Cs FInals Flashcards
allows users
to access one another ‘s hard drives or cloud storage and
exchange files directly via a file shar in g program
peer-to-peer (P2P) networksometimes called a file sharing network,
allows users connected to a network to exchange money
from one account to another via transmission media.
Electronic funds transfer (EFT)
home users with the following capabilities
Multiple users can share a single Internet connection.
* Files on each computer, such as photos, can be shared.
* Multiple computers can share a single hardware
resource, such as a pr in ter.
* Game consoles can connect to the Internet to facilitate
on line gamin g
Home Networks
can be small or
large and can exist in o ne or multiple buildings. Networks
provide the following advantages to businesses:
* Facili tate communication among employees
* Share hardware, such as printers and scann ers
* Share data, information, and software with one another
* Centra ll y store and back up cr itical informatio
Business networks
sends signals and data through
cables, wh i ch may have to travel through fl oors and walls
to connect to other n etwork devices.
wired network
sends signals
through airwaves and usually does not require cables.
wireless network
is a network standard
that defines how high-speed cellular transmissions use
broadcast radio to transmit data for mobile communications.
LTE (Long Term Evolution)
requires a combination of hardware and software to operate. Smaller networks usually require simple hardware and can rely on the operating system’s features to connect to other devices on the network,
Connects the sending device to transmission media
Communications device
Accepts the transmission of data, instructions, or information
Receiving device
Two basic categories of networks
home and business
exist within a single building, are easy to install and
configure, and are accessed by only a few user
Home networks
meant to accommodate
many users and large amounts of data a nd can be spread
across many buildings
Business networks
Initiates an instruction to transmit data, instructions or information
Sending device
Means by which the data, instructions, or information travel
Sending device
Means by which the data, instructions, or information travel
transmission media, or communications channel
name of receiving data
downstream rate
name of sending
upstream rate (
s a navigation system
that consists of one or more earth-based receivers that
accept and analyze signals sent by satellites in order to
determine the receiver’s geographic location.
GPS (global positioning system) i
Help users establish a connection to another computer,
mobile device, or network
* Manage the Transmission of data, instructions, and
* Provide an interface for users to communicate with one
Communications software
(the method by which computers and
devices are physicalJy arranged on a network)
(the log ical d es i gn of all devices on a
network architecture
one or more comp uters
act as a server and the oth er co mputers on the network
request resour ces from the server
client/server network,
is a computer or mobile device on
the network that relies on the server for its reso urces.
netwo rk is a network archit ec tur e
that typica ll y connects a small number of computers,
often fewer than 10.
A peer-to-peer (P2P)
All de vices attach to a cent ral cable, called a bus, that carries t he data.
If the bus fails, the devices on the net work will no longer be ab le to
communicate .
Bus network
All devices interconnect with one another. If a single de vice on the
network fails, the rest of the net work wil l continue to function by
communicat ing via an alternate route.
Mesh network
(each device on the network is connected to every
other device on the network)
Full mesh topology
(each device
may or may not be connected to all other devices on the network)
partial mesh technology
Data travels from one device to the next in a sequential fashion
Ring network
Each device on the network is attached to a central device
Star network
is a type of P2P network where users share files with
one another over the Internet.
Internet peer-to-peer (Internet P2P) network
Networ ks are configured in all sizes
and can be defined by n ot only th e num ber of devices th ey
co nnect or ph ys i ca l/l ogical arrangeme nt but also by their
geographic footprint.
Geographic Reach
connects person al
digital devices within a range of approximately
30 feet
personal area network (PAN)
is a fo rm of personal area
n etwork th at consists of sma ll , li ghtweight biosensors
implanted in th e bod y
body area network (BAN)
specifies the amount of data your provider offers you per monht
data plan
define guidelin es that specify th e
way computers access a network, the type(s) of hardware
used, data transmi ss ion speeds, and the types of cable and
wireless technology used.
Network standards
is a standard that
outlines characteristics of how devices communicate on
a network, such as data format, coding schemes, error
handling, and the sequence in which data transfers over
the netwo rk .
standard controls how network
interface cards (1\TJCs), routers, and modems share access
to cabl es and phone lines, as well as dictates how to
transmit data.
that defines how business documents
travel across transmi ssi on media.
