Cuban missile crisis, 1962 Flashcards
What two countries emerged as superpowers in the 1960s
the US and the Soviet Union
Who led a communist revolution in Cuba, 1959
Fidel Castro, causing thousands of Cubans to flee the United States
The Bay of Pigs Invasion
the US became worried as Cuba received increased amounts of aid from the Soviet Union
In 1961, JFK approved of a plan to overthrow Castros government with the help of Cuban exiles
Was the bay of pigs a success
The exiles landed at the Bay of Pigs in Southern Cuba where they were easily defeated by Cuban forces, strengthening Fidel Castro and embarrassing the United States.
what happened to the Americans who were found in the bay of pigs invasion n
A few Americans, two of whom were eventually executed, were arrested in April 1961. They were accused by the Cuban government of smuggling guns to anti-Communist rebels a few days before the Bay of Pigs invasion.
The Cuban Missile Crisis
The Soviet Union began to build missile bases in Cuba, worrying Americans that we were vulnerable to attack.
In response to this, JFK announced that American warships would stop any soviet ship carrying missliles.
How did the cuban missile crisis end
Upon approaching Cuba, the Soviets turned back.
Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev agreed to remove Soviet missiles from Cuba, and the U.S. agreed not to invade Cuba.
what did Nikita Khrushchev say about the cuban missile crisis
“I found myself in the difficult position of having to decide on a course of action which would answer the American threat but which would also avoid war. Any fool can start a war, and once he’s done so, even the wisest of men are helpless to stop it– especially if its a nuclear war.”
the Organization of American States
the U.S. promoted economic progress in the Americas by investing in transportation and industry.
Cuba is the only nation in the americas that is not a member of the OAS
Peace Corps
American volunteers work as teachers, engineers, and technical advisers in developing nations for two years.
US intervention in revolutions
The US supported the harsh governments of El Salvador and Guatemala against revolutions because they were anti communist
How many people were killed by death squads in the 35 year civil war fought between government forces and communist rebels in Guatemala
What group overthrew the Nicaraguan dictator and started a communist government
the Sandinistas
What did Ronald Reagan think about the Sandinistas
He Sandanistas and supported an anti-communist group called the Contras.
War crimes committed by the contras
the contras however, committed horrible war crimes such as rape, murder and torture.
Thus congress passed a law banning military aid to the contras
what did some governments do to oppose the law banning contras
some government officials illegally raised money for the Contras by selling weapons to Iran. This scandal became known as the Iran-Contra Affair
The arms race
In 1957, the Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the world’s first artificial satellite
Feeling that the U.S. was falling behind technologically to the Soviets, the U.S. created the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), which developed a space program to compete with the Soviets.
When did the USSR surpass the USA in warhead amount
the Soviet Union and the U.S. competed with each other in weapon development.
what was the Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cuban Missile Crisis, of October, 1962, was a conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. This crisis could have possibly lead to the first nuclear war. The Soviet Union tailed the United States in the Arms Race and their missiles were not powerful enough to be launched against the United States.
Why were missiles placed in Cuba
President John F. Kennedy claimed that the United States had fewer missiles than the Soviet Union, but Fidel Castro and Nikita Khrushchev still felt wary. As Premier of Cuba, Fidel Castro, searched for a way to keep his nation safe from a U.S. attack. As a result, Castro approved Khrushchev’s idea to station missile sites in Cuba. The Soviet Union secretly built these sites during the summer of 1962.
how did JFK learn of the missiles in Cuba
On October 15,1962, photographs of the Soviet’s missile sites were revealed to the United States. President Kennedy was briefed on the missile installations the next day.
What did JFK do about the missile problem
He quickly called a meeting of his twelve most important advisors to deal with the crisis. they discussed possible ways to handle the situation. These included: Doing nothing. Negotiate. Invade. Quarantine of Cuba. Bomb missile bases Nuclear weapons.
when were the missiles agreed to be removed
Khrushchev and Kennedy made negotiations amongst themselves and finally reached a desicion. On October 28, 1962, they agreed to remove all missiles and put the crisis to rest.
what did JFK do as president
As President, it was up to Kennedy to decide whether or not to react to the serious nuclear threat from the Soviet Union. He agreed never to invade Cuba and remove all missiles stationed in Turkey in order to bring the Cuban Missile Crisis to an end.
Why was Nikita Khrushchev removed from office
High Communist party officials were displeased with the agreement between the two. A couple years later, after further discontent, he was removed from office
Fidel Castro
Fidel Castro became dictator of Cuba in 1959. When Castro came into office, Cuba’s relations with the United States weakened.
He did not have a say in the outcome of the cuban missile crisis
the US government’s plans to remove Fidel Castro
These attempts included the Bay of Pigs Invasion, which failed, a military exercise in 1962, and a mock invasion of a Caribbean island. The United States also developed a plan to invade Cuba in order to make Castro nervous. The CIA too tried to destroy Castro’s government. As a result, Castro was assured the U.S. was serious about invading Cuba. from power
what planes were used to capture photos of missile sites in Cuba
U-2 (Spy Plane)