Cutaneous diseases of the external genitalia Flashcards
For genital psoriasis, the mainstay of therapy is the use of ____or short courses
For genital psoriasis, the mainstay of therapy is the use of lowpotency topical corticosteroid creams for short courses
civatte bodies are seen on what disease?

Lichen planus (LP). Various presentations of LP on the male genitalia. (A and B) Individual and grouped purple papules on the penile shaft, some oriented in a linear pattern. (C) A white reticular pattern sometimes seen in LP. (D) An annular (ringlike) arrangement with a shiny surface. (E) Histologically, LP is characterized by destruction of the basal layer, a sawtooth rete ridge pattern, the presence of Civatte bodies and dermal melanocytes, and the absence of parakeratosis or eosinophils
___ is an inflammatory disorder of the glans penis. When the process involves the preputial skin in uncircumcised men, it is termed ___
Balanitis is an inflammatory disorder of the glans penis. When the process involves the preputial skin in uncircumcised men, it is termed balanoposthitis
balanitis: When treatment fails, the differential should include
neoplastic diseases, Zoon balanitis, psoriasis, and alternative infectious agents such as HPV
____is an infection of the deep dermis and subcutaneous tissues most commonly caused by negative/gram-positive organisms
Cellulitis is an infection of the deep dermis and subcutaneous tissues most commonly caused by gram-positive organisms (Streptococcus pyogenes and S. aureus)
During surgical debridement for scrotal Fournier Gangrene, the testicles and other structures within the ___ can almost always be spared, although loss of tissue in the abdominal wall may be extensive because of bacterial spread along fascial planes. The indications for adjunctive ____ in FG remain controversial, although several groups have reported favorable results
During surgical debridement for scrotal FG, the testicles and other structures within the tunica vaginalis can almost always be spared, although loss of tissue in the abdominal wall may be extensive because of bacterial spread along fascial planes. The indications for adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen therapy in FG remain controversial, although several groups have reported favorable results
Infestation with the ___ causes pediculosis pubis, a pruritic disorder of the genitalia, which may coexist with other STDs
The standard treatment is the application of ___ to all affected hair-bearing areas with a repeat application___
Infestation with the crab louse (Phthirus pubis) causes pediculosis pubis, a pruritic disorder of the genitalia, which may coexist with other STDs
The standard treatment is the application of 5% permethrin cream overnight to all affected hair-bearing areas with a repeat application 1 week later
Severe pruritus is the hallmark of scabies, often accentuated at night or after bathing. In both genders, the genital areas are commonly affected. Small erythematous and pruritic papules are present, and excoriations with secondary bacterial infection may occur. ___ may be visible and are pathognomonic for scabies infestation. Crusted scabies affecting genital skin presents as it does in other anatomic sites: with thickly crusted plaque(s)
Severe pruritus is the hallmark of scabies, often accentuated at night or after bathing. In both genders, the genital areas are commonly affected. Small erythematous and pruritic papules are present, and excoriations with secondary bacterial infection may occur. Thin, gray or white burrows may be visible and are pathognomonic for scabies infestation. Crusted scabies affecting genital skin presents as it does in other anatomic sites: with thickly crusted plaque(s)
SCCis usually has an indolent clinical course and rarely progresses to invasive disease. When it occurs on mucosal surfaces of the male genitalia, most notably the glans penis of uncircumcised men, this entity is referred to as____
SCCis usually has an indolent clinical course and rarely progresses to invasive disease. When it occurs on mucosal surfaces of the male genitalia, most notably the glans penis of uncircumcised men, this entity is referred to as erythroplasia of Queyrat
Primary treatment of SCCis involves either __ or ___. For accessible areas, such as the scrotum, simple excision with a ___ margin is favored. For areas where tissue preservation is more critical, __,__ and__ may play a role Topical treatment with either __ or ___ can be effective for management of selected cases of SCCis involving the genitalia, although response is variable and the risk of recurrence is higher than with surgical treatmet
Primary treatment of SCCis involves either surgical excision or tissue ablation. For accessible areas, such as the scrotum, simple excision with a 5-mm margin is favored (Bissada, 1992; Margolis, 2002). For areas where tissue preservation is more critical, Mohs microsurgery, laser therapy, and cryoablation may play a role Topical treatment with either 5-fluorouracil or imiquimod 5% can be effective for management of selected cases of SCCis involving the genitalia, although response is variable and the risk of recurrence is higher than with surgical treatme
