Cuban Missile Crisis Flashcards
Why was Cuba a concern during the 1960s?
Cuba became a communist state when Castro overthrew Batista. This was worrying because Cuba was only 90 miles of the coast of Florida and the USSR were greatly supporting of Cuba.
Who was Batista?
Batista became president in 1934 with the help of America. He was pro America. However he was unpopular with the poor as they lived in poverty. He had good trading terms with America but his regime was corrupt.
Who was Castro?
In 1959 he overthrew Batista. Castor was popular with the poor people and turned Cuba into a communist state. He signed a trade agreement with the USSR. However he was less popular with middle class Cubans.
What happened at the ‘Bay of Pigs’
This is on the Cuban coastline, where they attempted to overthrow Castro. 14,000 exiles faced 20,000 troops supporting Castro. They were easily defeated and those not killed were taken prisoner. Kennedy denied any knowledge of this attack even though he supported them.
Exiles were middle class Cubans who took refuge in the USA.
What was the presidents stamens on September 11th 1962?
USSR decided to support Cuba and Castro. Kennedy warned the USSR or with draw their support. He said he would by any means necessary stop Cuba becoming a missile state.
When did Castro start receiving aid from the Soviets and what resources did they give him?
In 1960 Castro began secretly receiving support from the USSR. This weakened the USAs link to them. The Russians sent over military resources, weapons and materials.
How did America retaliate when they found out that Cuba were receiving secret support from the USSR?
They cut off diplomatic relations with Cuba and refused to trade with them in January 1961. They hoped this would make the Cubans change their policy with the USSR considering Americans owned most of the businesses and had strong trading links.
What did the USA do as a precautionary measure?
They placed secret missiles in Turkey which could be trained on soviet cities.
Turkey and Russia shared a border and Turkey was surrounded by communist states so the could cause destruction.
What did the USA do when Castro exiled people who left for America?
With the help of newly formed CIA they began to train these exiles in their naval bases. They began to prepare for an invasion of Cuba with the aim of overthrowing Castro and re-establishing a pro American government.
Why did the Bay of Pigs invasion fail?
No America soldiers were sent to help so it was made to look like America had no part. It happened in April 1961. There was no popular support for the invasion which Kennedy had counted on. It was a humiliating for the US but increase tension as Khrushchev was scornful of their attempt to oust communism from Cuba. - he was angry that Kennedy though he could attack him.
What did the Soviets do after the bay of pigs?
Increased support. During the second half of 1961 they sent more arms into Cuba. Shortly after this Cuba was name a communist state and as a satellite state of the USSR, which furthered the spread of communism.
What did the soviets start to build in October 1962?
An American U2 plane tool aerial photos which showed nuclear missile sites on Cuba. The Soviets has stated building missile sites just 90 miles away from the USA. Experts said these missiles would be ready to launch in a matter of days and would be able to take out all majority US cities. Tension had reached an all time high. (U2planes reported 18 warships were currently sailing to Cuba carrying missiles - 16th October.)
What choice/option did Kennedy chose regarding what to do in response to missile sites on Cuba. What were positives and negatives for this?
Blockade - a ban on the USSR bringing in any further supplies to Cuba, enforced by the US navy who would stop and search Soviet ships and a call to the USSR to withdraw what was already there.
This would stop any further supplies reaching Cuba from the USSR, which would weaken their position.
Not solve existing problem. The missiles would still be on Cuba even if more were not transported there.
USSR might retaliate by also choosing to carry a blockade elsewhere , e.g Berlin like in the late 1940s.
When did Kennedy officially announce the naval blockade?
On the 22nd October He made a public television speech calling for Soviets to withdraw their missiles and announced the blockade.
When was the Cuban missile crisis put into action?
On the 24th October 1962 the US naval blockade was replaced into place and an 10:32 am soviet ships carrying missiles turned around.
On the 25th October aerial photographs of Cuba revealed work on missile sites had progressed rapidly.
What dinKhrushchev claim about the missile site in Cuba in a letter he wrote to Kennedy?
In the 26th October Khrushchev wrote Kennedy a personal letter claiming that they were a defensive strategy no an aggressive one. He appealed to Kennedy the remove the blockade and not invade Cuba and hinged would remove the missile sites.
During the course of many letters between the 26th-28th October what agreement was made?
They came to the conclusion that the blockade w Utd be removed and the Cuban missile sites would be dismantled this was announced to the rest of the world and the missile sites in Turkey would be taken down in secret so the public would not know about this.
Results of the crisis for Kennedy?
Kennedy increased his reputation at home and worldwide by avoiding war and forcing Khrushchev to back down.
He had stood up to the Soviets and forced them to back down; his prestige in the West increased enormously.
He was recognised as the present that began to bring a thaw to the Cold War.
Results of the crisis for Khrushchev?
He claimed that he had achieved the aim of preventing an American invasion in Cuba.
Khrushchev was the real winner. He had guaranteed the safety of communist Cuba and hit rid of American missiles in Turkey.
Cuba remained communist and highly armed but nuclear missiles were withdrawn under the UN.
Cuba remained a useful ally in ‘Uncle Sams backyard’ the fact that he was forced to back down was forgotten. Instead his role as a responsible peacemaker, willing to take the first step towards compromise was highlighted.
Results of the crisis for the Cold War?
Both leaders realised how close they had come to a nuclear war. To try to prevent smother crisis they set up a telephone hotline from the kremlin to the Whitehouse in June 1963. They did this so the leaders could discuss matters directly and prevent crises from escalating in the future. The also attempted to improve relationship agreed to a nuclear test ban in 1963 to control the arms race.
It was a triumph for the next generation not the government or particular people. -Robert Kennedy
The crisis helped stabilise east-west relations.