[DEFINITION] What is sensitivity and recognition of the differences and similarities between different cultures and using that sensitivity to create inclusive communication and facilities.
Culture awareness
[DEFINITION] Aspects that can distinguish cultures can include:
1. The _____ they eat
2. Wh___ and when they practice their religion
3. How they co_____
4. Their edu_____ or socio-economical ba_____
- food
- where
3 communicate - education, backgrounds
[DEFINITION] These cultural differences can come with a vast array of in____ and re______ with customers ad staff, and it’s where many businesses are looking to improve upon
interactions, requirements
[WHY IMPORTANT] In a mul______al world, it’s important that all customers feel sa__, we____ and re____ with any service
multicultural, safe, welcome, respected
[ WHY IMPORTANT] When you cater to all cultures you can ex____ your customer reach and allow for more customers, as well as prevent dis_____ in the workplace
expand, discrimination
[ DEFINITION] The understanding of the differences between ourselves and people from other co_____ or other ba____
countries, backgrounds
To per______ our service to the needs of each individuals or different groups
What is diversity?
Based on the standard diversity definition, the types of diversity in a social context are theoretically infinite: they En____ every char_____ that appears with va______ among a group of people
encompass, characterisic, variations
Six elements of diversity and how each impacts the service that we provide ( external and internal client)
- Cultural diversity
- Race diversity
- Religious diversity
- Age diversity
- Sex/Gender/ Sexual orientation
- Disability
How does hospitality contribute to cultural sensitivity?
1. The h______ process
2. Ca____ to f____ requirements
3. Acc______ for beliefs and rituals
4. Acc______ your staff
5, Creating an inclusive bu____
- hiring
- catering, food
- accommodating
- accommodating
- business
Basics of cultural differences:
1. S____ls
2. He_____
3. Ri_____
4. Va_____
- symbols
- Heroes
- Rituals
- Values
6 Cultural dimensions:
1. Power di______
2. Indi______ and co______
3. Mas________ and fe______
4. Uncertainty avoi______
5. Long-term or _____ term orientation
6. Indulgence and restraint
- distance
- individualism and collectivism
- masculinity and feminility
- avoidance
- short-term
Effective implementation of cultural awareness:
1. Accept the relativity of one’s own kn______ and pe_____
2. Be non- ju________
3. Tolerance for am_____
4. Appreciate and co________ respect the other people’s ways, back______, va____ and beliefs
5. Demonstrate em_____
6. Be fle_______
7. Acquire new patterns of be____ and beliefs
8. The h_____ to acknowledge what one does not know
- knowledge and perceptions
- judgment
- ambiguity
- communicate
- empathy
- flexible
- behaviors
- humility
Important tips for hoteliers:
1. Be co______ of food requirements
2. Accommodate religious be_____ and ri_____
3. Educate yourself in cus______ and pre_____
4. Know how to get the best out of your employees
- conscious
- beliefs and rituals
- customs and preferences