Chapter 6: Personality, Lifestyles, and Values ⭐️ Flashcards
The grouping
consumers based on
psychographic, or
behavioural attributes.
Assess attractiveness of
each segment and
choosing which
segment(s) to target.
Deciding how you will position
and differentiate the offering &
create value (i.e. by addressing
needs) for the target
- Marketing Mix & Messaging
Psychographic segmentation:
Consumers’ pyschological characteristics: personality traits (Big 5, needs), values & lifestyles, opinions, interests.
Big 5 Model of Personality:
Openess to experience: curiosity, flexibility, imagination, artistic sensibility.
Consciousness: Discipline, organization, dependable
Extraversion: Outgoing, upbeat, friendly, assertive
Agreeableness: Sympathethic, trusting, cooperative, considerate
Neuroticm: Anxious, hostile, self-conscious
Interview technique to find insights on brand equity and the product category.
- Attributes (=aspects about the product that consumer likes) Ex: No sugar
- Why are the attributes important? (=consequence of the attribute) Ex: Avoid weight gain
- How does it relate to their values and needs? (=values and needs) Ex: Self-esteem