EDI (electronic
data interchange),
which is a set of protocols that is used by all computers
and devices on the Internet
(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol),
omputers and devices that have the appropriate
wireless capability can communicate via radio waves with
other computers or devices using
is a series of network standards that
specifies how two wireless devices communicate over the
air with each other.
- 11
is a network protocol that defines
how two Bluetooth devices use short-range radio waves
to transm it data.
Devices communicat i ng with one another over a short range (usual ly less than 30 feet /9 meters)
Remote controls or other data transmission within close proximity
Used in credit cards, smartphones, and ticke ts to faci l itate close- range communication
NFC( near field communication)
is a network stand ard
that specifies how two UWB devices use short-range
radio waves to communicate at ru gh speeds with each
UWB (ultra-wideband)
standard to
transmit data wirelessly to each other via infrared (IR)
li g ht waves
lrDA (Infrared Data Association)
is a protocol
that defines how a network uses radio signals to communicate
with a tag placed in or attached to an object, an animal, or a
RFID (radio frequency Identificaiton
is a protocol,
based on RFID, that defines how a netwo rk uses
close-range radio signals to communi cate between two
devices or objects equipped wi th NFC t echn ol ogy
NFC (near field communications)
can be computers, tablets,
mobile phones, printers, game consoles, or smart home
Nodes, or devices on a network,
called a broadband modem, is a commun ications device
that sends and receives data and information to and
from a digital line.
digital modem ,
uses a cable TV Connection
A cable modem
uses sta nd ard copper telephone
wir ing
DSL modem
is a broadband modem that sends
digital data and information from a computer to an
ISDN li ne
ISDN (Integrated Services Dig ital
Network) modem
is a type of always-on physical connection
that is established between two communications
dedicated line
a process that combines multiple anal og or digital signals
into a single signal over a shared medium, such as a cable.
enters a building through a single line, usually
a coaxial cable, which connects to a modem
that typically attaches to your computer via an
Ethernet cable
The CATV signal
transmits on existing
standard copper phone wiring.
DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)
is a type of DSL that
supports faster downstream rates than upstream
ADSL (asymmetric digital subscriber line)
to both a circuit-switched te lephone network
system and a set of communication standards
used to transmit data, voice, and signal i ng.
ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)
uses fiber-optic
cable to provide extremely high-speed Internet
access to a user’s physical permanent location
FTTP (Fiber to the Premises)
multiplexing so that multiple signals share the
Digital T-carrier lines
provide very fast data transfer
rates. Only medium to large companies usual ly can
afford the investment in ___________ lines because
these lines are so expensive.
T-carrier lines
which is an amplifier used to
im prove reception and extend the range, for your
wireless rout er or wireless access point.
booster , (repeater)
Ga i ns admin istra tor-leve l, or root-level, access to a computer or network without the system or users detecti ng its
devices are one or more hard drives that
connect directly to a network and provide a centralized
location for storing programs and data on large and
small networks.
network attached storage (NAS)
a series of numbers and/or letters some-
times also referred to as a network security key, to encrypt
data sent between devices
wireless network key,
constantly assesses the status of a network and
sends an email or text message, usually to the network
administrator, when it detects a problem.
Network monitoring
software monitors and logs packet traffic
for later analysis. Packet sniffing can detect problems, such
as why network traffic is flowing slowly
packet sniffer
, which occurs when cyberthieves tap into home
routers or cable modems or other Internet access points
to intercept a paid Internet service
IP hijacking
which occurs when
cyberthieves exp loit Bluetooth devices that have been paired. Hackers can intercept the signa ls, then ta ke control and read or download persona l data,
place calls, monitor con versations, re view text and ema il messages, and modi fy contacts
is to plan, design,
purchase equipment for, set up, secure, and maintain a
network administrator
It developed a code
of ethics for system operators that provides standards for
network administrators.
have access to vast amounts of data that needs to be protected.
Network administrator
provider is a third-pa rty business that prov ides networking services, such as EDI services,
secure data and information transfer, storage, or email programs.
value-added network (VAN )
which is a pane in a program window that
lets you move between objects
navigation pane,
is a crucial component of most organizations,
are relied upon to perform the critical job of
organizing this data, making it easily accessible when
needed, and ensuring the data is kept safe and secure
or database program, is software that
allows you to create, access, and manage a database.
database management
system (DBMS),
is a field that
uniquely identifies each record in a table, such as Student
primary key
occurs when you store the
same data in more than one place.
