Cultural Influences on Consumer Behaviour Flashcards
Cross-cultural marketing: Standardized vs Localized marketing:
Standardized marketing: Advertisement is basically the same with minor changes to fit the culture (i.e. language).
Localized marketing: Advertisement is changed to fit the culture of where the advertisement is shown.
Individualism versus collectivism:
The degree
to which a culture values the welfare of the
individual rather than the group (also called
independence vs. interdependence)
Uncertainty avoidance:
Aversion toward
uncertain, ambiguous, risky situations.
Power distance:
A cultural dimension that refers to the extent to which people in a society accept and expect unequal distribution of power and authority.
Masculinity versus femininity:
The extent to
which a culture stresses masculine values such
as assertiveness, success, and competition over
feminine values such as warm personal
relationships and care.
Indulgence versus restraint:
A cultural dimension that refers to the extent to which people in a society permits
gratification, fun, enjoyment
Long-term orientation:
A cultural dimension where long term oriented
societies attach more importance to the future
(e.g. perseverance and thrift) rather than
present (short term gratification) or past
Cross-cultural marketing: Taste/Food:
There’s a tradeoff between local adaptation to taste and necessity to maintain brand
image consistency.
Rules dictating what’s right/wrong, acceptable
basic behaviours (e.g. at what time
we eat).
Mores are norms that are considered fundamental to the stability and well-being of a society. They reflect deeply ingrained cultural values, morals, and ethics that are essential for maintaining social order and cohesion.
Ex: Respecting elders
about the « correct » conduct of
everyday life (e.g. utensils used to eat, etiquette, greeting customs, dress codes, table manners).
Set of symbolic behaviours that occur in a fixed sequence
and that tend to be repeated periodically
Ritual artifact:
Item used in the performance of rituals
Positioning products as ritual artifacts:
Ex: De Beers: Diamond rings for engagement.
Standardization (Pros and Cons):
- Economies of scale
- Faster set up time
- Single coherent global image
- Excellent monitoring of communication
- Possible loss of advertising effectiveness
- Little reactivity and little flexibility
- Can create negative reaction from neglecting local needs
Adaptation (Pros and Cons):
- Respects local specifications and expectations
- Excellent local image
- Customers keep their landmark and feel noticed
-Higher cost
- Time consuming (research) and lower speed of execution
- Difficulty to know what consumers really want