Bowenoid papulosis histologically resembles Bowen disease except that the abnormal keratinocytes are spread ___
In men, however, bowenoid papulosis generally has a ___ and spontaneous regression may occur
Female partners of men with bowenoid papulosis have an increased risk of ___
are spread discontinuously throughout the epidermis
benign course
cervical intraepithial neoplasia
Although pearly penile papules may occasionally be misdiagnosed as ___, the available evidence does not support a role for HPV in causing pearly penile papules, and no association with ___ in female partners has been demonstrated
Although pearly penile papules may occasionally be misdiagnosed as condyloma, the available evidence does not support a role for HPV in causing pearly penile papules, and no association with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in female partners has been demonstrated
Zoon balanitis, also called ___ or ___, occurs in uncircumcised men from the third decade onward and has an unknown cause Smooth, moist, erythematous, well-circumscribed papules and plaques on the glans penis characterize the disease . Shallow erosions are often present
tx: circumcision or ___
plasma cell balanitis and balanitis plasmacellularis
tx: circumcision topical corticosteroids may provide symptomatic relief, and topical calcineurin inhibitors (tacrolimus or pimecrolimus), topical retinoids, and laser therapy may also play a role in alleviation
Verrucous carcinoma (VC) should/should not be treated with primary radiotherapy. VC is a slow-growing, locally aggressive, exophytic, low-grade variant of squamous cell carcinoma that has significant/little metastatic potential. It most commonly occurs in ___ men on the glans or prepuce, although similar lesions can be found on the vulva, vagina cervix, or anus. Treatment is preferably by ___.
Verrucous carcinoma (VC) should not be treated with primary radiotherapy because of the risk of anaplastic transformation. VC is a slow-growing, locally aggressive, exophytic, low-grade variant of squamous cell carcinoma that has little metastatic potential. It most commonly occurs in uncircumcised men on the glans or prepuce, although similar lesions can be found on the vulva, vagina cervix, or anus. Treatment is preferably by local excision. Primary radiotherapy is relatively contraindicated because of the potential for anaplastic transformation with a subsequent increase in metastatic potential.
The major form of erythema multiforme is called__, which has a protracted course of 4 to 6 weeks and may have a mortality approaching 30%. (6) are the most common offending agents.
The major form of erythema multiforme is called Stevens-Johnson syndrome, which has a protracted course of 4 to 6 weeks and may have a mortality approaching 30%. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents, sulfonamides, tetracyclines, penicillin, doxycycline, and anticonvulsants are the most common offending agents.
___ comprises urethritis, arthritis, ocular findings (conjunctivitis), oral ulcers, and skin lesions. It is generally preceded by an episode of urethritis or a gastrointestinal infection. It is more common in ___ patients. It is associated with ___.
Reiter syndrome comprises urethritis, arthritis, ocular findings (conjunctivitis), oral ulcers, and skin lesions. It is generally preceded by an episode of urethritis or a gastrointestinal infection. It is more common in HIV-positive patients. It is associated with HLA-B27 haplotype.
The triad of clinical features in Behçet syndrome consists of __, __ and __. The ulcers are painful.
The triad of clinical features in Behçet syndrome consists of mucocutaneous lesions of the oral cavity, genitalia, and uveitis. The ulcers are painful.
t/f Epidermoid cysts are commonly found in the scrotum
true,Epidermoid cysts are commonly found in the scrotum
___ is an ulcerative skin disease associated with systemic illnesses, including inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis, collagen vascular disease, and myeloproliferative disorders.
Pyoderma gangrenosum is an ulcerative skin disease associated with systemic illnesses, including inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis, collagen vascular disease, and myeloproliferative disorders.
___ are vascular ectasias of dermal blood vessels. They are 1- to 2-mm red or purple papules and may be the source of troublesome scrotal bleeding.
Angiokeratomas of Fordyce are vascular ectasias of dermal blood vessels. They are 1- to 2-mm red or purple papules and may be the source of troublesome scrotal bleeding.

In tinea cruris, the inner thighs and inguinal region are the most commonly affected areas, and the scrotum and penis are usually __
In tinea cruris, the inner thighs and inguinal region are the most commonly affected areas, and the scrotum and penis are usually spared in men
____ is an uncommon intraepithelial adenocarcinoma of sites bearing apocrine glands. There is an important association between EPD and another underlying malignancy in 10% to 30% of cases.
. Extramammary Paget disease (EPD) is an uncommon intraepithelial adenocarcinoma of sites bearing apocrine glands. There is an important association between EPD and another underlying malignancy in 10% to 30% of cases.