Data redundancy
acts as a portal fo r a database, enables governme nt agenci es ,
schools, and compani es to share information with a wide
database service, or a website
class ify data in a hierarchy. Each higher level
of data consists of one or more it ems from the lower leve l
Information technology (IT)
in Access, is a collection of related
records stored on a storage medium, such as a hard drive,
or on cloud storage
data file, ca ll ed a table
In the ASCII
coding scheme, each byte re presents a
Single character
is a combination of one or
more related characters or byt es and is th e small es t unit
of data a user accesses
uniquely identifi es
each fi eld
field name
is a group of related fields
is the highest level in the data hierarchy,
as it contains fields and records
extracts data from a database
based on specified criteria, or conditions, for one or
more fields
A query
, where each field was spaced
out on the screen to make it easier to interact with and
data entry form
specifies the kind of data a field can contain and how the field is used
data type
Unique number automatically assigned
by the DBMS to each added record
Lengthy text entries, which may or may not
include separate paragraphs; also called l ong tex
Photo, audio, video, or a document created
in other programs or apps, such as word processing
or spreadsheet, stored as a sequence of bytes in the
database; also called BLOB
, contains data about each table in the database and each field
in those tables
data dictionary, sometimes called a repository
is the process of comp aring data w ith a set of
rules or va lues to determine if the data meets certain crite-
is a popular query language that allows users to manage, update,
and retrieve data
Structured Query
consists of simple,
Englis h- like statements that allow users to specify the data
they want to display, print, store, update, or delete.
query language
a feature that has a graphical user inter-
face to assist users with retrieving data
query by
example (QBE),
, allows users to design a report on the screen,
retrieve data into the report design
report writer, also called a report
which is a listing
of activities that modify the contents of the database.
uses logs and/or backups, and
either a rollforward or a rollback technique, to restore
a database when it becomes damaged or destroyed
recovery utility
the DBMS uses
the log to reenter changes made to the database since the
last save or backup.
rollforward, also called forward recovery,
the DBMS uses the log to undo any changes
made to the database during a certain period.
rollback, also called backward
is a backup plan in which changes
are backed up as they are made.
Continuous backup
shows how data in one table relates to data
in another table and is one of th e main advantages of using
a database.
is a field in one table that
contains data from the primary key in another table.
foreign key
connects each record in
one table to one or more records in another table.
one-to-many relationship
is restricted to exactly one
record in the table on each si de of the relationship
one-to-one relationship
allows more than one
record on the left side of the relationship to be con-
nected to more than one record on the ri ght side of the
many-to-many relationship
resolve many of the weaknesses of relational
NoSQL databases or nonrelational
(also ca ll ed
key-value stores) create any number of key-value pairs for
each record.
Key-value databases
consists of two related items:
a constant that defines tl1e set (the key) and a variable that
belongs to the set (the va lue).
key-value pair
The screenshots in this module show a database
in Access. Access is designed to work with relational
databases, so it more specifically is called a
database management system (RDBMS )
Th is means the DBMS runs on servers owned by a
cloud provider, and users access the database remotely
through a browser
database as a service (DBaaS ).
is part of a split database that contains
the user interface and other objects, but not the tables that are
needed for an application
front-end database
, is part of a split
database that contains table objects and is stored on a file
server that all users can access.
back-end database,
sometimes simply called the backend
work with the back-end
components to ensure a company’s business data is safe,
secure, and well-managed
database administrators (DBAs)
is a database
object that is created based on a field or combination of
is a series (or chai n) of records stored in encrypted blocks across a netwo rk.
is the process of presenting data graphically
in the form of charts, maps, or oth er pictorial formats in order to
understand the resulting information easily
Data visualization
This check t es ts the data in two
or mor e associated fi elds to ensur e th at the relationship
is logical and their data is in the co rrect format.
Consistency check
ver ifi es
that a required fi eld contains data.
completeness check
is a number(s) or char-
acter(s) that is appended to or inserted in a primary
key value.
check digit
when enabled, requires
the user to add information to a particular fie ld and will
not allow the user to leave a field blank
Presence check
fie ld properties can be
used to va li date data entry.
Field property check
the user to enter information unique to that record
Uniqueness check
Access allows the use of an input mask to
control how data is formatted in a field
Format check