CV Pathology Flashcards
R –> L Shunts
Blue babies (R-->L: eaRLy cyanosis) 5 T's: 1. Truncus Arteriosus (1 vessel) 2. Transposition (2 switched vessels) 3. Tricuspid Atresia (3=Tri) 4. Tetrology Of Fallot (4=tetra) 5. TAPVR (5 letters) Worsened by: i. ^ pulm resistance (crying, hypoventilation, acidosis) ii. Decreased SVR: hypotension, histamine, sepsis
Persistent Truncus Arteriosus
Truncus arteriosus fails to divide into pulm trunk & aorta
-lack of aorticopulmonary septum formation
Transposition of the Great vessels
=Failure of aorticopulmonary septum to spiral
Only viable if there’s shunt:
-VSD, PDA, Patent foramen ovale
Tx: surgery
Tricuspid Atresia
No tricuspid valve + hypoplastic RV
Only viable if: ASD & VSD
Tetrology of Fallot
Characteristics: (PROVe) i. Pulmonary infundibular stenosis ii. RVH iii. Overriding aortaf iv. VSD Tet spells: crying --> Pulm resistance --> ^shunt Squatting: ^SVR --> decrease shunting
TAPVR (total anomalous pulmonary venous return)
Pulm veins drain into R heart
Asc: ASD or PDA to allow for R–>L shunting
Ebstein Anomaly
Displacement of Tricuspid valves into RV–>atrializing the ventricle
Can be caused by Lithium in utero
L to R shunts
L to R shunts: LateR cyanosis (due to Eisenmenger)
Frequency: VSD>ASD>PDA
Down Syndrome: asc cardiac defects
- AV septal defects
- tetrology of fallot
*have a lower baseline HR
Drugs that give SLE like symps
- Quinidine
- Hydralazine
Congenital Cardiac Defect asc w/ Fetal Alcohol syndrome
Tetrology of Fallot
Congenital Cardiac Defect asc w/Congenital Rubella
Pulm artery stenosis
Septal defects
Congenital Cardiac Defect asc w/ Down Syndrome
AV septal defect (endocardial cushion defect)
Congenital Cardiac Defect asc w/ Diabetic mom
Transposition of great vessels
Congenital Cardiac Defect asc w/Marfan Syndrome
Mitral Valve Prolapse
Thoracic aortic aneuryms/dissection
Aortic Regurg
Congenital Cardiac Defect asc w/ fetal lithium exposure
Ebstein anomaly
Congenital Cardiac Defect asc w/ Turner Syndrome
Coarctation of aorta
Congenital Cardiac Defect asc w/ Williams Syndrome
Supravalvular aortic stenosis
Congenital Cardiac Defect asc w/ 22q11
Truncus Arteriosus
Tetrology of Fallot
Hyperlipidemia signs
-plaques/nodules of lipid filled histiocytes in skin
(esp eyelids)
Tendinous Xanthoma:
-lipid deposit in tendon (esp achilles)
Corneal Arcus:
-lipid deposit in cornea (ok in elderly)
2 types of Arteriolosclerosis
=Arteriosclerosis (Hardening, wall thickness, loss of elasticity) -small arteries & arterioles 1. Hyaline -thickening of BV walls -essential HTN, DM 2. Hyperplastic -thickening of BV walls + smooth m -severe HTN "onion skin layers"
-endothelial damage of muscular/elastic arteries
-due to cholesterol plaque build up in tunica intima
Abdominal aorta > coronary a>popliteal a>carotid a
-abd: no vasovorum after renal a’s –> ischemic damage
-smoking, ^LDL, HTN, diabetes
-age, sex (M/post menopause>F), FH
1. Fatty streak:
Endothelial damage/dysfxn: LDL enter intima –>
macros phagocytose the oxidized LDL –> foam cells
2. Plat growth factor –>Smooth m migrate
–>proliferate, ECM deposition
3. Rupture –> thrombus formation
-ischemia, thrombus, emboli, infarcts
-peripheral vascular dz
=hardening of BV + thickening + loss of elasticity
- Monckeberg (small-medium, medial calcific sclerosis)
- Arteriolosclerosis
- Atherosclerosis
Most common location of Aortic rupture
Aortic Isthmus (beginning of desc aorta, after L subclavian artery)
0-24 Hrs after MI
2-4 hours: no changes 4-8 hrs: Early coagulative necrosis -release of cell contents into blood -wavy myofibers (due to mix of intact contractile fibers & noncontractile) 4-24 hrs: -Dark mottling -Tetrazolium stain: pale 12-24 Hrs: -Contraction bands -reperfusion injury -->ROS-->^Ca-->hypercontraction -Neutrophils Complications: -V arrhythmia -HF -Cardiogenic shock
1-3 days Post Mi
- Coagulative necrosis
- yellow w/swelling
- ^neutrophils, dilated BV (hyperemic)
- fibrinous pericarditis
- Arrhythmias
3-14 days post MI
- max yellow w/hyperemic red borders
- Clearance of necrotic myocardium
- granulation @ margins
- Macrophages
- myocardial rupture
- ->tamponade, VSD, or mitral regurg
2wks-months post MI
- Completion of collagen deposition
- Grey white scar (type I collagen)
- mature fibrous tissue
- Dressler
- HF
- Arrhythmias
- ventricular aneuryms (–> mural thrombus)
What predisposes ppl to endocarditis
- rheumatic heart dz
- mitral valve prolapse
- Prosthetic valves
- Degenerative calcific valvular stenosis
- congenital defects
Tricuspid valve endocarditis:
Asc, causes
Asc: IV drug use Common causes: -Staph Aureus -psuedomonas Aeruginosa -Candida