pass, IV 5m x 3
What is the does for propranol?
40-480 BID, high due to HIGH 1st pass, IV 1-3
What is the does for carvedilol?
3-25mg BID, TID
What is the does for atenolol?
25-100 BID
Which agent is used for chronic agina, when nothing else work. Not for acute episode, reduces diastolic tension, reduce calcium entry, Prolongs QT, DI- Cy3A4, LIVER and Renal ADE, chewed?
What are other antianginal diff from BB and CCB?
Ivabradine, Adensoine, Regadonos
This drug affect the Na/Ca pump cardioselective BB?