Cultural Patterns Flashcards
An object made by a human being, typically an item of cultural or historical interest.
Blue Laws
A law prohibiting certain activities, such as shopping, on a Sunday.
Built Environment
Man-made structures, features, and facilities viewed collectively as an environment in which people live and work.
Centrifugal Forces
Forces or attitudes that tend to divide a state. Centrifugal forces originate in the same dimensions as centripetal forces, but the forces pull the population apart instead of bringing it together.
Centripetal Forces
Forces that unify a state (provide stability, strengthen, bind together, create solidarity).
Charter Group
Groups that are usually distinguished by ethnic group and ethnic identity and those that have played a pioneering role in the opening and development of new territories and immigrant society.
Contemporary Architecture
Refers to building and design styles and techniques that are characteristics of a society or a region in the current time period.
Cultural Appropriation
The unacknowledged or inappropriate adoption of the customs, practices, ideas, etc. of one people or society by members of another and typically more dominant people or society.
Cultural Landscape
Cultural attributes of an area often used to describe a place.
Cultural Patterns
The similar behaviors within similar situations we witness due to shared beliefs, values, norms and social practices that are steady over time.
Cultural Realms
A geographical region where cultural traits maintain homogeneity.
Cultural Regions
Refers to a geography with one relatively homogeneous human activity or complex of activities.
Cultural Relativism
The idea that a person’s beliefs and practices should be understood based on that person’s own culture
All of a group’s learned behaviors, actions, beliefs, and objects. Simply put, a way of life.
Culture Traits
A single attribute of a culture.
Culture Complex
Interrelated cultural traits with shared values, beliefs, behaviors, and artifacts.
Culture Hearth
An area where civilization first began. It radiates the customs, innovations, and ideologies that transformed the world.
The dispersion of any people from their original homeland.
The spread of people, things, ideas, cultural practices, disease, technology, weather, and. more from place to place.
Ethnic Enclaves
A geographical area where a particular ethnic group is spatially clustered and socially and economically distinct from the majority group.
Ethnic Islands
A small rural area settled by a single, distinctive ethnic group that placed its imprint on the landscape.
The fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition.
The attitude that one’s own group, ethnicity, or nationality is superior to others.
Folk Culture
The beliefs and practices of small, homogenous groups of people, often living in rural areas that are isolated and slow to change.
Literal interpretation and strict adherence to basic principles of a religion.
Global Culture
The sum total of knowledge, attitudes and habitual behavior patterns shared and transmitted by the members of a society.
The modification of popular goods for local markets.
Indigenous Culture
A culture group that constitutes the original inhabitants of a territory, distinct from the dominant national culture, which is often derived from colonial occupation.
Material Culture
Any element of culture that can be perceived with the five senses; artifacts.
Nonmaterial culture that has no physical presence. Includes beliefs, values, practices, and aesthetics.
Identity with a group of people that share legal attachment and personal allegiance to a particular place as a result of being born there.